Jul 5, 2023
SkyClan was unique amongst the clans, allowing kittpets to become daaylight warriors alongside those who lived full time in the wild. It was because of that, Cinderkit believed, that her Clan had the most potential for cool stories, considering that cats came from all different kinds of backgrounds. But today was not the day for the daylight warriors to be pestered for a story.

No. Today was the day for a big and scarred cat to tell her an awesome story!

While she didn't like fighting herself, Cinderkit figured that Duskpool would have a lot of cool things to tell her. Maybe he got a scar by saving a kit from a big bad scary creature, or maybe he came from a faraway place and rode on a big giant bird to get here? She didn't know, but she needed to!

Bouncing on her feet, she approached the tom and - politely - asked, "Duskpool, Duskpool! Can you tell me a story, please?"

// @DUSKPOOL sorry it's short!


anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
Duskpool turned, staring down at the small kit with an inquisitive expression, wondering just what it was with kits asking him for stories. Letting out an inaudible huff, he settled, tail flickering to curl around his paws. He hadn’t the slightest idea, gaze flickering to the scars visible against his fur.

“Eh? You wanna story, kid?” He rumbled, settling down further, paws splayed out before him, laying languidly on his side. He wondered what he could tell the small fry, now that she was one of the few left in the nursery, including Pearlkit who he’d grown rather fond of since he discovered her.

With a deep sigh, nostrils flared, claws tapping the ground idly. “Alright then.” He rumbled, molten copper flickered to stare at the ground. “Get comfy kid.” It wasn’t usual that Duskpool would settle down, telling kits stories of wonder, far from the bloodshed he’d witnessed at their age, something he hopes they never would have to experience until they became warriors, and possibly never.

He shifted, pulling his front leg further out, its slight crookedness more visible to the naked eye, but said nothing, instead gesturing towards the scar across the bridge of his nose. “See that?” He inquired, lowering his helm for the other to get a closer look, marred flesh visible against smokey fur. “I was your age when I got this.” He began. “Little older, I guess.” He pulled away, tail flickering. “I was with a group of cats when it happened. Not even the sun was out that day. My old man was out barkin’ orders—” Duskpool never mentioned much about his past, especially cats he’d grown close to then, but it wasn’t like he was tellin’ much of a secret.
thought speech
Crowpaw's muscles ached, Silversmoke was quite the mentor. Silversmoke had taken him to train immediately after Blazestar finished the current meeting. He didn't have time to catch up with his family or strut up to Cherrypaw and chat. Silversmoke simply led him away from everyone, which he will admit was disheartening. Why couldn't he join the other apprentices? He knew that he needed to train, but he didn't expect Silversmoke to take it so seriously in wanting him to excel. Today he was finally given a break by Silversmoke and wanted to visit Cinderkit. The last time he was with Cinderkit was not too long ago. They were playing pretend and even though he was an apprentice now, he wouldn't consider himself different as in he was above kittens. In ranks yes, but he didn't really feel like an apprentice.

Maybe it's something that you grow into. Whatever the case he would languidly pad over to Cinderkit and Duskpool, catching the question Cinderkit had asked his sister's mentor. He simply flicks his tail in greeting at both of them and proceeds to throw himself to the ground in next to Cinderkit, a little thump emitting from his body smacking against the floor. Hazel eyes lazily trail over to the scar on Duskpool's leg. Crowpaw knew nothing of his sister's mentor. Heck, he didn't know much about his mentor other than his name. Silversmoke was all work, which was annoying. His opinion of Duskpool is simply that he is okay and that he is his sister's mentor so he should be nice to Duskpool.

Although he is curious about what Duskpool means by old man. "Old man?" The tom tilts his head, as if to prod Duskpool to explain what an old man is.