worth the wait | intro, sun-bathing

Sep 4, 2023
The cure has been found and life is good. Lily Pad will get better, their sick will heal, and no longer will it plague their camp, lurking around every corner to strike. Only briefly does a question about Graystorm rise in his mind but he’s quick to (try to) suppress it. He doesn’t need to know if Gray would have gotten sick because Cobweb knows that if the boars had never existed, Gray wouldn’t have gotten sick. It’s as simple as that.

Blue eyes squint just slightly. He doesn’t like to think of his younger brother much anymore, especially as a familiar grief tugs at his heart. He moves on with a heavy sigh, trudging forwards with a distracted gait. Leaf-fall has begun, and as the temperatures begin to cool, he feels another pang of grief. He wonders how his mother is feeling about it, or how his siblings feel. Do they, too, feel the same grief that plagues him?

He should really start walking more. The trees rustle above him, probably a squirrel. It brings him back down to earth and he takes a deep breath in, relishing the crisper air.

He moves on again, pushing past faster until his favorite spot in the territory comes into view- Sunningrocks. He’s quick to make his way over and even quicker to hop up on to them, settling into the warm stone below. A low purr bursts from his throat as he rubs his shoulder into it, flipping onto his back to let the sun warm his belly. Briefly, just briefly it is relaxing enough to help him forget about the past and let his worries melt in to the stone beneath him.

Theres a couple paw steps a few tail lengths away, but Cobwebtail doesn't roll over to greet them, eyes shut in content. "You don't have to just stand there, the sun is nice. Come join me." was his first and only invitation. If they didn't take it, then that was on them.

  • 9678AAC9-0303-455E-9B2B-F62ED4E60E7A.png
    -> cobweb, cobwebtail
    -> cis male ,, he/him ,, 39 months
    -> warrior of thunderclan ,, former marsh grouper
    -> spindly, dainty blue and white tabby tom with half-lidded blue eyes
    -> “speech, 827aab
    -> unknown sexuality ,, single
    -> smells like oak trees & an odd mixture of smoke
    -> image by gravecrypt

unlike cobwebtail, nightbird was not drawn to the rocks for their relaxing nature. she didn't quite enjoy the sun so much, especially when it sat high burning holes into her pelt. even with the chill leaf-fall was beginning to bring she often returned to camp panting, on fire. the only purpose sunningrocks had was keeping thunderclan well fed, that is why they were obtained after all.

today she had set out to sharpen up duskpaw's hunting, the rocks their destination. only they turned out to not be as desolate as she would have hoped. upon further approach, the pale blob sprawled across turned into the familiar shape of cobwebtail. although she could not see the thin tom's face, the shade of his fur had a tendency to stick out amongst thunderclan's earthier tones.

she draws closer to pass him, paws stopping for just a moment to make sure duskpaw was following. in that time the silence was filled, an invitation to come roast alive under the strong rays, no thanks. it wasn't near cold enough for her to entertain the idea. "tempting," nightbird drawled in a tone that suggested his invitation was far from it. "i don't know how you stand it. just got here and i'm already convinced a swim is a good idea."

  • app tag @DUSKPAW

  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, twenty-five moons
    nightbird is a small black smoke molly with pale silver eyes. a loner turned thunderclanner, her loyalty and drive to provide for her clan is unwavering. however, she is not known for harboring a bleeding heart, instead equipped with sarcastically fueled wit, brutal honesty, and a sharply edged tongue.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Little Wolf had had a similar idea to Nightbird. Sunningrocks was a good place to hunt and, when she went there, she oftentimes left with a decent bit of prey. How much of that could be attributed to her own skill, she was uncertain but still. Prey was abundant among the rocks. Mostly mice and voles trying to hide from the sun. In green-leaf she does not blame them. The sun had been brutal, relentless. But leaf-fall was quickly approaching, she can feel it.

