camp Woke up new ♫ Intro

Jun 17, 2024
*+:。.。 Sharp, merciless yellow eyes like the glow of a haunting moon pierce through the shadows, her prey's only and last warning. Within the ferns that border Thunderclan's camp, an enemy lurks. Hungry, determined, with only one goal in mind as she glares at the camp's vulnerable entrance.

"RAH!!!!" Bugkit leaps out of the ferns, plinking on all fours before the patrol, fur just about swallowing her whole with her puffed-up enthusiasm. The girl quickly does a tight little spin before bouncing back and forth, more so to expel excess energy than anything, but if her antics get her clan mates to laugh, then all the better. "Did I getcha? Was I scary? Not too scary though, right? Oh! How was patrol!" buzz buzz buzz, the little bug babbles on, scurrying between legs, pawing at tails, or just happily skipping beside the patrol as they wander in.
The thought that she might be a little too much does briefly cross her mind - not all her jokes land, after all. Still, with the moon soon to end and her sixth approaching right around the corner, she's been practically bouncing off the walls with her excitement! Soon, she's gonna be Bugpaw! When that comes to pass, she might not have any time to happily greet the returning patrols, so she's gotta enjoy it while she can!

Ears snap up through her thick mane of calico fur. "OH! Another patrol's comin'! Be right back!" she giggles, charging back into the fern fronds to repeat the process all over again.

    DFAB— She/Her
    5 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Daughter to Flamewhisker and Flycatcher
    Sibling to Falconheart, Stormfeather, Lilykit, Butterflykit, Scorchedkit, Squirrelkit, Sunkit
    Thunderclan — Kit

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold pink
    injuries: None currently
the gorse tunnel rustles as she steps back into camp, but she isn’t allowed even a heartbeat to relax- a puffball of a bug dashes through the ferns. she jumps around the patrol’s legs, leafhusk blinking down at her. bugkit’s voice is quicky, and squeaky, the warrior’s ears have to strain to really pick up what the words are. simple kit curiosities, she doubts the soon to be apprentice will be excited after a few dawn patrols. "good one, bugkit. you got me!" she mumbles, swaying her tail back and forth.

most kits in the overcrowded nursery stayed quiet, clinging to their caretaker’s fur like a flea. others, like bugkit, preferred to spring around and have a playful attitude. it keeps the ravine lively at least, and leafhusk can’t help but feel somewhat jealous of the childlike wonder, the naivety. how did flamewhisker deal with such a wild child, she wonders as the calico weaves through her clanmates legs.

she smiles, however, albeit lazily, "you startled me, bugkit. don’t worry, you won’t be scaring your denmates anytime with that mane of fur, and the patrol had been…" annoyingly hot. uneventful. "fun?" she finishes, unsure.

like a busy, buzzing bug, the little kit says goodbye and runs back into the ferns. she raises her head, gaze flicking to the patrol coming back, and back to the clump of ferns bugkit disappeared into. she wants to warn them, but she wouldn’t want to ruin the little girls fun.​

Antlerpaw isn't far behind her once stand-in mentor. Leafhusk was kind to her, extending her knowledge when Howlingstar was injured. Since her mentor couldn't be on every patrol, if Antlerpaw had a choice of who to follow out of camp on patrols, she stayed near Leafhusk. Why break what's already familiar?

She's slightly surprised by the kit, but a tiny smile finds her face instead as Leafhusk is 'attacked', Bugkit prancing around her legs. She lets Leafhusk answer, but she slowly nodded with her assessment of the... well, of the 'fun' the patrol was. Antlerpaw hummed quietly as the kit runs off, looking back up towards Leafhusk. "She's probably itching to be out of camp." She meowed, stepping further into the ravine.

