won't you stay a moment ? | chilled

fatigue clings stubbornly to an undernourished frame like a burr that is impossible to get rid of.

tasks that usually take no more than a few minutes to complete feel far more daunting than they should and whenever geckoscreech pushes herself even a whisker over what her sorry state of a body can handle the world would shift abruptly underneath dainty paws and threaten to throw her off balance from the dizziness that washes over. it's honestly starting to cause another bout of frustration to well up inside her, she was as useful as a pigeon with a broken wing and it was embarrassing.

exhaling a rather sharp breath from her nostrils, the alabaster queen had slinked forth from the darkness of the warriors den and headed straight to the fresh-kill pile which appeared as pitful as always but there was no room to complain for it'll remain this way until new-leaf finally rears it's head around and replenish the marshes with frogs and lizards. geckoscreech pays no mind to anyone else occupying the clearing space for her gaze appears distant as she plucks off a scrawny mouse and trudges back to the den to re-settle back into the nest.

  • Love
they stirred quietly in their nest, lifting their head with a twitch of their nose. they were exhausted. their eyes looked sunken in, like they hadn't properly slept in days. it wasn't even a new thing, but with the lack of food, it made them feel worse. they slept more than they ever had, yet felt more tired and lacked more energy. they slowly kneaded their paws on their nest, as they slowly watched geckoscreech walk into the den, lowering their gaze to the smaller scrawny piece of prey that she held. they licked their maw before they just swayed their tail.

"geckoscreech. how are you doing?"

they bite their tongue with a small internal cuss to themself. of course she wasn't doing alright. but how else did someone start a conversation? tch, they weren't good at this. not even in the slightest.

"stupid question. sorry."

a voice tinged with that familiar tune of fatigue gives the woman a slight startle, ivory fur along the base of her neck rising for just a split moment before quickly falling flat when she realizes it's only chilledgaze who seemed to have recently awoken from fitful slumber. geckoscreech is quick to stamp out the spark of embarassment that wells inside her chest, she's been far too out of it these days during this slow road of recovery and having others be a witness to these odd little behaviors makes her want to curse the heavens.

"you're right it was a stupid question but i suppose it's well meaning." she responds in a slightly muffled tone before taking a brief second to finally settle down into her nest and place the mouse between lithe limbs. "i'm fine, still alive and kicking unfortunately." it's a lame attempt at a joke and the flatness of her voice certainly doesn't help make it seem like that.

geckoscreech observes chilledgaze, noting the way their eyes have trailed down to focus on the rodent instead. clearing her throat slightly, the woman would shift slightly in place to make room before tapping the spot with a banded tail. "why don't you come and share this with me chilledgaze? it may be small but it'll be enough to keep our stomachs from eating themselves for a short time and don't start with the whole 'keep it for yourself' nonsense." seems she isn't really giving them a choice to refuse although if chilled is adamant in their answer she'll just eat it herself.

chilledgaze only snorted lightly. of course they had asked the question with well intentions, but that didn't make it any less stupid. the poor joke however catches their attention and they seem to laugh lightly at it, rubbing their muzzle with slight embarrassment. they cleared their throat, straightening their shoulders, almost turning to leave and almost speaking up to bid geckoscreech farewell. but they're stopped by the offer to stay, and it makes them tilt their head. they move over to sit, quickly grooming their fur as if they were an apprentice trying to impress a new friend, before looking at the prey and back up to their companion.

"i can stay and keep you company while you eat. i've eaten my share of scraps for the day. i suppose if you have asked earlier, I would have said yes. but not this time. so eat. i need my sparring partner in the best condition possible."