When she parts the foliage and steps out into the open, she is surprised to find that she is not alone. It seemed others had the same idea as her, but one look at her brother told her he was here to relax, not hunt. Her gaze shifts to Nightbird and Duskpaw and she smiles warmly, happy to see her kit and her sibling here. "You look comfortable up there" she muses with a twitch of her whiskers. "Its because his fur is lighter than ours, while we bake in the sun he's probably just a touch warm" she knows from Hailstorm how true that statement is. Despite his thick coat, he had no problems in the green-leaf sun while she had struggled through the season.
Sunningrocks. The last time he was here was.. right after someone had gotten bit. Someone had lost a kit, a mentor, a warrior that day. Batwing wanted to warn Tigerpaw about it, of course. Approaching Sunningrocks, the sound of soft conversation gave him pause. A gentle glance given to Tigerpaw, before he was pushing out of the bushes. Ever concerned about his apprentice, of course- he didn't want her to get hurt or get lost, of course. She was still so very young.

"Oh, come on. It's not so warm anymore." Batwing stated as he approached the small gathering. The short furred smoke stepped up to the rocks. Just a moment of hestitation, but then he was pushing himself onto the rocks, climbing up and settling not far from Cobwebtail. He stretched out with a soft huff, lifting his nose towards the leaffall sun.

// @tigerpaw. apprentice tag! ​
Wolfwind saw the merit in all of Sunningrocks' uses. Though ThunderClan had seized it for hunting purposes – and ought to do so, finding prey was no longer quite so dire that one may not simply come to enjoy the sun. With the sickness – it seems that that was changing more quickly than most of them would like. With all that they have been through, she wouldn't blame her uncle for taking the time to lounge about. It may be the last chance he gets in a little while.

She thinks about Lily Pad, but she can't think about it too hard, or she'll get down in the dumps. With Little Wolf's comment, she hums in agreement. Her whiskers twitch in amusement. There's a light smile on her face. " You'd fit right in with RiverClan. Maybe we can fool 'em if Nightbird goes for a swim. " She considers pushing her in, just to be a nuisance, but she wasn't that evil. " Reveal to us some RiverClan secrets, whatever those would be. " She would not join Cobwebtail not Batwing atop the rocks, her stomach doing too many nervous flips for her to properly settle down. Her eyes scan the rocks for prey, instead, or even something that could help Berryheart (As if she'd be able to tell the useful things from plain grass and weeds).


Cobweb only realizes its Nightbird when she speaks, his ears twitching as he swings himself to lay on his stomach, stretching out with his paws in front of him. "Ooooh," lips upturn in to a silly grin, hypotheticals lacing his words. "Swimming, I think Riverclan would love to see that... I mean, if you squint hard enough, maybe they can pass us off as fish?" his eyes turn to Duskpaw, where he'd give a small wave of his paw. It's nice to see his little nephew out and about, but Stars they're getting too big too fast.

"Little Wolf!" he perks up at the sight of his older sister, a greeting trill as she parts the ferns to emerge. If he wasn't so comfortable up on top of the stone, he would have leaped off and rubbed his cheek against hers- too bad he doesn't want to move. "Hello, hello." he blinks, slowly, his tail lazily brushing the stone beneath him. He cannot help but giggle at her words. "Well, while I will say that you're right..." a yawn splits his maw. "I will still argue that I think you guys should come up. I'll lay on top of you so you won't get hot. More sun for me." he laughs at his own joke, hes a funny guy, what can he say?

Batwing and Wolfwind are next and Cobweb is brought to the same epiphany that he has always drawn, Stars- where he goes, his family isn't far behind. The thought doesn't make him mad, no, he loves them and their company! The clan wouldn't be the same without them, he's glad that they're (mostly) all together in one Clan. He doesn't think about Wolfwinds sister. He smiles when Batwing clambers up upon and flops down, a win for Cobwebtail! At least one of them came up to relax, thats really all that matters to him. "Oh, Riverclan secrets... Maybe they're hiding a monster fish from us. Or- Or maybe... A monster of the river that isn't really a fish after all?" he gasps dramatically. "Cat-eating, bigger than three Sunningrocks put together. Now thats a ripple for your thoughts, isn't it?" not exactly, Cobweb just likes playing in to things. He knows no such thing would exist, but his eyes flit over the apprentices gathered, Duskpaw and Tigerpaw. Would they find it as amusing as him?

