camp WORST NEIGHBOUR // moving into warriors den

At last, a step closer to achieving his goal. Today was the day that he would officially move into the warriors den and he fully intended to seize one of the more desirable nests. The calico tom prowled into the den with a mouthful of feathers that were destined to line his new nest, and immediately he headed for the more central nests. Upon selecting one of suitable size, one that could easily house two medium cats, he set about scooping the old moss out of it. Once it was clear he dumped the feathers into it and he began to arrange it into something more familiar.

Content, he then turned to the old moss so he could take it away, but something amongst it gave him pause. An unusual feather that was bright in colour. "Huh? What's this?" What sort of bird had it even come from? Wildheart ultimately shrugged and dumped it back in his nest, maybe he could show it to Patchpaw later. Picking up the moss he then headed away to dispose of it at the dirtplace. Once that messy business was dealt with he returned to his new nest so he could recline quite comfortably within it. "Now this is more like it." The only thing that would make it better was if Patchpaw was there, but he would have to wait a couple more moons until she could join him again.

//As a note, he's stolen Sunnyday's nest and the feather that Shallowpaw had gifted him.

"Oh." Crowflower stops short at the entrance to the warrior den, keen moss-colored eyes staring blankly at Wildheart where he lounged. There's a confused furrow to her brow and her tail twitches as if she's considering what to say. It doesn't matter, however, because she says "That's Sunnyday's nest," before a better dialogue option comes to mind. Crowflower shifts her weight and then adds, "Well I'm sure you didn't know." The nest definitely smelled like Sunnyday--the warrior slept in it every night for more moons than Wildheart had been alive--but she's trying to be nice. The thought of someone trying to move into her nest makes her pelt itch uncomfortably. Then again, it would be difficult to mistake her nest for anyone else's; shiny or otherwise interesting rocks line the edges while dried flowers and assorted bird feathers stick out at odd angles from the moss. It is just as messy and haphazard as the leaves and twigs snarled in her skunk-colored pelt. "Congratulations on your warrior ceremony, by the way." If she changes the subject, maybe he will ignore how awkward her entrance was. "Wildheart is a wonderful name. It suits you." She offers a shy smile before slinking over to her own nest. She feels a little embarrassed by its clutter but she solves that problem by curling up on her side and resting her chin on her mud-crusted paws while she looks to Wildheart for his response.​
❪ TAGS ❫ — Unlike his littermate, Hawkshiver could not be trusted to approach situations like this with gentleness and understanding. It wasn't a secret that Wrenflutter and Crowflower were the more benevolent picks of the litter while Hawkshiver and Killdeercry were typically more honest about things. Not that Crowflower was necessarily wrong here, but Hawkshiver wanted to make sure that Wildheart understood her.

The longhaired warrior steps forth, blue gaze fixed onto the tom who has appeared to have taken Sunnyday's nest. While Sunnyday wasn't exactly Hawkshiver's favorite comrade, he was still a warrior regardless. Each warrior made their own nest. "I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but being a warrior means earning your keep." A meow slices the air, spilling forth from ashen-hued lips.

"If you wanna sleep in here, you'll have to make your own nest." His tone is leveled and cool, as always, though there is a certain underlying provocative edge if one listened closely enough. Gauging reactions from his clanmates told him all that he needed to know — who lost their head, who got too blinded by emotion, who is reckless and incompetent to work with. Wildheart had been a rowdy apprentice and old habits died hard; he would no doubt be a warrior who embraced his namesake. However, if he was smart, he'd learn a thing or two before he got himself into deep trouble. Would he hold his tongue and comply, or would he begin his journey into warriorhood on a bad foot?
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He had wanted to find Sunfreckle so his first place to look for their mentor had been the warrior den. But as he peeked his head inside to look for the red furred tabby instead of finding them spotted somebody else who was in a place he shouldn't be in. Wildheart. While it was unfair that a cat like them had become a warrior before him who only was caring about to rise in rank for the glory ad power that was not exactly what he could keep his focus on right now. No. He saw them in the very nest Sunnyday always sleept in and to make it even worse he saw the sun-flamed feather in their possession, the feather he had gifted to Sunnyday. It was just a feather. Shallowpaw had never been one who understood attachment to items but in that moment he did not like what he saw. That feather did not belong to them. He simply did not want Wildheart to have it or touch it.

