wonder if she knows we're underwater // reedstrike


  • name ▹ REEDSTRIKE
    given the name 'reed' for his dark brown coat, as in the brown end of a reed. named 'strike' for his combat ability.
    gender ▹ male + he/him
    age ▹ 20 moons
    ages real time on the 1st of every month
    sexuality ▹ heterosexual

    clan ▹ Riverclan
    rank ▹ warrior

    created on ▹ 4/9/2024
    penned by ▹ kelp

  • description ▹ upon first look, reedstrike is an intimidating figure. wide shoulders that set up a threatening frame, filled out with lean muscles under a dark pelt. his coat contains many different shades of brown but most notably a dark chestnut, areas of his coat swallowed up by inky marbled tabby markings. his fur texture is characteristic of riverclan cats; sleek, mainly due in part to his diet of fish. what's not characteristic of riverclan, however, is his dense long coat which unfortunately can take a while to dry in less sunny seasons, but keeps him warm in the cold moons. the expanse of his sleek fur is broken up by the occasional scar, scattered like a star chart across his body. the most notable scar reed is adorned with stretches across his face, marring a large 'X' over his nose bridge, between his dashing amber eyes. despite the large mark that sits square in the middle of his face, reed's face is noticeably handsome, and would possibly even be charming if he smiled more.

    a light cream is splashed onto his chest up to his muzzle and lightly coats his belly and front toes. his paws, while being one of the few areas that actually contain a light color on his body, are one of his most menacing features. they are incredibly large and hold hefty weight behind them, though are mostly used to mess around with his clanmates. it'd be a shame to be on the other end of a serious attack from those bad boys.

    physique ▹ reedstrike's frame is large and muscular, and his tall shoulders only build on his intimidating physique. from shoulder to rump, he's tall and yet not tall enough that he loses out on precious muscle mass that allows him to hit so hard. what he gains, however, in strength and power, he loses out on in speed.
    notable features ▹ the near black of his coat allows him to easily conceal himself in the dark rivers at night
    eye details ▹ amber/orange piercing eyes

    scent ▹ smells like cedar, reeds, and a dash of salt
    voice ▹ deeper voice, a little scratchy

    demeanor ▹ carries himself pretty confidently and throws his weight around when he can. his go-to smile is usually a smirk and the general vibe you get from reed is that he's up to no good.
    scars ▹his largest, most noticeable scar stretches diagonally across his nose bridge and then spikes out under his left eye and above his right. his left ear has a large nick in it and apart from his head, a bunch of little scars are dispersed across his pelt. most of these have all been collected from when he ran his mouth a little too much and felt the outcome of that.

  • personality traits ▹ stubborn / impulsive / passionate / fiercely loyal / observant / a lil cocky / can't keep his mouth shut / soldier

    in depth if you're wondering why he has so many little scars across his body, it's from his mouth. no, literally, he can't keep his mouth shut. reedstrike is cocky and runs his mouth, and thankfully now he can back it up, but that wasn't always the case. as a kit and apprentice, his personality was twice his size and his dedication to messing with other cats, clanmates or not, resulted in his pelt paying the price. despite the fact that he likes to mess with his clanmates, he has a fierce loyalty to his clan and won't hesitate to do anything for them, even if that means killing.

    while reedstrike can be impulsive and quick to the jump, that's because he's rather passionate, really about everything. he's passionate about fighting, pranking cats, catching fish, even when he had to clean the dirtplace or gather moss for the elders because of the many times he got into trouble as an apprentice. (he almost never regrets getting in trouble, btw). reed can also get jealous at times, whether it's over a clanmate or a promotion, but would never undermine another to get what he wants, he's more upfront than that and instead prefers to either ignore his problems or tackle them (literally) like a totally sane person.

    alignment ▹ chaotic neutral
    mbti type ▹ tbd
    hogwarts house ▹ slytherin

    likes ▹ pranks that aren't on him, messing with clanmates, a fat juicy pike, swimming at night, a challenge
    dislikes ▹ being the butt of the joke, cocky people (ironic aint it), smelly things??

    xtra notes ▹ i feel like some songs that vibe with him are high, babydoll, feel it, 16
    colors that vibe are #210D0A, #873427, #CC5623

  • generation ▹ gen 1 (tbd)
    status ▹ single . not really looking for anything serious

    parents ▹ tbd x tbd
    siblings ▹ tbd
    offspring ▹ none so far

    mentor ▹ n/a
    apprentice(s) ▹ none so far

    past partner(s)/mate ▹ tbd
    friends ▹ tbd
    enemies▹ tbd

    relations notes ▹ looking for family currently, update when found/not found!

