
house of wolves
Jul 5, 2024
general tw for canon - realistic gore, inferiority complexes and subsequent trauma, family struggles. all other triggers will be tagged if applicable.


❝ i knew the names of stones at river mouth, crossed giving thanks to their uneasy spirits. i heard killings in the shadows, knew when to turn keen and quick β€” TO TRAVEL IN THE PRESENCE OF THUNDER. ❞
the summer i lived as a wolf, PIPPA LITTLE .

fallacy of starwoven bloodline ; a wild tangle of animalism, out of place amongst the nobility of her lineage. defined by her brutish and self - doubting nature, a being cursed to love like a hound. harshly, bent eared β€” rough and whale - eyed, like something not loving back.

BAYINGKIT, cisgender, she & her pronouns. riverclan.
β€· named prefix baying- by raccoonstripe for the powerful wail she releases upon birth, with -kit indicating her rank.​
CHOSEN FROM : hound / wolflike or sharp, rugged prefixes, ultimately named after her grandmother.
NIGHTBIRD x RACCOONSTRIPE ; biological kin branches to skyclan and riverclan.
littermate to tbd, tbd ; grandaughter of the thunderclan leader, howlingstar and her late partner, gray wolf. niece and great niece to many. cousin to many.​
a lean, doglike woman of thistlethorn fur and dark marbled striping β€” firstborn offspring of two esteemed and long standing thunderclan leads bearing little of their pristine charm. she is a rugged, trembling hair - trigger creature ; more teeth than girl.

large, unsightly black tabby with forest toned eyes ⋆ ˚ 𓃦 Λ– smells like ivy and wet fur. hound-like ; not so much yet the furl of a puffed chest, the mighty strength hidden in the bulk of her kin’s powerful bodies, moon drunk moniker presenting itself in long, wiry limbs and big, round paws instead. born no more than frizzed tufts of black and brown striping, she resembles her grandmother from the moment pink maw gapes life into powerful lungs. bayingkit is born the largest of her litter, born the bulky, forceful firstborn ; limbs lengthen proportionally upon weaning, body sleeking out in a way similar to her parents and it becomes clear that she will be lanky. grown early into teenage uglies and staying there until late apprenticeship, all lean muscle and tight, overtaut sinew paired with big paws on too - long limbs.

she is an uncomfortable sight for few, knobby and stretched thin at the ankles while bulk - ridden at the shoulders. a mismatch of awkward parts and a long, bony tail ; something dredged from the depths of the oak forest, a tangle of ivy and vine that mingle to create something shag pelted, wild. matted in absence of incessant reminder, a muss of leaf rot and old prey blood. she will her body as something to hone, warn - forged, a cutting board for pink - white etchings she earns in increasingly reckless sparring. an early - born mite injury keeps the left of tall, unflattering ear forever crooked, weighing even heavier upon cumbersomely long, slim features. wide, bulky paws seem particularly out of place on sharp, jutting ankles, mitted in a smattering of uneven ivory.

as she ages, cottonesque fur will thin into something long and glossy, forever mussed pantomime of her mother's featherlicked fur. her father spilled upon his mothers slim form, heavy furred and sharp eyed, hefty and sharp - featured all the same. a long, sloping muzzle site prominently along a slim, high - boned face painted beneath a billow of chocolate curl lashes and obsidian striping forming a neat diamond shape at the crest of her skyll. her coat rests in shades of familial chestnut, shadow of her grandmother where ornate striping spirals into loose marble curls at her flanks that never form correctly. she is marred only by flecks of white along the chest and socked forepaw, and a notable smudge along the left of her muzzle. she grows to be roughly the height and bulk of her father, though nightbird’s willowy shaping will keep her lanky.

it will be a long while until she fits her body properly.

↳ genetically longhaired black tabby / black solid chimera with low white & mismatched eyes. generation three ; carrying solid, silver and dilute. able to carry kits. breeds as a longhaired black tabby with green eyes.
design notes : messy fur, should not look elegant or put together. often sulking. right ear is crooked at the tip. will be particularly unattractive until adulthood. thick black ruff must be present at the back of her neck, a solid β€˜maneβ€˜. claws unsheathed.