The heat was pressing, and it dragged Antlerpaw down with her longer fur. A sigh left her, scarred eyes flicking back towards the entrance. "I remember being that young. I was already an apprentice, then." She murmured, tail twitching. The new code hadn't be put in place, and it was only just after Gentlestorm had let her out of the medicine den with her injuries. She sighed, almost wistfully, thinking about older times.
  • "speech"
  • ANTLERPAW she/her, apprentice of thunderclan, ten moons.
    LH cinnamon lynx sepia with low white. smaller body, agile and slippery, fits really well in small gaps in the underbrush. soft spoken but strong and determined.
    mentored by howlingstar / / mentoring no one
    padding after no one / / sibling to fallowpaw and doepaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

𓍊𓋼 The patrol had seemed to drag on forever. With the sun beating down on him and his thick coat of fur providing little relief, the cream tabby’s paws had been padding along sluggishly by the time ThunderClan’s camp came into view once again. Still, he perks up as he approaches the bramble-draped ravine. He’s excited to return to his family and spend some time with them before he’ll have to go out hunting again. But as his paws cross the threshold into the camp, a noise up ahead catches his attention—Bugkit’s voice rises, joyous and excitable, above the quiet bustling of camp. It brings a smile to Falconheart’s face as he wonders which clanmates the little she-kit is harassing.

It seems the first of her targets had been Leafhusk, as the she-cat explains hesitantly that her patrol had been fun, before Bugkit darts off into the brush once again. Falconheart approaches Antlerpaw and Leafhusk with an amused flick of his tail. "She got you?" He asks the lead warrior in a voice quietly tinged with mirth. He’s glad the kit has begun to branch out in her adventures around camp, at least—even if it means making herself somewhat of a hazard underfoot for some of the less-friendly warriors. But Antlerpaw has a point; the girl is probably desperate to explore the forest outside of camp. Her apprenticeship is right around the corner, and selfishly Falconheart hopes that he’ll get to be the warrior to teach one of his younger siblings all about the outside world. "I bet she’s ready to get out and do some actual hunting," he muses, glancing over at the ferns the kit had disappeared into, before his gaze flickers back to the horse tunnel. Which unsuspecting clanmate will be her next victim, he wonders.

  • ooc:
  • 80687246_bUlIUCNEIyetYd8.png
    FALCONHEART ❯❯ he/him, thunderclan warrior
    shorter than average cream tabby with white spotting. seems gloomy and has few friends, but is a hard worker and never neglects his duties.
    son of flamewhisker and flycatcher ; brother to stormfeather, scorchedkit, bugkit, sunkit, squirrelkit, sparrowpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore

Oh, one of Flamewhisker's brood was this one... and a wild, whirling one of course! She hoped having a duaghter like Bugkit helped Flamewhisker's spirits keep above the water's srface. TO plunge too deep into grief, to drown in pain, it was a terrible, slow thing... a fate any cat should be saved from. It likely would not be necessary... not with a glowing light of a kitten, like this one.

Though, energy bounced off every surface it found- and Leafhusk was that surface as soon as she drifted through the entrance of camp, Bugkit barrelling through and weaving like breeze between her legs. Antlerpaw reminisced, aloud... and Thundergleam remembered the Warrior Code Stormywing had informed her of, a star-glimmer in a wandering mind. Yes, yes... it had not always been the law of the land that kittens be six moons before they were apprenticed. Even still, surprise glittered in blush-pink eyes as she tilted her head, soft murmuration lilted with a sincere question. "Was it really so recent that the six-moon Code was instated?"

Falconheart captured her attention, then- sylph soft, a twinking laugh left her. Yes, indeed... any two eyes, even one, could tell that camp was beginning to feel to small for little Bugkit. She gave the brown-tabby warrior a quick smile before calling after Bugkit herself, "You shall be a shining star of an apprentice when your time comes!"
penned by pin ☾

to be honest, he does not have the same experience with wanting and longing to be out of camp like most of the kits around here. he was only stuck in camp for less than a moon and before that, he lived outside of it. in the outskirts if untamed territory and occasionally dipping inside thunderclan's to get to other places but rarely staying. his mama isn't a clan cat, yet, and thus he was not clanborn. he did not long for getting out if camp. he doesn't understand the kits that did because he did not have to do it himself. his ears flicked as watched bugkit, waving his paw at her with a big smile.

"hi! are you excited to go out of camp? how come? don't you like it in camp?"

he doesn't get it but then he perks up in thought.

"oh! do you wanna make friends?! is that why?"