" That's not yours." Shallowpaw stept further inside the den to approach straight over to the new promoted warrior not adressing the nest situation since Crowflower and Hawkshiver already had pointed that out. Right now that was not even what he cared about that Sunnyday's nest had been stolen. For some reason he was more focused on the feather. He would narrow his orbs, a cold look cast down on the warrior. " Give it back." He demanded firmly. He wanted the feather back. He wouldn't let them have it. A cat like Wildheart did not deserve to have it.


Unfortunately for his apprentice he hadn't been there, though he was well on his way. A robin was dropped on the freshkill pile before he spotted his apprentice by the warrior's den and he padded over to see what he was doing poking about there only to realize quickly the issue.
Ah. Wildheart. Boisterous as always.
A tower of red and striped tabby fur appeared behind Shallowpaw, the shadow the lead warrior cast was a tall and along one, stretching into the den from his size. "I'm glad to see Racconstripe not only trained you well, but also instilled in you an ego." A low chuckle rose from his throat as he walked in proper, "Unfortunately, Raccoonstripe earned his as Hawkshiver has pointed out. You'll need to work to be able to claim a center nest, put that back, feather included, and set yours on the outside edge."
A tail flicked to the blue tom's side in a calm gesture of acknowledgement before he slipped forward to greet Crowflower and the other warrior with a smile, "It's certainly getting crowded in here isn't it?" The topic was changed though his attention remained focused on the newly named warrior to ensure he did as he was instructed. The center of the den was the warmest spot and naturally the warriors who had fought and served their clan the longest had first claim, new blood got to work their way in as the seniors moved to the elder's den or the nursey depending on circumstances. His own spot might be emptying soon but Rabbitnose and he shared a nest so he would be able to return to the spot with his mate in time.



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”It is.” The agreement is snarled and Prickleflower looks around the den irritably. Not only was it crowded but it was a disaster, the mess distilled so much anxiety within her she felt even more irritable than usual. ”And it’s a disaster! Do we really hold ourselves to the same standard of cleanliness as a ShadowClanner? There’s even squirrel bones over there that hasn’t been tossed!” Prickleflower would groan and complain, her nose wrinkled in disgust as she creeps over to her own nest. She carries her paws across the ground carefully as if she was afraid of stepping in something foul.

Welcome to the warirors den, Wildheart.

"He can just have the nest. I won't be needing it." Sunnyday had overheard what had been occurring within the warrior's den now that the latest residents were moving in. Loud and brash as ever, likely a source of endless migraines and frustration for all who now resided within the den. Leaving the den entirely was now looking like a step up in comparison, even if the solitude he was now destined to face somewhat scared him. But anything was better than being surrounded by potentially hostile stares and sneering words. Even now as he stood at the entrance to the den he kept his head bowed low and he avoided making eye contact with all who were present.

However, he found it hard to ignore how Shallowpaw was demanding for the return of the feather, but who was the feather destined to belong to? Was he wanting it back for himself, or to have it back with him? Uncertainty gnawed at his sanity at that moment before he settled on a decision. The long-legged tom advanced into the den and made a point of simply snapping up the elegant feather from the nest before Wildheart could do anything to protest or to stop him. Rather than leave with the feather he instead aimed to drop it by Shallowpaw before continuing on his way without looking back. He just wanted to hole himself away somewhere outside of the camp, far from judging eyes and from the constant reminders of his mistakes.

"I'll see about getting some apprentices in here to clean up, Prickleflower...I didn't realize it was getting this messy."
The sudden comment and arrival of the other warriormade him flick his tail, dismissive and annoyed because the nest was not the issue. The hotheaded new warrior needed to know his place.
"Regardless my statement still stands. New warriors on the outside edge, Wildheart." Another more experienced and senior warrior could take the spot if Sunnyday was just going to give it up. His ear flicked and he turned as the golden tom stalked in and then just as quickly stalked out, leaving the feather Shallowpaw had protested being taken at the young tom's paws and he flattened his ears to his skull as he whirled around from Prickleflower to follow the other out. His steps uneven on his three paws as he carefully dipped around Shallowpaw to exit.
"Enough of it." The tabby called after the other's retreating back, "Will you hang your head like a scolded kit or will you work to regain the trust you broke, choose which one Sunnyday. You were denied your mentoring rights, you were not cast out. There is still a place for you here if you will accept it...." He wanted to be angry, but he felt only exhaustion in the face of this display. Did Sunfreckle feel sorry for him, perhaps, but not as sorry as he felt for those apprentices hurt and betrayed, not as sorry as he felt for Shallowpaw; but he expected better. He hoped for better. The red tabby did not pursue the other, did not chase him, but he hoped he'd been heard all the same. He didn't want Sunnyday in disgrace or exiled, but the other had to do something different. He had to fix this.
Raccoonstripe looks up from his own nest -- comfortably near the center, thank you very much, as befits his rank -- and narrows his eyes at Wildheart with annoyance. "And just what do you think you're doing?" He hates to agree with Hawkshiver -- arrogant bastard -- but for once, he's right. "Young warriors sleep near the wall. Go pick a spot over there." He snorts. His former apprentice is ballsy as ever.

