camp world keeps spinning | contemplating


run, baby, run
Apr 28, 2024
જ➶ A stormy cloud hangs over the girl as she storms into camp with a small fish in her jaws. Fire dances amongst the shadows of her pelt as she shakes the remnants of water from her pelt. Her amber orbs are like molten gold as she finally sits down and lifts a paw to lick between her toes, trying to dry herself off for a moment. Her thoughts are swirling with all the recent events. From Windclan being allowed to stay on their territory to Smokestar and his untimely demise. The molly shakes her head sharply as she pauses and drops her paw to the ground. Her gaze narrows before she sudden speaks up to whoever is closest to her to at least let out her frustrations. "So when is Lichentail going to go and get her lives? We can't show up to the next gathering without a proper leader." Especially not in front of all of those other clans. They will definitely see it as some kind of weakness to be exploited. Plus she wholeheartedly believed that if they had left Windclan to their own demise that none of this would have happened to begin with. They were the Star forsakened clan, not Riverclan. The spill their bad omen on them.

It had to be that and she shakes her head sharply. "Besides, we all know Smokestar isn't coming back. Cats always die when they fall into the gorge." That is a fact of what happens. The Gorge just seems to consume cats and anything else without a care in the world. She is just annoyed at what she sees as an unnecessary waiting game for no reason but to waste time.

-ˋˏ ༻✧༺ ˎˊ- midnightpaw's dreary attitude was apparently infectious, carawaypaw frowns slightly as she mutters her grievances. her ears twitch with her disapproval, but the look on her face remains relatively void.

"lichentail will make the journey when she sees fit, the other clans will understand." she mutters. even if the clans were often at each others throat, they understood that making the journey to assume starclan's lives was no walk near the river, their leaders had gone through the same. at least, she liked to hope some of them still had the sense to understand.

midnightpaw shakes her head, spitting more bile into the air. carawaypaw cannot help the slight curl of her lip in disdain. smokestar, riverclan didn't even have a body to bury and the tortie still shares an unwelcome opinion. the former leader was one of her mother's dearest friends, no matter his fate these words should not be spoken so irritatingly casual.

"watch your tongue. pray his kin did not hear you speak so insensitively." carawaypaw hisses, brow lowering in tandem with the narrowing of her gaze. if the cats of riverclan wanted to hope, there is no shame in it. and besides, smokestar was a leader. sure, the gorge was harrowing for any warrior without lives to spare, but he was blessed with multiple. it was not outlandish to believe he could have survived. "they might see it fit to test your theory." she warns coldly, meeting the molten gaze of her denmate.
  • OOC //

  • p7LLlQL.png
  • CARAWAYPAW she/her, apprentice of riverclan, 10 ☾'s
    carawaypaw is a pretty longhaired silver tabby with green eyes and a tall, lithe frame.
    willowroot x poppysplash ↛ sister to bumblepaw, minnowpaw, mosspool, and hazewish
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

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Foxtail returns to camp with his apprentice in tow, a salmon in his mouth. The last few days of training has been, understandably, more tense than usual. Smokestar, his apprentice's own uncle, is missing. He can't even begin to imagine what his apprentice is thinking about Smokestar's disappearance— it must be terrifying for kin to go missing. Foxtail was worried for Smokestar too, he looked up to the older tom, but his relationship to Smokestar would never come close to Smokestar's kin. He lets out a sigh as he drops his fish into the fresh-kill pile, ears swiveling back to Midnightpaw's voice. She sounds frustrated, and his fur bristles at what he hears. "So when is Lichentail going to go and get her lives? We can't show up to the next gathering without a proper leader."

