wooed, bitten & chewed 🍤 joining


it's as shrimple as that!
Feb 14, 2023

The ground here is clammy. Not the tasty type of clammy. It's all sticky and soggy, and it cakes the undersides of his paws with a fine grit. Worse, the residual muck acts like an adhesive, and soon a whole variety smaller entities cling to his feet.

'Pleasant' isn't a word he would use to describe the feeling, but jabbing pine needles are not to blame for the dour look vexing his face. There are heavier things weighing on his mind right now. Fate has plucked the orange kitty from his comfortable life, showing next to no mercy as it flung him into unfamiliar territory. He wishes for the hamlet's paved pathways, yet walks the forest floor by reason of necessity. All that keeps him going is a weak resonance of hope somewhere in his subconscious.

He dare not tread any further. Those who reside outside of the hamlet are known to be insular. A hefty portion of Shrimpy Boy's friends shared stories about their hostility towards cats who 'chose' the life of a pet. It is for this reason that he picks a nice and open spot, planting his ample rump on a patch of turf sandwiched by two pine trees.

Wayward eyes would spot a stout ginger tom, with shoulders hunched and his head dipped somewhat. Any experienced face-readers would find his dejected expression to be awkward, or perhaps uncharacteristic of his features.

She'd resolved to put her mind to her training, even if her heart wavered, that much was obvious from Mushroompaw's apparent work ethic. Though despite that drive....she still hadn't learned the names and faces of all the daylight warriors and apprentices, so when she sees the orange tabby, she turns to the nearest patrolmate and simply whispers. "That stiff, awkward tom....is he one of ours?"

The last thing she needed was causing more of a scene because she decided to raise the normal alarm against someone she hadn't yet met. Besides, as a new apprentice it wasn't her right to raise such a fuss without someone more experienced weighting in or making the first move.

  • - owowowowow
  • [Please ping @/Chérie if this character is needed, instead of this account]

    5 moons, closeted afab nb [uses she/her]
    A comically small flame mink molly with some white spotting and green-tinged aqua eyes
    Mushroompaw is generally a bleeding heart of an apprentice, and combined with her suspetibility to stress, causes her to be a little more on the numb side of things now that she's an apprentice. Though she tries to be kind and bubbly to everyone she meets, the comfortable hyperactive chaos that was once given to Skyclan's members has dwindled severely in recent weeks, culminating with her apprentice ceremony not long ago. Currently she's struggling to figure out if her friendships and familial figures are worth staying in the clans for, or if she's better off refusing a life of war for one of peace.
    Speaks in yellow

    pixels by emptyproxy and memel0rd on DA​

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Reactions: SHRIMPY BOY

Mushroompaw's words snagged his attention- and immediately, Twitchpaw felt idiotic for not having noticed it. Someone, right over there. Sat sleepily, head bowed- could a cat die sat upright? The other apprentice's words were perhaps harsh, but Twitchpaw found he could not refute the claim, taken so aback by what was- for all he was concerned- an apparition in the arms of the pines. "No..." he murmured certainly, shakily. A wide-set gaze observed the stranger for a few moments- sitting there. Just sitting there. Plotting, doubtlessly- he'd bet on it.

"Hey- you, uh- awake...? Alive?" His tone skipped in the air, shattering the silence. He was no warrior- not one to stride up to strangers and attempt to scare them off, and he wasn't sure he'd be like that even if he wasn't still a 'paw. The aftermath of the inquiry pulled his paws backwards, shuffling away to keep healthy distance between them. They didn't know this tom... didn't know what he was capable of. That... awkward exterior, as Mushroompaw had put it, could be a ruse.
penned by pin ✧
❪ TAGS ❫ — The gruff tom is not keen on making chit-chat during this patrol, especially not with the likes of cats much younger than him, but he manages to mutter in response to Mushroompaw's inquiry, "No." Not from what he's seen, anyway. Slate has only resided in SkyClan for barely a couple of moons now, but his tendency to observe and take note of who was who led him to believe that the orange tom was indeed a stranger. Plus, why else would he look so... uncomfortable?