He becomes dramatically more annoyed when an apprentice breaches the warrior's den. He's about to tell Shallowpaw to buzz off when he sees the dark tom only wants the feather in Wildheart's nest. Raccoonstripe doesn't care about that and brushes it off as just an oddity of the youth.

He twitches an ear in agreement with Sunfreckle. "Crowded, yes, and the obnoxious factor just raised considerably," he mutters. He takes a moment to fix the big orange tabby with a faux-glare. "That kid came with his ego! I'm not about to be held responsible for that."

Finally, the entrance of a beautiful lady -- a welcome distraction. Raccoonstripe has to hide a smile at Prickleflower's immediate distaste at the state of the den. He looks to the sparrow bones in question and says, innocently, "Oh, Prickleflower, I think I saw Wolfwind chewing on those earlier... you know how she is, always leaving her trash behind." He flutters his eyelashes. "Not everyone can be as well-kept as you and me, hmm?"

All playfulness leaves the den at Sunnyday's approach, though. Raccoonstripe would have just let Wildheart keep the spot if he'd remembered the cat who was supposed to sleep there. He curls his lip, just slightly, when the lanky golden cat comes to retrieve the feather. He lets out a growl of satisfaction -- it seems he knows he's not welcome in the warrior's den anymore. Traitor.

He gives Sunfreckle a look of dismay. "Speak for yourself," he says. "Let him sleep alone. He clearly has no regard for his Clanmates anyway."


He had been ready to start a fight to get the feather back. Because if nobody else in this den was going to do it then he would fight for his own rights all on his own. Just when he had thought he was all alone in this Sunfreckle made a sudden apperance beside them to repeat what the other warriors already had said. Shallowpaw remained still as he kept his attention on the feather which his mentor had demanded for Wildheart to leave behind as well. Because of these words he would wait for a bit longer too see what his rival would do, how he would respond.The rest of them in the den he didn't even acknowledged. He didn't care about any of them right now or what they had to say. It was clear where his attention lay.

That would soon come to change. Sunnyday decided to make an appearance in person and once more he felt this unfamilliar feeling in his chest. Shallowpaw didn't exactly know how to respond or even act around Sunnyday right now. So all he could really do was look away from them when the warrior came to pass by, and before knowing it the feather was put in front of his very own paws. Sunnyday had returned the feather to them. Shallowpaw would stare down at the sun-flaming feather with a distant hollow look while Sunnyday left the den, leaving him behind. There was something with these very scene that felt very familliar to him like this had happend before. But he couldn't remember but he knew there was something wrong. The fact Sunnyday hadn't even looked at them when passing him or how he had given the feather back to them like he had forgotten it was them he had given it to begin with.

All he knew was that his chest hurt in that very moment.

Shallowpaw after a moment of standing there like a ghost picked the feather up in his mouth before he turned blocking everything out Raccoonstripe or any of the other warriors had to say. With a low head the apprentice left the den to meet up with Sunfreckle who had rushed out after Sunnyday just a moment ago. Shallowpaw though did not go the same direction his mentor had gone who was calling after the golden warrior. Instead he took the opposite direction that lead him away from where Sunnyday had walked off to, and he would head to the apprentice den to disappear in there with the feather tightly held into his mouth.

Wolfwind comes to a halt beside Crowflower, nose scrunching and uttering an audible 'ugh' upon realizing just who she'd have to share a den with from now on. She looks onto the display with a board expression. If the guy was gonna steal any nest, it might as well be Sunnyday's, let's be real; but she wonders if this'll be a one - time event, or if he's going to dodge learning how to get his shit together and weave in favor of being a serial nesthopper (she coined that term just now). Crowflower thinks way too highly of Wildheart, but again, Sunnyday, so Wolfwind isn't saying shit.