  • interaction notes ▹ will start & end fights | won't run unless badly wounded or commanded by higher up | won't show mercy & will kill if necessary
    ╰ despises other clans, extremely difficult to befriend if not from riverclan. medium difficulty to befriend if in riverclan.
    ╰ fighting dificulty - hard
    ╰ when attacking, @ this account and underline action.
    ╰ ( + ) combat & swimming | ( / ) hunting | ( - ) climbing & agility

    adept at ▹ he's exceptionally skilled at fighting and battling, any really anything that has to do with his claws and teeth
    inept at ▹ thinking things through. due to his size, he's slower than average and sucks at climbing.

    stats ▹
    strength ◆◆◆◆◇​
    stamina ◆◆◆◇◇​
    speed ◆◆◇◇◇​
    charisma ◆◇◇◇◇​
    intellect ◆◆◇◇◇​

    hunting ◆◆◇◇◇​
    swimming ◆◆◆◆◇​
    climbing ◇◇◇◇◇​
    fighting ◆◆◆◆◆​

  • ▹ if all goes well, one of his parents will be from a different clan, making him a half-clanner, a huge source of shame for him.
    ▹ text
    ▹ ltext

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and it’s an old scar; trying to bleach it out (which witch, florence + the machine)
and i’ve had enough, it’s obvious; and im getting tired of crawling all the way (above)
fire, help me to forget (above)
i gave you my blood, my sweat, my tears; and all you ever did was leave me here (burn by tom walker)
set me on fire just to watch me; on my knees, my heart, it bleeds (burn by tom walker)
set me on fire just to watch me; burn (above)
set me on fire cus you love the hurt (above)
choking on your words; tell you when it’s gonna hurt (gtg by freddie dredd)
hell is closer to me than i thought; i see the visions (the balloons by city morgue)
always lies in your eyes; settles in your action (falling apart by zebrahead)
anything goes but don’t blink; you might miss (somebody told me by the killers)
you’ve got me shaking; from the way you’re talking (sarcasm by get scared)
sticks and stones could break my bones; but anything you say will only fuel my lungs ( sarcasm by get scared)
They used to shout my name, now they whisper it (yellow flicker beat)
eyes dont lie
i've been wanting something i can feel; promise i am never letting up (middle child by j.cole)
ima give em something they can feel (above)
you told me once that i was crazy, i said,”baby girl, i know” (feel it - d4vd)
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[tabs][tab=✧ IT’S AN OLD SCAR][/tab][tab=— TRYING TO BLEACH IT OUT][fleft][img]https://i.postimg.cc/KY8tgBDB/unnamed.png[/img][/fleft][SIZE=3]≫ large dark brown tabby with piercing amber eyes
≫ 20 moons old; ages the 1st of every month
≫ semi-hard to befriend ; doesn't trust easily
≫ riverclan warrior. [URL='https://tabbytales.net/threads/wonder-if-she-knows-were-underwater-reedstrike.13593/']tags[/URL]. #873427
≫ [outline=black][color=#873427][b]"speech"[/outline][/color][/b], thoughts, attacking
≫ light powerplay allowed[/SIZE][/tab][/tabs][/justify][/box]


  • unnamed.png
    ≫ large dark brown tabby with piercing amber eyes
    ≫ 20 moons old; ages the 1st of every month
    ≫ semi-hard to befriend ; doesn't trust easily
    ≫ riverclan warrior. tags. #873427
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ≫ light powerplay allowed
things folks in riverclan can make fun of reed for:
- while his paws now fit his physique, this wasn't always the case. as a kit, they were quite clunky and humorous and are still a sore spot on his ego from when he used to trip over them.