  • 9678AAC9-0303-455E-9B2B-F62ED4E60E7A.png
    -> cobweb, cobwebtail
    -> cis male ,, he/him ,, 39 months
    -> warrior of thunderclan ,, former marsh grouper
    -> spindly, dainty blue and white tabby tom with half-lidded blue eyes
    -> “speech, 827aab
    -> unknown sexuality ,, single
    -> smells like oak trees & an odd mixture of smoke
    -> image by gravecrypt
( ) Hailstorm recalls the event that had happened here at Sunning Rocks and it makes his stomach do a few flips as he walks out from the foliage only to see that he was not the only one present. His ears perk up when he sees that Batwing and Little Wolf are present before offering the pair a smile then unable to hold a chuckle hearing Nightbird mention swimming "Mhm. Maybe we'll both go for a quick dip. Unlock our inner Riverclanner," He jokes lightly to the smoke molly before briefly bumping shoulders with Little Wolf in greeting and can't help but flick an ear at the mention of Cobwebtail's pelt. It's true, he's less of a magnet for the sun but given his plush coat, well, it's still rather hot and he would rather splash around the shallows of Sunning Rocks than sunbathe. Maybe if Riverclan saw how well he could potentially swim, he could forge a bond with em. Unlikely.

Batwing mentions how it isn't that hot and admittedly, it has been getting a little cooler recently but not by much not quite there yet. He sits down momentarily watching his friend join the older warrior on the rocks to sunbathe and his whiskers twitch in amusement, he listens to Cobwebtail begin to speak and well, Hailstorm decides that he's quite funny thus very likable. The kind of cat that he could befriend for sure. "Cat-eating monster, huh? Swimming has become a less appealing option now." He says jokingly knowing that he would still very much dip his paws in the shallows. Monster or not.
The rocks before them in a clearing looked bright, the sun bouncing off of them and reflecting the brightness of the day. Tigerpaw had only briefly seen it before, and was told there were snakes here, so she would stay wary.

"Swimming is actually pretty fun, and fish are kinda good," She stated, remembering how it was the easiest thing for her frail mother to catch. "Not as good as mouse though. I was told we don't eat them though."

The brown and orange tortie, stripes heavy, and white on her underpelt, would try to follow Batwing up onto the rocks, her front paws holding onto the side, and her hind legs kicking the side to try to pull herself up. It wasn't easy, but she finally managed to join the warriors on top of it.

"There's cat eating monsters??" The apprentice would gasp, her features stricken with worry. That was no good if Riverclan lived with a monster of that nature. "I need to tell Emberkit that! He'd never believe it!'


♪ Like a moth to a flame ♪ ---- After yesterday's training, Mothpaw was feeling a bit sore.. It didn't help that he was sent out to assist with the latest patrol. Moth was just behind Tigerpaw before spotting the others among Sunning Rocks. He wasn't quite the fan of snakes or swimming, but at least he could easily take on snakes instead of the rushing river water. The thought of swimming made him uneasy, knowing he couldn't swim to save his life.

The tom makes his way toward CobwebTail and mumbles "Got room for another?" The thought of relaxing after a busy, past few days sounded quite delightful. However, he worried about getting to hot with his black, thick coat.

Mothpaw lowly chuckled at the tale of the Riverclan monster, knowing it was fake, or at least hoping. Talk of monsters and snakes made him feel a little anxious, he took a moment to recuperate. He was back to feeling normal after a little de-stress shake.

  • Lyrics - Moth by HELLYEAH

  • - Mothpaw
    - 9 ☾
    - Tom, He/Him
    - Single, Bisexual

Played by @Dutch