" Yeesh, stop blowin' up his ego before he explodes into a million pieces. It's a fine name, " she tells the warrior in question with a good - natured roll of her eyes. Not like, in the hardened senior warrior way where "fine name" actually means awesome or the coolest ever, fine as in Wolfwind's fine, as in, it's aight.

Hawkshiver and Sunstride approach it with the scrutiny it deserves, meanwhile Shallowpaw was apparently damn invested in this feather. Crowded, it sure was, which is exactly why Wolfwind remains to give commentary from outside the walls, rather than joining some of the others within. Wolfwind snorts in agreement with the older warriors. " Wildheart'll be the equivalent of like, five more cats in here, " at least sound and mess wise. ( To be fair, she had been too, at first. )

She quirks a brow at Sunnyday, making an appearance to be depressed (And frankly, he should be). The twinge of disappointment only comes when she thinks Wildheart will escape unscolded, but the other warriors make sure that doesn't come true.

But then – Lies! Blasphemy! Wolfwind is snapping to look at her uncle when her name leaves his maw. At first she is blank - faced, moons away, as the words slowly trickle to her ears. She openly gapes. Dramatically, but meaning him; she was being rolled under the metaphorical monster so this chump could make goo-goo eyes at a molly way out of his league. Truly and utterly, she stands speechless. Yeah, she was getting his ass later. She's so damn speechless, she hardly notices Shallowpaw bumping by, feather in maw.
Wildheart found himself opening a single eye in order to give Crowflower a disinterested stare. The fact that the nest had an owner hardly phased him, and he had selected his victim quite carefully at that. So yes, he did know who the nest belonged to. Purposefully he avoided addressing the issue and he instead latched onto the compliment relating to his new name. "Heh! Yeah, Howlingstar gifted me a name befitting all that I am."

He might have contented himself with closing his eyes again and allowing himself to slip into his first real slumber in the warriors den, but of course things weren't going to be that simple. Hawkshiver's words reached his ears and it drew a low growl of irritation from his throat. Already he was brewing up to argue but something a little more pressing seized his attention; Shallowpaw. In an instant the young warrior flipped over onto his paws and he stood protectively over his new nest with a sinister smirk on his face as he locked his sights on the apprentice. "Well, well, if it's not mine then what's it doing in my nest? Get lost you-! HEY!" He hadn't exactly anticipated having Sunnyday appear, and much less having the nerve to march right on up to simply take the feather away from him too. The young tom spat a furious hiss at the retreating form of the larger tom with a look of utter appal.

Wildheart licked the fur of his chest flat as he cast another scowl in the direction where Sunnyday had headed. "Tch! You lot should be thanking me really for taking this nest, the den already smells a whole lot less like apprentice blood and traitorous ploys." He huffed with a toss of his head as he plumped his rear back down again in obvious defiance towards the older warriors. Taking the time to groom himself he then swivelled a single ear in Wolfwind's direction. "I'll be the equivalent of five more cats on the battlefield too, just you watch, Wolffart."

❪ TAGS ❫ — It wasn't long before many other warriors joined in, displaying their disapproval toward Wildheart's actions. His icy stare flicks toward Raccoonstripe in particular, his expression stony and unmoving though his gaze seems to slice through the air like a knife. Hawkshiver only cocks a brow as the lead warrior claims that Wildheart's egotistical qualities aren't his doing, which he refuses to believe for a second. Apprentices were a reflection of their training to an extent; who else would have instilled arrogance into this kid's brain other than Raccoonstripe himself? It didn't seem that Wildheart's attitude was discouraged in any sort of way.

Before his eyes could roll at the sight of Raccoonstripe attempting to flirt with Prickleflower, his head swiveled at the sound of a familiar voice, his gaze following soon after to land directly on Sunnyday. His obsidian irises narrowed, not speaking a word to the punished warrior but only watching in silence. Hawkshiver wasn't necessarily pleased with Howlingstar's decision to let Sunnyday stay; if he couldn't teach apprentices or assist in training sessions then he wasn't very valuable as a warrior. However, as long as his leader willed it, the older tom was still a warrior and thus did not deserve to get his nest stolen.