Foxtail isn't a cat who typically shows anger. Foxtail can't remember the last time he's expressed real, genuine anger, but he couldn't stop his fur from bristling at Midnightpaw's venomous words. "Don't g-give up on S-Smokestar so quickly!" Foxtail hisses with a lash of his tail, ears flattened to his skull. He's their leader, granted nine lives from StarClan! The gorge is definitely dangerous, and is known for taking cats lives, but a leader would be different right? He should have more chances to survive over an average cat... he doesn't want to give up on Smokestar so easily. He looks over at Carawaypaw and gives the apprentice a nod of agreement, Midnightpaw speaks with such ignorance. She doesn't know what she's talking about! He's certain the last thing Lichentail wants to think right now is getting nine lives. Did Midnightpaw not see how distressed Lichentail was all those nights ago? "H-he has multiple lives, there's no way the gorge took them a-all." He mews with a frown, glancing over at Carawaypaw again— she's right. Midnightpaw should watch her tongue before the wrong cat overhears her ignorance! In matter of fact, Smokestar's kin is right here, and he can feel his anger radiating for his apprentice as well.

  • apprentice tag: @PEBBLEPAW
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    credit to skaicraft (via insta) for the artwork <3

  • Foxtail
    experience: trained
    backstory: [HYPERLINK]
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to clangen for sprite <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)
    19 moons

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" I understand your concern, Midnightpaw but please be careful with your words. " Troutsnout would state as she made her way over, attempting to gently touch Foxtail's shoulder with hers to help calm him down. It was most likely an unintentional thought about it and most likely meant no harm by it— the only way they would truly know if Smokestar was dead or gone was by Moonbeam. An chambray gaze shifts to Foxtail as she attempts to gently brushes against him to soothe him down, she's never seen him this riled up. They had found nothing yet with Smokestar's disappearance after the gorge, so they could only rely on continuing to search or hopefully Moonbeam would get answers from Starclan.

" We've found no signs of him yet. Only Moonbeam can tell us if she receives sign by the stars, okay? There is no reason for us to start unnecessary drama: everyone is on edge. " Troutsnout would respond softly as she attempts to mediate the situation and nod at the cinnamon tailed warrior's words, there was no reason for them to give up on Smokestar yet. Unless there was a body or a sign to prove that he was officially gone, he would return sooner or later. A deep sigh parts her lips as she brushes a white paw across an ear, and speaks once more.

" Until there is indefinite signs, Riverclan will not give up on him. " Trout allows her words to simmer before offering a comforting yet warm smile to them all. Unnecessary comments would lead to drama which would lead to more stress for Lichentail and Smokestar's council which they didn't need. More than ever, Riverclan needed to come together as one and work together instead of having disputes over their personal opinions. Sometimes, things were better left unsaid than spoken.
જ➶ Venomous ambers lock onto Carawaypaw then as she focuses her attention on her denmate. Flicking her tail she scoffs at the other giving faith to the other clans and their wishy-washy understanding. "Yeah right, sure. When fish fly is when I'll believe that." Midnight shakes her head and looks away then. How can she even begin to think that any of the clans have any sort of good bone in their bodies. Riverclan used to have Sunningrocks but Thunderclan stole it from them. Windclan kept attacking them and hurting them and she can't waste her trust with the other two clans either. She knows the stories, what's happened and she finds herself glowering at the ground in her thoughts. It stands to reason that their deputy needs to get a move on and do something before it's too late in her eyes. Especially with such a great loss. Her maw parts to exhale a breath when Caraway bites back about her comment with Smokestar and she whips her head around to glare at the other.

"Pray that they didn't hear me? What for? It's not my fault they can't come to terms with reality. They can try to test that theory but it's hardly one. It's been proven, it's fact!" They have had others fall prey to the gorge before and only death awaited them. If they even tried to throw her in there she would make sure to take them with her for their selfishness. She snorts maliciously and shakes her head before her glimmering gaze flicks over to Foxtail. Don't give up on Smokestar? Her muzzle curls with disdain before she looks away. Is that the only reason they keep up the pretense of hope because he has more lives unlike others. Unlike her father. "I bet it did take all of them away...." The dark hued girl mutters to herself before she pulls her ears back as another warrior approaches her, speaking about her words again and only Moonbeam has the right to speak on what has happened.

