Working 9-5 what a way to make a living || Dwindlingmoth


Jan 3, 2025

A series of trills and other vocalizations spread out through the wooded clearing as Ivysting prances around.
"I feel like i'm forgetting something" Ivysting looks to the sky as he racks his brain trying to recall what he came out to do. "I know I was talking to Dwindlingmoth before i left camp"Steam nearly poured out of his ears as he thought long and hard about his task. "Oh she's gonna be so mad that i forgot" Ivysting whines as he scampers over to a nearby bush. "Hunting? No." Ivysting huffs and flops onto his side on the floor "Work brain work" Ivysting lies beneath the shaded shrubbery and watches the wind blow plant debris around the clearing. "Whatever it is, it can't be that important if I can't remember for the life of me." Ivysting takes a moment and closes his eyes, the ambient noise of the forest soothing his racing mind. It wasnt that Ivysting was neccessarily forgetful, his mind was just alawys moving too fast for him to catch at times. It frustrated him, made him feel like less of a warrior whenever he failed at the simple tasks given to him for simply forgetting key details in the moment.

IVYSTING ( he/him)​

⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊ She was going to slice that cat up into tiny pieces and leave his body for the birds! Dwindlingmoth went out of her way to help him out, and he didn't even show up! The flame point cat was fuming, stomping through the worn, snow-dusted ground, trailing after Ivysting's faint scent. Their silver coat cradled within the decaying shrubbery could almost be passed had she been on the hunt for any other creature.

This strange game of chasing each other around was weird, and yet here she is looking for the only cat she swears didn't actually become a warrior; perhaps he was simply a forgotten apprentice and lost in time and was able to slip past as a warrior. Icy blue eyes locked onto the other feline's bushy tail, and I bit down into the river of fur. "You are so annoying! Did you stand me up or 'forget' again? You're such a frog brain!"Dwindlingmoth hissed.​

A yelp echoed around the clearing as Ivysting shoots into the air, quickly getting stopped by the resistance on his tail and landing on the ground with a thud.
"Yeeeouuuch." Ivysting's tail puffs up and swishes quickly through the air as he looks at the forest floor in front of Dwindlingmoth. "I… may have forgotten." Ivysting mumbled out as he tucks his tail between his legs. "But I swear it wasn't on purpose!" Ivysting wracks his brain, trying to think of a way to talk his way out of the trouble he's in. "I know you sent me in here for something, but I got lost." Ivysting lets out a nervous laugh. "Then I got distracted by this cool leaf and thought, wow, Dwindlingmoth would love this!" Ivysting pulls an ornate stem of leaves and twists out of his coat and places it in front of Dwindlingmoth. "Tada?" Ivysting tilts his head. "See? I definitely didn't forget anything important."


⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊ She honestly has no clue what to say to his nonsense. A twig with some dead leaves on it was more interesting than the patrol they're supposed to be a part of right now?

Dwindlingmoth busted out laughing, her eyes bright and crinkling from the sheer force that rattled her body. She could hardly believe the rumors about him, and at this rate she never could. If it wasn't for the scar on his neck, she would be sure he'd never seen battle, and yet cats talk. Perhaps mistaking him for another.

Content after laughing in his face, she glides over and joins him. Lounging in the snow, their sides just barely touching so she could steal his warmth. "You're going to have to get it together someday, mousebrain," she scolds with a yawn. Enjoying the added warmth, she curls her tail around him and lets her eyes close.

"We need to make sure to bring back something for the fresh kill pile so no one thinks we were actually messing around out here." Hopefully she could get him to hunt for the both of them; it was his fault she had to split off from the patrol in the first place.​

Ivysting's breath caught in his chest as he heard Dwindlingmoth's laugh twinkle out in front of him. The laugh rang through his ears like sweet music, serenading him softly. Ivysting quickly moved from his rather odd position to free up some space on his side without an arm or leg jutting out.
"At least it won't be so cold anymore," Ivysting grins with an exaggerated shiver. "I don't know how much more I could stand." Ivysting lets out a laugh of his own. "Well, doesn't that just make you my hero?" Ivysting teases Dwindlingmoth before contemplating whether or not to try and put more effort into the hunt to make up for the wasted time.

"I'll make sure we don't come back empty-handed." Ivysting rests his head on Dwindlingmoth's side and sidles up against her. "But for the record, it is a cool-looking stick— even has your favorite bugs on it." Ivysting boasts as he looks at the moth eggs waiting to hatch on the twig. Ivysting hadn't noticed exactly what the odd lumps on the twig were until he had a closer look with Dwindlingmoth. Her namesake bug brought a soft smile to Ivysting's face.


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