WON'T YOU BE SO KIND? ☣︎ windclan patrol

Badgermoon was a moron if you asked her, but it seemed like some of that was slowly dwindling down and he now had the sense to put her in charge of a patrol as he should've been doing. After all, she held senority over several cats, she was strong and capable and she only picked fights she could win-which was incidentally all of them. Truly it was a shame she didn't get to carry these out more often, but she supposed she was only one cat and being everywhere at once was impossible.
Her head is held high, as is her tail, and she makes no attempt to cower or hide as she moves alongside the river on WindClan's half of the territory; Mintshade is here to do her duty and sink her claws into any RiverClanner that wanted to pull a foolish stunt like drag another of theirs across the bridge. She even lingers at said bridge for a moment, acid green eyes narrowed and watching the tall reeds for movement, silently daring any hidden cat to take the plunge and bite off more than they could chew; because she would rip them to shreds. She was not some tunneler apprentice out of her element, would they be so bold as to take a chance on her instead? Probably not. Cowards, the lot of them. If she ever got her claws in one they would be floating home downriver rather than walking. Flicking her kinked tail the dark molly glances back to her companions with a nod, "Don't see any of those fish breath idiots yet, but keep an eye out. Mark the border and don't...cause trouble but-" She smiles, sharp teeth lining her maw, brightly contrasted against black fur, "-if trouble finds us, return it two fold."

- @nightingalecry & @Firefang
No need to wait for them to post!
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Azaleapaw was READY to go on this patrol. Ever since what they did to Cottonpaw, what they did to Periwinklebreeze. Her blood boiled and her hatred was spilling over. She followed beside Mintshade with more conviction than usual. More... Fire. Determination.

She rubbed her face on their side of the bridge.

"They won't survive if they decide to pull anything again." She says. "I'll make sure of it."

She spoke with hatred and venom, but there was a hint of excitement in there too. She wanted to feel flesh rip as she drags her claws down someone's throat.​
The calico is the first to spot the dark shapes of other cats across the bridge, stumpy tail moving as though to flick in an alert to the others on patrol with them. It does not take them long to recognize the dark, ugly warrior—one who had attacked their camp, wrecked the dens that they had worked hard to help weave. Their expression twists into a grimace. They cannot hear what the other cats are saying, but the shadowy she-cat grins at the smaller feline, and it is not a friendly smile. These cats are surely not here to attack, walking about in broad daylight as they are, but Crappiepatch has learned that they can never be too careful. They cannot put their trust in anyone from another clan.

"It is WindClan," they mutter, turning to look back at the patrol they walk with. How unfortunate, that they continue to run into these enemy patrols at the border. They wish the other clans would simply… disappear.
[ my my, cold hearted child ]
( tags ) "Ugh, it seems like it," he sighs. You know sometimes I wish we didn't make enemies with literally almost every single clan. Please make this quick. Crappiepatch may assume that he holds disgust for the moor runners which would be a fair assessment. The truth was that with how Riverclan was changing he didn't want this to turn into a scuffle. The choice wasn't up to him though. I hope we don't have to have a stupid fight today. It's not like they're breaking any rules. All he wants is no snide remarks, a day where they just mark borders and walk away in peace. Riverclan already won a recent battle with Windclan, so there was no need to get greedy about it. "I don't think they'll try anything, if they wanted to they would've already done it." All the others within this patrol might think he's happy with how strong the clan has become. That their presence alone is enough to keep Windclan from outright trying to step a foot into their territory. However, he simply just meant that they would've been battling already if that was the main goal. The proof being Windclan staying across the bridge.
જ➶ "Trust me. After their lastest failure I'm sure they aren't hare-brained enough to try anything. Unless they want more of their warriors filling up their medicine cat den." Her words are clipped and cold as she appears from behind the patrol. Eyes like burning coals looking toward the Windclan patrol. She will stay her claws because at this point she doesn't see a reason to be hostile just yet. It's only Windclan. And with issues still going with Thunderclan she hardly finds it necessary. Still she keeps herself close to Pikesplash and dips her head to check the border. No scents have crossed and she takes note of that before glancing to the others. "Let's just mark the border and keep moving. We habe nothing to fear from Windclan. Besides we have other things we need to do."

Genuine laughter is what left Azaleapaw's mouth as she heard the Riverclanners speak. A sound so rare from her, it almost sounded disembodied.

"They think one little victory automatically means there's nothing to fear...How naive~" She says, slinking along the border, leaving her mark. She looks to Mintshade, her tail swaying high in the air. "How quickly they forgot their resounding defeat at our claws.....Oh, and the grave they had to dig."

She was nearly full grown now, she cut an elegant figure with long fur that flowed in the breeze. She could be considered graceful, if not for her burning gaze and venomous tongue. She looked them up and down, unimpressed with the current riverclanners present. Where was he. Where was the one who hurt Periwinklebreeze.

She sighed. "But I guess their memories are that of fish too...."