"You are all insufferable. I'm sorry but I'm not gonna watch my words to keep everyone happy in a lie. You can all keep going on and on but don't force me to. I'd rather keep going forward than being stuck in the present, thanks." She isn't going to take it back. This is what she believes and only if Smokestar pops up before her will she actually consider apologizing. But for now she turns her eyes away from them, hoping they might go away and leave her to herself.

I HEARD, I HEARD ACROSS THE MOONLIT SEA — Carawaypaw had been wise to warn Midnightpaw but the molly continued spitting out bile from her maw and saying how she wouldn't lie to keep anyone happy, bat-like ears angle themselves forward as the firstborn daughter of Smokestar and Cicadastar steps forth "Watch your tongue you unlicked kit." The words drip from her throat like venom and a deep growl sounds from her throat, her lips peeled back into a silent snarl and her feathery tail lashes behind her. "Keep your jaws shut and don't speak my father's name on your bile ridden mouth." Her tone frigid and warning, if Midnightpaw dared to say anything else then Beepaw would not hesitate to slam her head into the ground to maybe get the gears working in her head.

"If you feel that way about your clanmates, get the fuck out of here. Nobody wants you here if you speak that way about our leader that we're still mourning or searching for." Bee snarls feeling the fur on her spine rise and at this point, she didn't care if Lichentail scolded her or sent her away to pick ticks off elders. Nobody would say such things about her father, he's still out there alive... He has to be.


  • bKn8fx1.png
    shorthaired black smoke molly w/low white and mismatched eyes
    oftentimes comes off as untrusting of those around her, closed off, and not the easiest to engage in conversation with, she's not easy to befriend. all her opinions are IC only.
    10 moons old; ages the 10th every month
    sexuality unknown; currently interested in no one
    currently being mentored by smokestar
    firstborn daughter of cicadastar and smokestar
    sister of cicadapaw and cricketpaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

( ) "midnightpaw, that's enough!" the words are not yelled, but anyone can see the storm brewing in cold green eyes. stopping just short of her apprentice, the woman lays her tail across carawaypaw's back for a brief moment, settling herself. "you disgrace your clan with your words. you are free to express your opinion, but do it somewhere no cat can hear you. this behavior is unacceptable." her apprentice has been stubborn and bitter for much of her apprenticehood, and willowroot has tried to tame it. midnightpaw is nothing like ashblaze, steepsnout, or robinheart. her eagerness to learn is rivaled only by her distaste for others. truly it's a miracle the girl has survived as long as she has without some scars from unhappy clanmates. "take your opinions to the elder's den for the next few days. see what they have to say while you pick ticks off of them."

willowroot's heart has been hurting her whole life. the loss of smokestar has only made it sting fresh. there is no warning glance at beepaw for her language as the daughter of two kings spits what willowroot wishes she herself could say. "if you cannot learn to control your tongue, it'll be a full moon." tufted ears pin back for a brief moment, gaze severe and stern. the smoke molly is a lenient mentor, but there are some things she refuses to let pass. "am i understood?"

  • // "#91A26C"

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    a long-haired black smoke oriental with sage-green eyes. smokey long fur coats the length of willowroot's lithe body, with friendly sage green eyes that narrow in an almond shape. her muzzle and limbs are thin and long due to her oriental heritage.

જ➶ Speaking of his kin seems to make them appearnamd her gaze settles on Beepaw as she comes to spit at her about the situation. Calling her an unlicked kit and it makes her hackles slightly raise. Her eyes narrow and she almost begins to bare her fangs but holds herself as best she can. She can find other cats insufferable if she wants, there is nothing in the warrior code that says she has to agree with what everyone else thinks. She has a mind of her own and she will use it to the best of hrr own ability. Her muzzle twitches, a slow smirk pulling across her muzzle and as Beepaw finally stops speaking her own maw parts, words starting to cut at them. "So sorry that your dad was cl-", But her words are cut short when she hears her mentor and her gaze snaps to the woman. Pulling her ears back she bows her head just a little yet as she tells her that her opinions should go unheard the girl seethes on the inside. Even going so far as to tell her that to go and clean ticks off the elders.