A slight sneer appears on his features as Wildheart throws a tantrum like a kitten who got its moss ball taken away. from them Perhaps Hawkshiver ought to find a place outside of camp to sleep from now on; he hadn't realized he'd be sharing a space with an adult who acted like a child. "That nest will be the only thing that'll be handed to you. Welcome to warriorhood." Hawkshiver comments toward Wildheart, not necessarily sounding angry or displeased, but perhaps slightly smug. He was just glad that the boisterous new warrior hadn't been his apprentice (and if he were, that attitude of his would have been broken at the start).

Well, the blue mink didn't have much left to do here. As he turned to leave, he glanced over his shoulder and hummed, "Perhaps you've got a few things left to learn, hm?" With a pointed glance toward Raccoonstripe and a ghost of a smirk gracing his lips, he slipped out of the den.

// out >:3



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Prickleflower snorts, ”We shouldn’t need apprentices to pick up after us. We’re grown warriors.” The molly sneers as she kneads her nest, her sourness ultimately not laying with the lead warrior whom she knew had no part in the disaster out state the den was in. She leaves the others to deal with Sunnyday, refusing to dirty her paws with him but grows pleased with chatter from Raccoonstripe. “It’s not that difficult.” She shrugs, adamant on continuing to groan and moan.

Coincidentally that is when she hears Wolfwind, as one usually hears that she-cat before their eyes even got the chance to find her black and white pelt. In that moment Prickleflower gets up and aims to whack the bone remains in her direction. ”You do this?” The warrior gripes with narrowed eyes as she brushes the paw used to swipe the remains along her chest fur.
As Shallowpaw takes his leave, Raccoonstripe spots another blue pelt at the entrance of the den. His smile widens innocently. Oh, the accused -- and the look she gives him is one of shock, of betrayal. He waves a paw to her in greeting. "Well, if it isn't Wolfwind herself..."

Wildheart's abrasive voice and ego interrupt him, and Raccoonstripe gives his former apprentice a glare. He supposes he can't fault the calico for stealing Sunnyday's spot, but it's still unbecoming for such a young warrior to have a good location. "Fine, take the nest, if you want to smell like traitor," he says, rolling his eyes. "But take it over to where the newbies sleep so the rest of us can get some shut eye."

Raccoonstripe does not miss the pointed look Hawkshiver gives him before leaving the den, and the tabby meets aqua eyes confidently. "The obnoxious factor is suddenly going down. Even with Wolfwind here. Amazing," he retorts, watching the other feline exit the den.

But it's Prickleflower who earns his undivided attention at last. She seems relatively pleased with his praise, and he notes that with narrowed eyes. The look -- and the bone swiped in Wolfwind's direction -- is enough to make him fall over laughing. "That's one way to deal with a litterer, hmm? What do you have to say for yourself, Wolfwind?"

Wolfwind can't say she disagrees with Wildheart's sentiments at the moment. Wolfwind couldn't care less about where Sunnyday sleeps, but right now, this was more of an insult to Wildheart's taste in nests if anything. Wolfwind fixes her gaze upon Raccoonstripe, hardly able to even process how she should act right now. That is, until the monumental insult that is Wolf-fart crashes down on her.

She's wounded, she's destroyed, she's been dismantled piece by piece, her maw is still held open in complete and utter shock right now not because of Raccoonstripe's lies, but rather, the fact that she's just been decimated by WIldheart.

Not. She shuts her yap real quick, eyelids drooping into a bored gaze. " That doesn't even fuckin' rhyme, dumbass. Did you come up with that just now? Woww, I totally can't tell, " good-humoredly, she rolls her eyes. (Not like that was actually a good insult, because it totally sucked.) " You're obnoxious! " she jabs back in Racconstripe's direction before she sticks her tongue out at Wildheart. " Have fun taking moss-balls from kittens– "

She's cut off as Hawkshiver passes by, apparently having some sorta beef with Raccoonstripe that she hasn't quite clocked until just now. She's about to ask about it, when suddenly she's assaulted by bones. " Whatthefuck– No! " Wolfwind whines, shooting a desperate look in Prickleflower's direction, and a FUCKING PISSED one in Raccoonstripe's. What did she have to say for herself? " Start checkin' your nest before you get in it from now on, huh? " she huffs. One of the bones that were now being treated like moss-balls is promptly picked up and tossed into said nest, then she's out. Raccoonstrpe can get some quality time with random molly number 37 (no offense, Prickleflower. Full offense, Raccoonstripe).
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