WOLF IN THE STREETS ☾✩ thunderclan patrol

it was a particularly frosty morning, even for leaf-bare. the icy morning wind had been biting at her relentlessly and snow and ice were packed into her paws. it wasn't ideal whatsoever, but with the sun beginning to reach higher in the sky they were reaching their last stop for the day. as she walked, nightbird rubbed along barren trees which had successfully knocked snow onto the smoky molly's pelt. the warrior would shake it out every so often only to get dusted again when she went to renew another marker.

feathery tail swishing slowly behind her, she glanced over her shoulder to the rest of the patrol. "let's make it quick, yeah? i'm freezin my tail off out here," the warrior said dryly, cold stabbing at her throat as she broke her silence. it had been an uneventful patrol, she could only hope it stayed that way. any unnecessary chatter between the two clans would only prolong their stay out here, something she was very much against.

//tags @Barkjaw @KINDLEHEART @LIGHTPAW .
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( ) Weaselclaw stays far, far away from the gorge, the Twoleg Bridge, and the river itself, but after the Gathering and the news others brought home about the Clans' skirmishes, he's sought the oak forest boundary. Emberstar doesn't seem the sort to encourage prey theft, but Weaselclaw doesn't trust one of them as far as he could toss them. The tabby's blue eyes are runny with sick, just like his nose, but he cuts an imposing figure through the frost-feathered gorse.

A small patrol. Three warriors and a couple of apprentices. None of them carry any ill-gotten rabbits.

Still, Weaselclaw stares. Purposefully, he leans to mark a clump of heather, gaze never leaving the ThunderClan cats.
shoelace | 18 months | female | she/her | physically medium | mentally medium | attack in bold red

Branchfall moves with a manic sort of grace that can only come from moons of endless energy and leaping from fence to fence. Marking borders is one of the more boring, mundane tasks, and the newly fledged warrior finds herself disinterested. Instead, upon the arrival of others - of outsiders - she perks up, flouncing right on over to stare at them with fiery eyes. Balanced precariously at the scent marker, she wobbles and rocks back and forth absently with a flourish of her tail and a bright, sharp grin. She doesn't speak, only mimics weasleclaw, as though actually doing her job, but her eyes are only on the opposing border patrol. She wonders - absently, hopefully, if something interesting might come of this after all.


It's a cold, long walk. One that Kindleheart isn't pleased to make.

The brown and white tom trails behind Nightbird, wary of what may come. The shared border with WindClan is never the greatest of assignments, a constant worry over Kindleheart's head each time he nears it. The moorlanders always seem to feel the need to cause trouble - from what he'd heard, as of late - and Kindleheart wants nothing to do with it; wants nothing to do with claw strikes and bloodshed.

The tom nods in acknowledgment to the patrol leader's order. Quick, she wants their mission to be carried out quickly. Kindleheart is glad for that. "Got it." He turns to continue working, hoping they're out of here soon enough so he can warm back up in the comfort of ThunderClan's camp.

But he sees them on the other side, WindClan warriors making their way through their own mission. Unease keeps his head low as WindClan's gaze burns into him, making him forget about the cold air he paces in.

Galeforce watched the ThunderClanners in silence from where he walked a little further back behind the rest of the WindClan patrol. With so many cats beginning to sniffle he wasn't particularly keen on risking his health by catching whatever it happened to be. Still, he'd keep up with his duties regardless, just... with a lot less chatter. Then again he was becoming increasingly more closed off, quieter even. He was hardly his usual self.

Tensions were thick, of that there was no doubt. As the two patrols stalked into view of one another, Coldsnap cast his gaze across the scentline toward the Thunderclanners, giving the small group a brief glance before he began to remark his own side. Much like Weaselclaw, between River and Thunder he expected less trouble from the latter given their leaders more relaxed nature, but that didn't mean he trusted them. At the end of the day they were all hungry, cold cats looking to survive to see the next spring, and he didn't expect them to put the needs of Windclan above the needs of their own.

If things got hard enough, if the right buttons were pushed, any group could become hostile.

And the large grey tabby was prepared to deal with that if it came down to it. While he'd promised Hyacinth he'd do better for Windclan, that didn't mean he'd gone soft or forgotten who he was. He was Coldsnap; trained by the lead warrior Hyacinthbreath, the first Windclan apprentice to be given a name in ceremoney, and one of the most brutal cats the moors had to offer. He didn't hesitate, didn't apologize, and if Thunderclan ever got cocky enough to try and pull the stunt that Riverclan did with their prey, he'd happily make them public enemy number one.

But no prey had been stolen, no claws unseathed, and so aside from the general tension hanging in the air around them he kept himself neutral and aloof as he went about his business, not going to be the one to instigate a fight, but ready to end one if he had to.

windclan warrior - male - 12 months - a large, dark grey tabby with yellow eyes

WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ ————————————
Lightpaw had more than reluctantly joined the patrol when told to come along. He had half a mind to tell his mentor to fuck off, then, but dragged himself out of camp with the rest of them anyway. The tom had stayed in stony silence, any given answers clipped and blunt. The golden tom pointedly hung back with the rest of the patrol near the back, glowering off into the distance and letting conversation go in one ear and out the other.

Back to the WindClan border so soon, then, he noted sourly. Lightpaw dutifully began to renew the scent of the border, pausing only when he became aware that WindClanners had shown themselves across the invisible line, staring plainly. He met the silvery eyes of the only one he recognized, although his name escaped him. Sootstar's toy or something. Former toy, based on gossip. "Didn't your mom ever tell you not to stare?" There, a small release of his toiling frustrations, jaw set firm.

[penned by its_oliverr - ]

kindleheart's statement was met with an acknowledging flick of her ear, however, she was unwilling to glance in his direction. more and more of the moorland soldiers greeted their patrol with hard stares. that's all they did though, stare. a feathered tail flicked dismissively in their direction. they could look all they wanted.

nightbird was ready to continue onward, when lightpaw's voice rang out from further back. the molly stopped in her tracks, but didn't send a glare in his direction. it was unlike her to pass up the opportunity to correct her apprentice, but lightpaw was still angry from their spat it seemed. she didn't want to risk another fight by the border so that all of windclan could bear witness to their drama. instead her eyes rested on the tabby tom he called out to. she hoped he would ignore his antics. not because she thought that it would end in a fight if he didn't, but so that they wouldn't have to spend time shooting insults in the cold.

the warrior remained silent, moving slowly to remark a leafless skeleton of a bush. while completing her task, her eyes remained on the opposing patrol, waiting for a retaliation and praying there would be none.
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ThunderClan was so far off his radar of anything worth significance that he almost didn't recognize their smell at all. Given they had a very awkward section near WindClan to mark the border at that just barely scraped Fourtrees he did not often see their patrols if and when they did arrive to do them. RiverClan was full their rejected weak links and SkyClan was a compound for kittypets to play pretend but ThunderClan...they were just ignorant. Every gathering he sees the face of their smiling leader and finds himself thinking the same thought each time: childish. She looks barely out the apprentice den and speaks like she reheared it before in a pool of water. Their apprentices, it seems, were equally as irritating and his ear twitched as the young gold tom spoke.
There was a moment where a dark she-cat glanced at him and he expected to hear chastising but nothing came of it.
"With a mouth like that it's a wonder you have both of your ears still. I would implore ThunderClan to consider teaching their youth some manners."
Did he just imply he would rip an ear off as a penance for such a thing? Perhaps. After all you did have two, so you could afford that many mistakes.
Unlike Sootstar he saved the eyes for last...