DESPERATE. ASOCIAL. RESERVED. BLUNT. ERRATIC. UNREFINED. INTELLIGENT. NEEDY. EMOTIONAL. ANIMALISTIC. ⋆ ˚ bayingkit is born longing. silk spun web of expectation and reverence, messy daughter of long - standing elder warriors with never a hair out of place. her birth is nothing qless than starwoven purity, of thunderclan blood run hot with devotion, product of excellence and expected excellence in return. she is a collection of should be’s, of surely’s, of meant to be. firstborn daughter to an undoubtable pairing, to bear offspring that will exceed them. the best of the very best, testament to an unlikely love. while not particularly wanted, they are waited upon with baited breath, nothing but a kindling of stardusted potential.

it is said that love blackens.

in her earliest days, she is a hunched, heavy - eyed kit of tumultuous nerves and blunt, bad manners. certainly so aside more tactful siblings ; she does not want to be groomed, to be corrected, to share. hounds teeth crown settles poorly between crooked ears, ensnared by presupposition like razor wire. she is born untempered, greedy, the first to latch and first to shove a wide paw at searching muzzles. she is a child of want, of hunger and impatience. a perfect child she is not, never spoiled and seemingly never satisfied. a culmination of the parts of her parents they live to conceal ; ugly, both inside and out.

mongrelish, messily furred and forestfire - eyed. she is a challenge β€” known to bite, known to rumble and howl and receive a cuff over the ear for it that only does enough good to last her until the next thornbristle spat between littermates. while not purposefully antagonistic, bayingkit prefers things her way and retains little vocal skill to help her voice just what she perceives to be wrong. she wears her lineage like a metaphorical muzzle, leashed only by the hard cut eyes of her parents and a skull sore with correcting swipes. taught to behave, and for all her rough, animalistic tendencies, she finds middleground in head - hung soundlessness.

quiet, silence follows her like a shroud and she will be a difficult girl to reach ; thrusted with the muzzle of tough love into life on all four paws. she is not coddled, not babied, she toughens by retreating into the shell of hard - eyed apathy. bayingkit will be known ( questionably with affection ) as a stick in the mud amongst her siblings, the grouch stapled at her mothers side while they tussle and play with a characteristic frown. into apprenticeship she is asocialstill, awkward, even, in face of those who humor her unpracticed bumbling. to the unprepared, she is little joy to be around, caught somewhere between a clenched teeth and flitting, suspicious eyes.

she bears all of her mothers standoffishness with little of her sire’s charm ; dry, blunt and unrelenting in seemingly familial sarcasm despite a low simmering desperation for approval instilled in her from early kithood. from an outsider’s perspective, she will have inherited nightbird’s coolness. a steely face, though far less refined than she or raccoonstripe have ever been. perfection is a given for she and her littermates, and bayingkit never lives up. throughout her life, she will see the world through the eyes of a creature who cannot control herself, forever struggling with a brain like a wounded dog. forever ready to snap, forever trained to reel herself in, finding her place in pleasing others, even with her teeth bared.

she will crawl on her belly towards friendship barred by bone - deep discomfort at the prospect of being known, of letting close those she can only see herself untimately harming. desperate for attention and praise, tuck - tailed until angry, until uncomfortable, until, until.. she does not know why she bites.

she is a dog of a woman with age β€” all teeth, all unsheathed claw, string of wild drool at her maw. tethered to thunderclan by the tangle of her veins, heartbeat synced to the forests she’d been born to. she becomes subservient, leashed, pulled forward by an inherent need for others to need her.. and still somehow, she is easily overstimulated, ready to peel back lips and snap if pushed too far. obscene in her ways, totally unrefined, she is not elegant β€” never can be despite the way grace spills from both parents, from her predecessors.

