In most days, Sparkpaw is silent during work. Too much to prove to rely on words, that’s what some of the older warriors laugh. They’re right, in a way. He is Yewberry’s child, and he carries the burden of traitor’s blood. That wasn’t a pain he can will away with pretty words. Instead he throws himself to his training, and tries not to be consumed by jealousy as his mentor’s litter springs from the den. Sparkpaw loves his mother, but this litter, this one in particular– they have a father to be proud of, too. He wishes Weaselclaw had been his own father. He wishes his mom had chosen someone who didn’t– who wouldn’t– was he so unimportant, in the end?

With a stifled, nearly wounded sigh, Sparkpaw finally abandons his work. It had been boring anyway, monotonous den repair. Important, yes, and something he would gladly throw himself into any other day, but it’s not enough. It doesn’t keep his mind off of everything else the way he needs it to. His heart is as sore as his paws, and it feels like nothing has been accomplished. All this mending, and it seems just as broken. The apprentice’s head hangs low, his chin nearly flattening the fur of his chest.

"Weaselclaw?" His paws shuffle, but he doesn’t look up. He chews on his words like stringy, rotten meat. "Why did they hate WindClan? Everyone who– they’ve all–" A deep, steadying breath, his paw clutching down on the small group of dried stems he’d released. "I don’t understand. What out there is better, or more important or– don’t they care? About WindClan, about–" me "– us."

  • ooc:
  • scarlet_ledger2.png
  • sparkpaw, sparky. dmab male, he - him - his.
    ──── kitten of windclan. equally loyal to windclan and family.
    ──── 04 moons old. born on, and ages in real time?
    ──── echolight x elmbreeze, adopted by yewberry. brightfam.
  • "speech"
Weaselclaw, despite his hatred of Yewberry and Galeforce and the other putrid defectors, feels a certain amount of pity for his young protege. His presumed father had not spared Echolight nor Sparkpaw and Larkpaw a single thought before throwing himself into a dark pool of betrayal. Weaselclaw could not imagine displaying that kind of cowardice to his sons -- nor his daughters -- and he certainly would not have chosen his life over theirs.

He looks upon the boy with pity; blue eyes meet, pale and electric, as the tabby listens with a dismal expression. "Why did they hate WindClan?"

Why indeed? Weaselclaw doesn't know what to say. He doesn't know how to be tactful, and he does not believe it productive to shield Sparkpaw from the hateful nature of those who have scorned their Clan.

"The other Clans aren't like WindClan," he answers, his tail sweeping the camp floor. "They are soft. They take in kittypets, they coddle their apprentices. They don't have the kind of honor we do." He punctuates this statement with a curt nod. "The cats who have left WindClan could not handle a Clan who is serious about its devotion to StarClan."

He flexes his claws into the earth. "Every single one of those is a coward! Afraid to fight for their home and their Clanmates. Afraid to die defending WindClan." He fixes Sparkpaw with a challenging stare. "Tell me -- are you afraid, too?"