Then, it hits him. Ugh, Slate doesn't know what's worse — the stench of rotting food or the stench of a kittypet. He could mainly make out the stuffy smell of a twoleg nest and bone-dry kibble as he neared the vibrant-hued male. SkyClan was a magnet for these pets. The majority of the clan accepted kittypets with open arms, while prejudiced cats like Slate were the minority, always making stink faces and sneering in their direction like they were merely an inconvenience to live with. However, solely for the sake of reuniting with his littermate and serving a purpose in life, he chooses to remain here as much as his fellow "clanmates" ground his nerves.

Twitchpaw opts to take the route of verbally prodding at the stranger to merely gauge a pulse, but Slate is much less patient than his fellow patrol mates. Not one to beat around to bush or waste time out of his day, Slate decides to take charge of the situation and practically barks in the tabby's direction, "Hey, you! What's your business here?" Most kittypets who showed up on SkyClan's borders were bright-eyed and ready to take on a new life, while this one seemed more so tired or mentally drained. Huh.

Jade-washed eyes would snap toward the first trace of movement. They read the surrounding forest in a frenetic and intense manner, not faltering until every tree and its shadow has fallen under their scrutiny. It's quite the nervous reaction from someone who wants to be found, he knows. But, this is an unfamiliar environment, chock-full of hidden dangers and foreign faces. A plump kitty like him might make a delectable meal for all he knows.

A smattering of faces emerge in the outlying haze, possibly perusing this strange cat who trespasses on their turf. He can make them out clearer through squinted eyes. They're younger, that much can be deduced from their size, though their hushed words are almost certainly concerning him. The suspicion is confirmed moments afterwards when words sift through the air. Words which addressed him head-on, from a voice sounding as apprehensive as him.

Shrimpy Boy breaks from his slouched posture. He raises his head, killing the tension in his shoulders and instead moving to sit upright. That he's in the presence of adolescents provides some level of confidence—a newfound conviction which would evaporate seconds later when a charcoal-furred tom converges on his position.

"Woah woah, hey, hi," he manages, all while forcing himself to remain seated. Fur along his haunches begin to creep up as a chilly fear slithers down his spine. He strives to swallow his alarm, compelling his gaze to meet the larger stranger's. He's scarred, brusque, and not very friendly, in the vein of all the clan cats his buddies have told him about. "Y-you're SkyClan, right?" continues the ginger tabby, his tone dithering and off-balance. "I've lived nearby for many seasons, and have heard tons of stories about those who live here.

He leans a little, making an effort to spot the smaller ones who yet linger in the background. "I need a new family," he says, "a new home. If you'd have me, I would like to join." His tail thrashes out anxiously, brushing around the aforementioned pine needles and other entities. "...please."

"That it is..." A tired and sleepy sounding voice enters the area on a soft drawl as the tom makes his way. His eyes blink slowly as he stares at the stranger before a smile is placed upon his muzzle. But he can't help but to feel a pang in his chest at the other's words. He needs a new family and he understands that hurt the most. He wants to ask what happened to his last but he also feels like that would be prying way too much. After all they are strangers, no acquaintances, nor friends. Still the tom tries to keep a friendly air given the situation. He doesn't come from Windclan so at least he has that going for him. Glancing to Slate he chuckles sweetly and attempts to nudge the other. "Come on, he looks like he'll fit in real nice. We should get Blazestar or Orangeblossom." His tone is jovial despite his sleepy voice and he then turns to look back to the orange tabby.

"You, you got a name? Mine is Cardinalshine and while this is Skyclan, um, you gotta get permission from the higher ups to actually join." Like Thistleback or Blaze or Orangeblossom or Sheep. He shifts his paws against the rough growing grass then before he glances to the apprentices who are their as well. They seem confident which is a good thing. To give a good appearance of strength in numbers.

Oh, so she wasn't just a fool, Twitchpaw and Slate didn't recognize him either. That made her feel better. She lets them take the lead, keeping a few steps behind Twitchpaw as Slate takes full charge, wincing a bit at his harshness when she hears the awkward tom finally speak. Seems like he wasn't necessarily a threat, but then he asks to join.

