camp won't even know i'm here // open

✧ Mottledove.

Apr 28, 2023
chiara | 14 months | female | she/her | physically extremely easy | mentally very hard | attack in bold #74a2a5
Life outside the saftey of four solid walls and the fancy white picket fence that she's known all her life is strange. The forest is never quiet - birds, insects, even the trees themselves seem to chatter and rustle at every moment, and there s no protection from the elements here. The wind in her fur and the sun on her pelt every day. It's nice, but certainly more than a bit overwhelming. The fluffy molly rests not far from the nursery - her resting place ever since coming here. She has nowhere else to go after all. Blue eyes are pained and saddened as she watches the smiling faces around her as they roam about. She wishes she had that - but she's hesitant to take that first step, make the first move. She's been burned once, who's to say it won't happen again? A weary sigh leaves her lips as she shifts her weight, tail curling only tighter.



Quill hadn't wasted much time in re-integrating himself back into clan life. Any chance there was for him to surround himself with normalcy he took it, all while keeping a close eye on the cats around him. There were those who he obviously prioritized due to his relationship with them; Thistle, Banana, Twitch, and so on, but that watchful eye picked up details on the other cats too- even the ones who'd only just arrived with the shelter patrols return.

Part of it was out of suspicion, not entirely convinced that one of the newcomers wouldn't start trouble or cause an issue in the home he'd been dying to return to, but he'd be a liar if he said that some of his interest wasn't just out of sheer curiosity.


Quill dropped the sparrow in front of the shecat, tone flat as mismatched eyes landed on her. "You haven't been to the freshkill pile yet. Blazestar wants everyone looked after, so you should eat something." he informed her with a lazy flick of his tail.

Whoever this shecat was, she'd been lurking by herself in camp since she got here, alone and quiet, obviously a little freaked out by everything that was going on. In a way, Quill might have even felt bad for her, well aware of how much it sucked to be stick somewhere new and strange. Oh well. At least she had the option to leave if she wanted to, a luxury none of them had been given at the shelter.

skyclan - male - 14 months (Feb 17th) - bisexual - homoromantic - single - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.

benzodiazepinepaw is not one of the smiling faces mottledove sees. she's not unhappy: just focused. stressed. thinking about training. she feels... slow. she feels like she's bad at hunting, bad at fighting, isn't picking up on things fast enough.

she has to practice more.

granted a break by her mentor, benzodiazepinepaw has no intention of taking one, instead making her way somewhere quiet and private within the camp. she'll just find a little corner and keep working on that move he showed her today... her hind legs need to be stronger, she thinks, to be a real skyclanner. to leap through trees and battle from the sky.

so focused is she that she nearly trips over mottledove, catching herself at the last second and stumbling awkwardly around the molly. "sorry," she says, flushing hot beneath her snowy pelt, "sorry ..."

she pauses at quillstrike's approach, noting the interaction with narrowed blue eyes. "it's true," she agrees, "you need food to be a good warrior. you can't hunt or fight without food."

she hopes she won't be chastised for speaking out of turn - but poor mottledove, too tired even to eat. what if she loses her place here? what if she fails to meet skyclan's standards, what if they cast her out? joining in quillstrike's urging to eat something seems like the best way to help.

//ic opinions .. dw about what benzo is thinking in her silly brain. she just has like a complex ​
.don't rush something you ———


——— want to last forever.
———————— ————————
THE CREAM-TICKED TABBY FELT GIDDY AT THE SIGHT OF MEETING EVERYONE, having been bouncing on the pads of his paws for the duration of being welcomed into SkyClan. It had been a doozy getting used to everything, and he still was, but Yukio was never one to quit! He just hoped he would be more useful once he wasn’t carrying.

Yukio chuckled, glancing at the spaced-out apprentice with a silly grin. “B, Be careful!” He worried. His gaze flickered to the other with a friendly grin. “H, Hello!” He trilled in greetings. “I, I don’t think—” He paused, darkened lips curled sheepishly, settling on his haunches with a subtle puff of his cheeks. “K, Kind of overwhelming, r, right?” He gestured towards camp, lips softening. “It’ll g, grow on you!” It was a process, one Yukio was still trying to wrap his measly brain around.

He hoped he wasn’t overstepping. Oh, dear—He had wanted to make friendly conversation, gaze lingering on the sparrow Quillstrike had brought the feline. Heavens. He should have kept his maw shut. Oops.

thoughts speech
chiara | 14 months | female | she/her | physically extremely easy | mentally very hard | attack in bold #74a2a5
The first to approach her carries with him food - or at least, he says it is and so it must be, because she's never eaten anything but the tasty mush her twoleg placed in her bowl. But she thinks she remembers him saying something about hunting for food once - eating smaller animals, prey. She blinks down at the offering, hesitant - it is only the fact she is in fact hungry that has her taking a hesitant bite - a cautious taste that quickly turns into her digging in like a starved animal, though her bites are kept neat and clean, almost dainty even despite her rush. Another almost trips on her, and she curls into herself tighter, pausing in her meal. She's not sure what to say to the stranger, and so settles for a gentle smile that doesn't quite reach her eyes. "I-it's alright," She hates how shaky her voice sounds these days - wonders what had happened to her confidence. Perhaps it had shattered along with her broken heart.

Yukio is surprisingly chipper, but it is his words that truly have her relaxing - eyes almost watering. To know that someone understands - well, it certainly helps. "Yes.... it's quite different from what I'm used to" she says gently, straightening up a bit. She eyes the felines swollen belly, hesitating before deciding that her worries are more important than worrying about propriety and politeness. "A-are you- are you expecting too-?" she asks, voice cracking slightly. Truly, she has no idea what she's doing - not as a soon to be mom, not as a kittypet without an owner, not anything. When had her life grown so complicated?

.don't rush something you ———


——— want to last forever.
———————— ————————
YUKIO HUMMED IN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, BOBBING HIS HEAD knowing well enough just how easy it can be overwhelmed. He was doing better, but he had cats he knew before like Duskpool. “O, Oh!” He glanced down at his own swollen stomach, grinning sheepishly. “Y, Yeah!”

His voice lowered, humming softly as he poked at the ground with a claw. “S, Scarry, huh?” He offered the other a warm smile, gesturing toward his swollen stomach. He never would have imagined taking care of kits of his own. He wondered if every queen had the same thoughts. Worrying about whether they’d be good mothers.

“T, Things are a l, lot different t, then when I, I used to be a k, kittypet.” He chirped. That’s an understatement. Shaking his helm, Yukio offered the other queen a gentle hum. “It gets better, I, I promise.” Maybe not now, but it will, he was sure of it. Besides! Wasn’t there always a light at the end of the tunnel? He liked to think everything will work out in the end however naïve that thought is.

“H, How are .. are you holding u, up?” He trilled, head cocked.

“I, If you n, need h, help don’t hesitate to … to come to me! Queens h, have to stick t, together, right?” He added, grin turning sheepish. It was always nice to have a friendly face you could go to, even if it wasn’t him.

thoughts speech