MOTIFS : ❝ regret. to be a rough, unlovable woman confronted with her own need for connection. the feeling of deserving nothing but yearning for it regardless. im sorry i bit you please let me back in please let me back in. if i cannot be wanted, i will be needed. if i cannot be needed, let me be used until there is nothing left of me.
history here]​

& . MOTIVATIONS / her family stretches vine like through thunderclan’s forest, history and legacy embedded deep into the foundation of her clan. if she fails her clan, she fails her family β€” her ancestors, those guiding them into better days. she substitutes duty for affection, for friendship, for anything not achieved with tooth and claw. her motivation is pleasing her parents, her mentor, her clan, her star - spoken relatives to an unbearable degree. she will be too eager to please. it will haunt her every decision. depending on how her development does icly, her morals based on this essential need to be liked can vary wildly.

& . NOTABLE FRIENDS / coltkit,

& . NOTABLE ENEMIES / honeykit, myrtlekit



  • i.

  • 85639607_5td51SGC04Qn0fA.png

  • ” speech β€œ
    a large, unsightly black tabby kitten.
    mongrelish, standing all thistlethorn fur and bared teeth, bayingkit would be thought roguesblood if not for the dogtooth crown she uncomfortably bears. a hereditary haunting lies in the shag of ornate black striping and long limbs that do not yet suit her wide, slouching shoulders ; her fathers daughter, laced in dredge and filth moreso than he’d ever been. a constant, incessant need to make herself small forms in hunched spine and weary, whale - eyed suspicion, communicating mostly in rumbling growls.. bayingkit tends to hold herself with a tuck tailed and trembling livewire of feral volatility.
    teething, easily frustrated with her lack of vocal skill and highly reactive. prone to biting, swatting and general moodiness it is highly encouraged to correct. powerplay is allowed for disciplinary swipes, scruffing and general redirection.


[tabs][SLIDE= ☽ ˚ q ][color=#0e0a09]i. [/color]

[slide=π˜πŽπ” 𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐙𝐄𝐃 π‹πˆπŠπ„ π“πŽπ‘π‚π‡π„π’β€„][img]https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/85639607_5td51SGC04Qn0fA.png[/img]
[/slide] [slide=π“ƒ₯] [color=#0e0a09][b]” speech β€œ[/b][/color][/slide][slide=【 𝑰𝑻𝑺 𝑫𝑨𝑹𝑲 𝑰𝑡 𝑯𝑬𝑹𝑬 】] [color=#0e0a09][i][b]BAYINGKIT[/b][/i][/color][color=#2E1A16][font=impact][b][s][color=transparent]β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”[/color][/s][/b][/font][/color][font=impact] [/font] SHE / HER, KITTEN OF THUNDERCLAN. [abbr=penned by vayle.]NIGHTBIRD[/abbr] xx [abbr=penned by marquette .]RACCOONSTRIPE[/abbr], SISTER TO [abbr=penned by rae .]TWILIGHTKIT[/abbr], [abbr=penned by floppa.]TIGERKIT[/abbr], [abbr=penned by waluigipinball.]STORMKIT[/abbr] & [abbr=penned by alloy]LIGHTNINGKIT[/abbr]. 3 MOONS OLD, SMELLS LIKE DISRUPTED SOIL & WET FUR. PENNED BY ANTLERS.
[color=#0e0a09]a large, unsightly black tabby kitten.[/color] [fright][img width=200px]https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/83627614_Q3xYXBfeLOcwHhP.png[/img][/fright] mongrelish, standing all thistlethorn fur and bared teeth, bayingkit would be thought roguesblood if not for the dogtooth crown she uncomfortably bears. a hereditary haunting lies in the shag of ornate black striping and long limbs that do not yet suit her wide, slouching shoulders ; her fathers daughter, laced in dredge and filth moreso than he’d ever been. a constant, incessant need to make herself small forms in hunched spine and weary, whale - eyed suspicion, communicating mostly in rumbling growls.. bayingkit tends to hold herself with a tuck tailed and trembling livewire of feral volatility. 
[quote]teething, easily frustrated with her lack of vocal skill and highly reactive. prone to biting, swatting and general moodiness it is [b]highly encouraged to correct.[/b] powerplay [u]is[/u] allowed for disciplinary swipes, scruffing and general redirection.[/quote]
