world is so small | hail

The day is raring to go, and the morning sun is slipping through the cracks in the woven warrior den. Early spring birds make themselves known with their songs, tweet from above the tall branches in camp. Everything seems perfect to Sheep as she rouses from a prey filled dream, yawning as she untangles her legs from her mate with a nuzzle. He looks peaceful, and Sheep can’t help but think of how lucky she is as she slips out of the den.

All is good. Well, until she nearly bumps in to someone in her drunken still-dreamlike state. She blinks to clear the haze, grimaces slightly as her breath hitches at the very thought of who it could be, and… She exhales out in relief as she realizes who it is. “Oh, Hailstone! Hola! You’re here early.” a surprise, but definitely not unwelcome as she looks up to him. Sheep loves the daylight warriors of the clans, as someone who used to be one, but she hadn’t gotten around to socializing with Hail lately. Well, that all changes now! Or at least thats what she decides in the moment. “How are you, amigo? I was just about to grab something to eat, how about we share?” she smiles at him, ears swiveling forwards. Perhaps she could ask on some news from her old twoleg friends, maybe ask if he saw Sopapilla lately? Or even Flan… Or even if he knew other cats she knew, that’d be a funny coincidence.

/ @Hailstone