sensitive topics wolf in sheep's clothing — birth


angel face, devil thoughts 03/01/2024
Feb 26, 2023
i could tear you apart if i wanted too , hun .
/ no graphic mentions of birth, but subtle mentions of mental abuse !

Of course.
She grunted, sprawled out across the makeshift nest those brutes had miraculously made for her. She still found sharpened edges and twigs that poked. If she had to say, a horribly done nest, lips twisting in a disgusted snarl. Truly. It was inevitable. Her stomach swelled with each passing week and soon, and now she was giving birth to creatures she didn’t want. If only to keep Mason close to her or risk letting him slip from her grasp. A pity it had come to this, but she was determined. There was nothing she wouldn’t do, even going to the lengths of murdering his family—those pesky brutes and his ugly father. She was rather good at covering up murders; it was how she got Mason to stay with her.

A pained grunt escaped her maw, feeling her stomach contract, muzzle wrinkling in misery. She should have killed them. Pesky parasites. If she did, then where would the fun be in that? If she had killed them, then those awful friends of his would have impeded his retribution, of paying for the sins he committed against her innocence.

She wanted to laugh, crazed and elegantly defined if it hadn’t been for the contractions, withering in her nest—tucked away in the backyard of an abandoned twolegs nest, away from wandering eyes. It was dreadfully boring, sitting there, laying there with Mason at her beck and call. Barely had she had time to mess with Mason, butterflies fluttering in her stomach, watching his annoyingly blank face crumble from her poisonous words. Arguably, she hoped motherhood would look good. It would certainly make her look weak and innocent in the eyes of others.

With another strained grunt, Mason was at her side once again as she spewed hurtful words, giving birth to two disgusting kits. She would have refused, if not for Mason’s tentative licks at their bodies, urging them to her stomach to latch onto a pert nipple, suckling. “I will name them. You have no right to that.” She rasped, muzzle wrinkling with a sharp hiss. She will leave her mark. Something vicious. Something poisonous, Something that he will never forget who owns him. She grinned. “Foxglove and Viper. Wonderful names, don’t you agree, little monster?” She sneered, staring at Foxglove looked nearly identical to her, and Viper who looked like its father. She pouted. “A pity one has to look like you.” She hummed, reaching a paw to prod at its side. A shame it doesn’t look like me, but the name will certainly provide an obvious message, don’t you agree little pests? She thought, staring down at the suckling kits, emitting a yawn. "Be useful won't you?" She muttered, peeking behind a slit hue to stare at her no-good mate.

@MASON @Deidre @halimede
thought speech