private Work It Out // Edenpaw


✨11/07/23 ✨
Apr 18, 2023
Tawnystripe figured that the type of training that him and his apprentice Edenpaw should focus on today was climbing. It's a skill that doesn't come natural to either of them, being so new to the clan. He figures that by teaching them this right off the bat, he could improve his own skills as well. Made sense in his mind!

Therefore, he searches for his apprentice, asking them to join him from a spot a little ways out from camp, right before the sandy ravine. They wouldn't be in the way of those focusing on fighting, and could have some semblance of peace just so Edenpaw might feel more comfortable just in case it didn't go well. He also didn't wanna embarrass himself in front of others...well, at least not in front of a whole group of cats.

When they both arrive at their destination, Tawnystripe settles himself in a shady spot for the moment to address Edenpaw.
"So, today we'll be focusin' on learning climbing. It's what separates us from the other clans, so I was figurin' that the sooner we start on the topic, the better. Have you tried to climb any of these trees yet?" He asks, wanting to gauge what all they've attempted before they were assigned together.

The moment Tawnystripe had suggested they do some training, Edenpaw's feet had practically been glued to the back of their mentor's eagerly following with an obnoxious closeness. Peaking around the older cat with scrutinizing green eyes, they made sure to note all of the groups of fighters practicing their combat skills. Edenpaw did NOT look forward to that kind of training... if only because fighting seemed scary and unnecessary. Their distracted trailing finds their nose smack into the side of the now seated warrior, making the apprentice sputter as they stepped back.


Peering up at the trees with a thoughtful glare, the bi-color wasn't sure they could get all the way up there! But Tawnystripe seemed confident they could both do it... and it was something like SkyClan's specialty, huh? Ohhhh.... "Kinda like how the RiverClan cats catch fishes?" Giving an affirmative nod (as if a second, smarter Edenpaw had confirmed it for them), they size up the tree once more.

"N-not a tree! Those get too tall.... but! I leave my house-folk by climbing over the fence. That's kinda similar, yea? You must be really good at climbing trees, huh Tawnystripe! You're so old! And they all say something like... old cats learn new tricks? I don't remember how it goes," they admit, lifting a paw to hesitantly place it on the bark like a test run. Hmm...

Tilting their head slightly, Edenpaw is still not so sure they could get much higher than a few tails-lengths...​
He's glad for his apprentice's enthusiasm, though he does wonder how long it'll last. This isn't gonna be easy work, and he's not going to exactly be lenient on them. Tawnystripe isn't the kind of cat to push others towards their limits, but he does appreciate diligence, and hopes to instill that into Edenpaw. There shouldn't be much issue as they delve into their first lesson, at least he hopes so.

Tawnystripe is immediately proven wrong as he's accidentally bumped into, giving a grunt as he turns to make sure they're alright. Edenpaw perks right back up luckily, but of course his words bite him in the ass...ah well, it's not like either of them are injured. He would pray that this is the only hiccup, but he'd rather not have karma come for him again.

"Yes, exactly like that," he confirms on the topic of specialties. "We take to the sky so that we have the advantage on anythin' on the ground, be it prey or intruders. And umm...I'm nuthin special, seein' as I am still fairly new to the clan as well. And I'm not THAT old, whippersnapper!" he says playfully.

As they're sizing up the tree, Tawnystripe immediately addresses their silent concern.
"We won't be tryin' to climb up the whole tree, dun worry. But I'm sure your climbing skills in general will help. As long as you try, that's what matters." He puts his own paw to the wood, unsheathing his claws. "It'll feel like you're going against the grain, but it'll feel less awkward with time. Try your best to keep a steady grip, while not tearing too far in."

// Rolled a 6!

He tries to show what he means, and though he's sloppy in his movements, he makes it to one of the lowest branches. It's not one of the pines with no green until very close to the top, so he hopes Edenpaw doesn't find it too intimidating. "You got this!"
Take to the sky... Edenpaw thinks about it for several long, quiet moments, mind wandering towards the concept of birds, their flight, how SkyClan ought to fly too, how they'd assumed they really did live up in the sky somehow. What a disappointment that had been... but the rest of it... they'd seen warriors up in the trees hunting but it'd never really clicked that it was special. They had a special talent no other clan had... and that was worth being excited about. Trees were practically everywhere! Which meant... they basically were overpowered and super cool and smart.

Their ear flicks as they catch onto the playful scolding about his age to which the mostly-white feline gives a cheesy grin as if to say 'could've fooled me!' But the important thing is that this wasn't a race to the top (as cool as it would be to see the world from up there, it looked unreliable at best). It was just practice... The FIRST practice! "Aww you don't gotta worry 'bout me Tawnystripe, I'm probably the coolest apprentice to ever join SkyClan! Awkwardness is just a mental thing I'll show you and the other apprentices how it's done! Doompaw's gonna eat my dust!" Crouching down with a lot of spunk, they wiggle their bobbed-tail in the air in preparation of the launch they'll need to really ascend the trunk.

"Here goes nothing," they announce with all the triumphant bravado of someone who'd already succeeded.

//rolled a 5! womp womp

Kicking up a spray of dirt in their wake as they hared towards the bottom of the tree, anyone with functioning ears can hear the tell-tale scraping of someone who'd lost their grip on the sturdy bark. Pupils blow wide with the embarrassment of the moment as they ungracefully scramble, claws outstretched as they sink into the lowest possible branch they can find.

Pulling themself the rest of the way up with a huge huff of effort, the apprentice sits neatly and gives their chest a few humiliated licks to soothe their bruised ego. "See? Easy," they lie, clinging to their inflated self-esteem.​
Tawnystripe shakes his head and sighs dramatically as he's flashed a smile from the young cat. It doesn't take long for a smile to return to his form, however. If having Edenpaw as an apprentice is to be anything, it will definitely be entertaining. It almost makes him feels younger himself, and he really isn't that old. (Though sometimes, his body would disagree.) Despite their overconfidence, he's sure he could turn that excessive energy into something productive with time. For now, it's easier to just let them fail and see what kind of reaction they'd give. But then again, maybe Edenpaw would end up being a really good climber, outdoing even Tawnystripe himself.

After the creme tom calls for his apprentice to attempt their first climb, he patient waits to see how they actually end up performing. To not much of a surprise, they fumble it. Though, they are quick to pick themself back up, which Tawnystripe could admire, so he decides to go easy on them.
"Not half bad, kiddo! You might have lost your grip, but ya did make it onto a branch in the end. I'd consider that a small win. Take a minute to gather yourself, and you can decide what to do next. Can either try to climb down, or climb higher, whichever yer more feelin'." Both are going to be important in the future, of course. He just also wants to give the apprentice some agency in this budding relationship.