no angst WOODSTOCK MEMORIES // short posts

"Hmm, oh, right!" The blue eyes of the feline snapped open, their attention waning two paragraphs into Cottonpaw's monologue. He offered a sweet smile and nodded along, pretending they had any sort of clue what the princess was going on about. "Food's more fun than sniffing though," they offered with a tilt of their head.

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A low chuckle warms his mouth, but Sunstride does not let it out– better she does not think he's laughing at her. "I wonder if your outlook would change if you hunted in my homeland," he muses. "It was equal parts adventure and battle."

  • ooc:
  • SUNSTRIDE. named for his coloration and his bold chasing of fate.
    —— cis male, he - him. approx. 40 moons old. lead warrior of windclan + former rogue.
    —— gay, but somewhat closeted. will not be open about his interests.  single, will be so.
    —— seems comparatively stranger than who he was some moons ago, serious and cool.

    sunstride is broad and bold– a creature standing above most of windclan, though not a beast beyond its borders, with fur that flames red and deepens to a burnt amber with every whorl and stripe. his eyes, in comparison, are a pale summer's blue, still as bold as the rest of him.
  • "speech"

The chimera's listening had been casual at best, but now that Cottonpaw's monologue has ended they lend a gravelly mew to the conversation, "I treat 'em about the same when we're under the ground. Always keep a nose out for rabbits even if you ain't lookin' for em, that's my advice." Cygnetstare's nose furrows slightly as they recall the unfortunate-smelling rabbit of a previous excursion.
The phantom lifts her head from her paws, thankful the child's recession has finally come to a close. "I find cats outside of WindClan painfully dull. I'd rather be chasing down prey." She drawls before settling back, happy to soak up the sun rather than listen to this listless conversation.
- you call for peace when it suits you

To Luckykit, patrolling and hunting were both intimidating, sharing the prerequisite of having to be far outside of camp, but he wasn't about to admit that to the small gathering before him. "I think...hunting still sounds more fun than running into other Clans," he pipes up, as if he has any practical knowledge on how either of the two options are conducted.

Sparrowpaw's only been half-listening to the fellow apprentice's monologue, but her gaze lifts as it finally concludes, and others put in their input. Hunting versus border patrols, was there really a question as to which was better? "I think hunting is better too," the brown tabby adds with a small nod. Though she has yet to make a successful catch, hunting allowed her to run the moors all she wanted, without having to deal with the presence of strange cats from enemy clans. ​
TAGS — Scorchkit settles near her brother, whiplike tail curling neatly around her white-dipped paws. "I like patrolling," the girl proclaims, as if she has any experience in this matter. It's not that she necessarily wants to talk to other Clans as much as she wants to know what to be ready for. Hunting may be more important in the short term, but knowing your enemies was just as useful a survival tactic.​
Proudly, the she-cat sweeps her tail against Scorchkit and Luckitkit’s flanks. Her opinion is the same as that of her daughter, and the queen allows a small smile to lift at one side of her mouth. "In the tunnels, it’s good to keep an eye on things—patrolling is much better than hunting." She nods toward Cygnetstare, in agreement that patrolling and hunting are easy to do simultaneously when in the tunnels.

"Cygnetstare is right, hunting and patrolling are easily enough done together in the tunnels - I enjoy both." Rattleheart piped up with their own opinion, having been enjoying a rabbit while Cottonpaw chattered away nearby. They snorted upon hearing Badgermoon, smiling in the deputy's direction. "The napping is especially good after a patrol, though."
Cottonpaw listens to her Clanmates with false shock, mouth agape though the corners twist up in a teasing smile. "You would think us all starving, with how each of you lead with your bellies," she proclaims. As for naps, "Unless you start making patrols for napping, then no!" Again only humor rests in her voice.​

Enraptured in her studies, the little Burnetpaw had hardly shown her face before this. "I agree with Rattleheart and Cygnetstare." Burnie chirped as she dipped her head to her elders and flashed a lunette smile to her peers. "In the tunnels, it's pretty much the same thing. You never know when you're going to find a rabbit!" She beamed.
( ) "Or something else that lurks within the tunnels." A voice would interject, sunburst eyes narrowing yet full of mirth as her tone drawls opinion. Her words rang true, though, there had been instances of a different predator living in old burrows—like foxes and such. "Patrolling is essential, as is hunting. But, Badgermoon is right—napping is the most essential of all." A bit of laughter would leave her, pink lips curling into a small smile.

( You should see me in a crown ; I'm gonna run this nothing town )
✿ — "Okay," Peonypaw drawls, blank expression that's been set on Cottonpaw during her self-made theory unfocused as if deep in thought. "But hunting patrols feel more productive- you're more likely to bring something back each time, but regular patrols... well, I doubt anyone wants to drag RiverClanners back into camp and celebrate it."