worthy of love anyway | mercykit


Oct 31, 2024

✧ mercykit, given by their parents - a wish and a hope for a better future
✧ afab, equally utilizes feminine and neutral pronouns (she/they)
✧ 2 moons, ageing every 31st
✧ kitten of shadowclan
✧ created 10/31/24 at 2 moons old

✧ flintwish x ashenfall
✧ siblings: promisekit, tinykit, tbdkit
✧ friends: n/a
✧ dislikes: n/a
✧ relationship status: single
✧ unknown sexuality, no current feelings on romance; to be explored icly as they age

✧ at first glance one may think they have seen a ghost of the past, a haunting specter who shares the same blood as flintwish. with her pale face and lanky figure, mercy resembles their aunt, ghostmask, in near mirror image. inky black paints itself upon the upper half of mercy's lithe body, covering her front legs, chest, and head… save for the purest white that encapsulates her gentle rounded face. large, tufted, slightly rounded ears draw plenty of attention to their countenance should the stark contrast fail to do so. situated amidst the ivory visage are a pair of vibrant mismatched eyes - the very same her dam and sire possess. rich amber encircles her left iris while glacial blue encircles the right iris. the lower half of her body is that same unblemished white as their face, covering her middle, hips, hind legs, and most of her tail. the point of meeting at her midsection, unlike the scalloped pattern of their aunt, is speckled and swirled as if the two hues collided. their fur shares the same wavy laperm fur of their sire, soft and feathery. her bottlebrush tail ends in a tuft of black fur, helping to differentiate her from her ghostly relative. mercy has a relatively small frame, wedge shaped head, and proportional tail, though their legs and body are on the lengthier side which causes her to look a bit awkward during childhood and adolescence.

( + ) compassionate, kind, friendly
( / ) forgiving, sensitive
( - ) insecure, easily stressed, guilt ridden
✧ mercy is thrust into a world where she embodies strife and sorrow in her appearance alone. they have no choice in their appearance but she has every choice in how she approaches her family and clanmates. mercy is a figure of purity and innocence; she is bell-like laughter and glittering smiles. they are easy to give and also receive affection, whether physical or emotional. she is quick to apologize, even if they were never the one at fault. they do not wish to see anyone upset or in pain - she will do all in their power to soothe someone they love… even if it in turn causes herself emotional distress. every interaction she has must be carefully planned and acted out lest she make a mistake and paint themself in a poor light. mercy will do all she can to earn the name she was blessed with. they will ensure their parents' wishes and hopes come to fruition… one way or another.
✧ hobbies: n/a
✧ potential plots:
• mercy develops vitiligo as she enters warriorhood and it seems to pop up most around her face, slowly easing back their inky cowl. starclan's own mercy in pushing her appearance further away from her aunt's – letting mercy begin anew.
• mercy finds herself in hot water when it comes to relationships because she doesn't have the heart to let anyone down, so she inadvertently strings them along and feels so guilty about it.
• if an option in the future, some collaboration with deja in getting ghost and mercy meeting face to face would be so fun… super interesting. how do they react to one another? with jealousy? fear? intrigue?

✧ will run; will not start a fight; will likely not finish fights; will kill if absolutely necessary to their survival but hopefully they will never have to
✧ peaceful powerplay is absolutely allowed
✧ penned by kerms