private woman taken by the wind {{Emberpaw}}


time to rumble!
Jul 13, 2024
ᯓ⚘ "Ohhh Emberpaw...!" A harsh purr emerges through the persistent chatter of camp, directed towards a muscular apprentice. Oakrumble strolls towards Emberpaw, uneven maw twisted upwards in a soft smile. Personally, Oakrumble felt snubbed when Emberpaw had not been assigned to her... but oh, seeing the apprentice grow into a soon-to-be formidable warrior warmed Oakrumble's heart. She's had a vested interest in the young molly since their joining and has done her best to keep an eye out for the tabby, even if Oakrumble may meet some resistance from Emberpaw.

"Trainin' been progressin' as it should be, hmm?" Oakrumble asks, voice gravely as usual but with another boisterous, crackling purr emerging as her voice falters away. She sidles up to Emberpaw and lifts a hefty paw and places it on a sinewy shoulder, ochre eyes tentatively resting on the scar on her lip. So young... yet scarred already. "I'm proud of you, y'know? I'll be the loudest voice callin' your warrior name." Oakrumble removes her paw and settles down on her muscular hindquarters. The gathering that had just concluded made Oakrumble think of this apprentice's rapidly approaching warrior ceremony and she couldn't help feeling some sort of... sadness about the coming promotion.

Enough sappiness, now. "Emberpaw, you paddin' after anyone? 'Cus ya know you can tell me or ask for advice?" Her eyes twinkle with mischief, Oakrumble knows this kind of talk is not something Emberpaw would be very interested in. But a part of her wishes to tease Emberpaw so that she can forget about the gruff she-cat's sentimental beginning to the conversation. Oakrumble doesn't desire to be known as some sort of pushover.

  • ooc–
  • OAKRUMBLE —— skyclan warrior, she/her or they/them, 56 moons