pafp WORLDS COLLIDE // WindClan mentor & apprentice


WindClan Leader




The trip to RiverClan had been pleasantly uneventful and there’d be no complaints from Sootstar if this went similar. They had detoured quickly to give Bluepaw a chance to explore Outlook Rock and now teetered on the scent markers that differentiate WindClan from ThunderClan territory. WindClan’s scent was pungent, Sootstar reckons one of their own patrols had been here just a few shifts of the sun ago.

”The ThunderClan border.” Sootstar reveals to her apprentice, though she guesses Bluepaw may have been able to guess. ”Taste the air, you’ll find their scent less repulsive than RiverClan’s. Memorize it well, if I take you to the gathering this moon you’ll need to know it well enough to know ThunderClan and SkyClan apart. Their scents are similar but far from indistinguishable if you know what you’re looking for.” The scent of kitty pet that always lingered wherever they walked most certainly helped with that. She had some opinions of ThunderClan to share with Bluepaw, but she’d save those for later.

Soon the earth beneath mother and daughter's paw shifts from familiar to strange. Bluepaw gives her mentor a nod as she introduces this territory as ThunderClan's. "I remember. I came with you to talk to Howlingstar," she mews solemnly.

As Sootstar says, the ThunderClan border is by far less pungent, less harsh on the tongue, but it's not exactly pleasant to the young she-cat, either. Bluepaw tries to drink the air in, baffled by the thickness of ThunderClan's foliage. "How do they walk about in all of that, Sootstar?" Careful, as ever, to call her mentor by nothing but her name. She tells her she'll need to be able to distinguish ThunderClan's scent from SkyClan's; Bluepaw gives her a wondering look. She won't be able to see SkyClan's territory, but she imagines it reeks of kittypet--whatever that smells like!

Unlike many others of his patrol, Barkjaw is not amidst the foliage below as his patrol approaches the border. A lesson could be found most anywhere one looked. Sootstar had Bluepaw; he had Stormypaw. Up within the leaves, his weight spread gently across a branch as he crouches low and observant, minty eyes unblinking though his head is shadowed. The little one asks a question, voice distant, but the way that her gaze scans their territory is all that he needs to infer her meaning. Uncharacteristically yet in a manner oddly fitting across his face, Barkjaw turns to his apprentice with a smirk. "Do you think it would be all that difficult to startle them from here?" His voice is low and glittering with amusement."This is why our vantage means so much to us. More than the moor cats may ever understand."

Before he leaps down, he offers, "I will distract them." A skittering of his paws across rough bark, and he thumps to the ground with the rest of the patrol as he guides them nearer. "Sootstar. You grace us with your presence. Are you here to speak of more news?"

  • ooc: tagging @STORMYPAW ! & mobile, sorry for mistakes
  • ──── barkjaw, with bark referring to his dark coloration, and jaw to his acidic words as well as his debilitating bite.
    ──── warrior of thunderclan, and previous member of the marsh group. strong dislike for other clans, though he is not cruel.
    ──── uses he - him only, and will not respond to anything else. single, despite a lightly flirtatious nature.

    a surprisingly short chocolate tabby, though with a powerful stance and solid build that projects a greater size in competency. his eyes are pale and harsh, an intense light mint.
  • "speech"
  • Love
Reactions: WOLFWIND
Behind her leader, Stormypaw crouches upon the thick tree branch with firm claws. Her eyes are narrowed playfully, a smirk stretched across her face and nearly mirroring Barkjaw's as she gazes through the leaves at the WindClanners across the border. The warrior's words pull her attention towards him and she has to stifle the snicker that threatens to spill. The thought of living one such a wide expanse of nothing is unimaginable; it bores her just to think about! How would they feel if they were dropped in forest now, she wonders? Would they panic without the endless sky above them?

Barkjaw offers up an idea, a prank to play on their neighbords. Her haunches wiggle with excitement; yes, yes she thinks she understands the plan. As her mentor leaps to the ground and approaches the border nonchalantly, the small she-cat crawls forward along the branch until she reaches the point where it might wiggle if she goes any further. She waits until the WindClanners draw closer....closer....

She drops to the ground right before them on the twoleg path, a shouted, "Hey there!" accompanying her surprise entrance. She prays she startles them - it would be the best prank ever, and on the WindClan leader! All the apprentices back at camp would die to hear about it!