He asks to join Skyclan and her heart drops into her stomach.

Cardinalshine seems to be all for it, explaining that he needed the permission of one of their higher ranks, but generally being friendly towards the idea. She wouldn't've minded it herself, her own blood coming from twoleg dens though it had grown in the forest, but.... she steps forward, head bunched between her shoulders in the manner of a curious bird. "Are...are you sure? You'd have to be ready to fight should the day ever come," Soon, it would end up being soon, everything felt more and more tense with each passing day. The dam would have to break, they couldn't keep living like this. "Fight to keep yourself alive, but also to protect your clan, from the tinest kit to the bravest warrior. Can you handle that? Can you handle that kind of life?"

Its not a life she wanted to wish on anyone who did not have their heart in it, who had a choice to live without ever knowing it.

  • - owowowowow
  • [Please ping @/Chérie if this character is needed, instead of this account]

    5 moons, closeted afab nb [uses she/her]
    A comically small flame mink molly with some white spotting and green-tinged aqua eyes
    Mushroompaw is generally a bleeding heart of an apprentice, and combined with her suspetibility to stress, causes her to be a little more on the numb side of things now that she's an apprentice. Though she tries to be kind and bubbly to everyone she meets, the comfortable hyperactive chaos that was once given to Skyclan's members has dwindled severely in recent weeks, culminating with her apprentice ceremony not long ago. Currently she's struggling to figure out if her friendships and familial figures are worth staying in the clans for, or if she's better off refusing a life of war for one of peace.
    Speaks in yellow

    pixels by emptyproxy and memel0rd on DA​


Reprieve comes when another enters the fray. This one walks on gentler paws, his rosy figure grazing the dark-slated tom's, juxtaposing the prior demands with kind and encouraging words. Whiskers twitch in silent thanks. The air isn't as tense now, and thus the orange-coated collects his words easier than before. A name, he wants a name. "Nice to meet you, Cardinal...shine," he would remark, before dipping his head respectfully. "I'm called Shrimpy Boy. More people call me Shrimp, though, so I don't mind either." The troubled frown prevails on his expression, but the forlorn look in his eyes has faded somewhat. He's getting somewhere, and with luck, one of the folks mentioned by Cardinalshine would soon emerge.

One of the younger ones then pushes ahead, an inquisitive pep in her step as she moves towards him. She questions the validity of his sureness, and cites the trouble and strife that he'll face in this way of life. Lids drape in a sore blink. "I wouldn't be here if I wasn't certain," clarifies Shrimpy Boy. The sadness returns to his eyes when he remembers why the decision was made in the first place. "Like I said, I need a new family, and I will fight for family."

He wouldn't expect a little one to understand what might drive someone to such drastic measures, yet he sees that her heart is in the right place. The life he seeks contrasts with his previous one in every possible way. Food and medicine won't be catered to him, but instead fought for. There's no roof to sleep under, no toys to bat around. He is fully aware of this. Shrimpy Boy was on track to lose those comforts regardless. But having a difficult life with a home is so much better than living through it without one.
Orangeblossom approaches, light limp straining her shoulders and leaving her to trail behind the patrol. She'd been adamant that she'd catch up, and she does so now, even if fatigue dulls brown eyes. She pulls her head up high, proud, and regards the ginger tomcat with a thoughtful eye. Despite being the daughter of a daylight warrior, kittypet names never ceased to amaze the sun-kissed deputy. Orangeblossom had heard all manner of monikers in her time, but Shrimpy Boy was a new one.

"I'm Orangeblossom, Blazestar's deputy." She introduces herself with a nod, and tips her head to the side a few degrees. "Before I let you join, why the need for a new family?"

  • orangeblossom.png
    orangeblossom. tags.
    — she/her, skyclan deputy.
    — mentor to eveningpaw.
    — attack in #e08550. uses trees as an integral part of her fighting style.
    — mean enough to note that her thoughts don't reflect my opinions as a writer haha.
    — penned by mercibun; @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots. :]
    — art by merc!<3

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