private WORSHIP | scorchstreak

The tunnelers are most interesting to her, regardless of how well regarded they are. Icepaw, Wormtail, Smokepaw, Nightmareface... and Scorchstreak. And she's sure a dozen more that she forgets in the moment. Cottonkit has been told since she was young that, due to her small size, she'd be joining the tunnelers when the time comes. Her interest expands beyond boundaries, sure, however she cannot ignore the fact that her future is more than destined for her. She has her goals, her wants and needs - and there are plenty of trained tunnelers that can indulge her to start. Namely, again, Scorchstreak.

She's heard stories of the mottled she-cat. How her son betrayed the Clan and in turn, she laid him to rest. Gorey details aside, Cottonkit has found some admiration in the femme's loyalty, even as her child lay resting a pile of picked apart bones by now. Cottonkit expects Sootstar to do the same to her, should she ever defect - she laughs, recollecting a few feathers that billowed from her mouth in the process. Her? Defecting? That's hilarious.

"Hey!" she huffs around the collection in her mouth, trotting close to Scorchstreak and dismissing the thoughts that clouded her mind moments prior. Demanding the other's attention should be easy, but just in case, Cottonkit plants herself directly in front of the other. Three feathers of differing colors and sizes fall to Scorchstreak's paws shortly thereafter. "I've got these for you!" Cottonkit exclaims, her tail flagging in the wind. She plants a paw directly on one of the feathers, unwilling to let them fly away, "But only... if you tell me a story. If y'don't..." she purses her lips for a second, "You can only keep one, then."

Sootstar’s most recent litter seems to have quite a few big personalities—from the fiery Adderkit to the spoiled prince Harrierkit—and the calico is prepared for troublemaking as soon as the kits begin to leave the walls of the nursery. Not that Moorkit or Cottonkit are model kittens by any means; Scorchstreak clearly recalls their venture into the tunnels. But they prefer the presence of the latter two kits over their brothers, if only due to their apparent interest in tunneling.

A black ear flicks at the shouted hey, though at first Scorchstreak fails to notice that it’s directed toward her. It’s impossible not to notice the kit who shoves herself into view directly in front of the tunneler, though—Scorchstreak first looks down her nose at the kit, force of habit, before cracking the barest hint of a smile. Cottonkit offers her feathers, and oh, how she loves feathers! Scorchstreak is not above vanity, loves the way they look tucked into her tricolored tail. "Why, tha-" She cuts herself off as Cottonkit proposes a trade, golden eyes lighting with interest. "A story, hm?" She has plenty of stories, from both before and after her joining the clan, although she admits a vast number of them aren’t suited for small ears.

Settling into a more relaxed, more comfortable position, she regards the kit with a molten gaze turned soft with affection. She has always loved kits, loved her own with a ferocity only rivaled by her loyalty to her clan, and Cottonkit especially she is happy to be around. "What sort of story would be a fair trade, little one?" She is not the greatest of storytellers, by her own admission, but for such a curious child she can surely come up with something.