"That's not fair!" Her words are jagged and she swipes her tail against the ground as she stands up. Yet she grounds her teeth together and glares at the rest of the cats there. Of course it would be her getting in trouble. Of course. "Fine, whatever..." Turning away from them then she starts to leave to go talk the Elders ears off.
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-ˋˏ ༻✧༺ ˎˊ- insufferable. those surrounding midnightpaw were far from it. she doesn't listen to warriors nor peers, just continues to spout venom from a cursed tongue. carawaypaw's warning goes unheeded. it was wasted upon foolish ears.

with beepaw's approach, the situation came to a snarling climax. if not for willowroot's quick mediation, she was sure this whole ordeal would have ended in the spill of blood. her mother's controlled order halts another one of midnightpaw's vile words, but the beginning of whatever the apprentice meant to say had already been uttered. it could not be undone. the familiar gentleness of a tail that brushes along her striped back does little to quell a growing dislike for the thorn tongued she-cat.

carawaypaw scoffs as midnightpaw whines about fairness. she was right, it wasn't fair. fair would be throwing the apprentice to lichentail's mercy, or maybe a quick shove into the gorge she droned about. pulling ticks was a far kinder sentence than midnightpaw deserved for the way she spoke of her clanmates, the lack of respect when regarding willowroot. a cat of such unwilling disposition was undeserving of her mother's guidance, was she that ignorant of its value?

the tabby glared as midnightpaw retreated, a taste worse than fish abandoned for days in the hot sun left in her mouth. "what a joke," she mutters indiscreetly, tail furling neatly around her paws.
  • OOC //

  • CARAWAYPAW she/her, apprentice of riverclan, 10 ☾'s
    carawaypaw is a pretty longhaired silver tabby with green eyes and a tall, lithe frame.
    willowroot x poppysplash ↛ sister to bumblepaw, minnowpaw, mosspool, and hazewish
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Hazecloud cannot possibly begin to think or expect for the lynx point to take her journey to Moonstone just yet. Smokestar's death still bore open wounds on every RiverClan soul. The tragedy bled through tears and quiet reassurances he would be found, those who opposed the outcome remaining silent out of respect. Lichentail was being clawed apart with her own guilt and spiral of 'what-ifs' and 'if-i-justs' - she knows because the molly was her mate. There was little in her mind Hazecloud could not read like a secret letter.

She didn't anticipate Lichentail would start even considering such a ceremony until she had eyes on a soaked white-speckled corpse. The impossible outcome that he would be recovered and she would have the closure to witnessing such a horrid event. She would need a push, but it was obvious to many now was not the time. Just not right now.

Midnightpaw vocalized her bold thoughts aloud right in the center of camp, so conveniently after depositing such a meager fish when newleaf was so bountiful for more. She hardly believed it was even ready to be plucked from the waters. The apprentice's words sparked like flint against stone, her voice sounding just the same. Her Clanmates are, thankfully, in separate minds of thought than the tortie.

Carawaypaw held no regard for feelings other than the leaders kin. Foxtail gently encouraged for optimism. Troutsnout appealed to the lack of communication from StarClan during her naming ceremony. Midnightpaw's temper is not quelled, not even by Beepaw, it is Willowroot's firm lashing that sent her on to chore duty.

Hazecloud did not hide the snort in amusement she took from Midnightpaw's punishment. Goading her, daring her to try and mouth off the same to the queen. "Don't forget to wash your paws from that mousebile. Filthy paws are not fit for tidying the nursery next." Lily-laced sights squinted at her daring remark while she tucked her tail closer to her paws.


  • 73582445_EEfwz37mLUqnNP7.png
    —⊰⋅ Queen of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ LH blue smoke with green eyes.