backwritten WOULD I RUN OFF THE WORLD // brook & oxbow

// for anyone reading, this thread is backwritten to take place during the final rogue clear-out battle in SkyClan's camp
mentions of death and willingness to die/giving up on life
@brookpaw @OXBOWPAW

He has known grief before. He knew it when his sister had been discovered slain at the border, a rogue's stench clinging to her bloodied form. Buckgait had helped him through it then, her support unyielding and ever necessary. But then she had gone, too, plucked from him as easily as a worm by a bird. That grief had been different. He'd been hollow, and heavy, and numb. His kits and younger brother had been the only reason he had kept going. It was them who needed him more than anything, he knew. And even if he hardly showed it, he loved them more than anything in this world.

This grief...with Meadowheart's corpse at the forefront of his mind...this grief is furious and violent and bloody. He sees red as he charges into the final camp, his claws already sticky with blood but he wets them easily with a few slashes to a rogue here, and rogue there. He is blind with rage. He would kill every rogue in this damned forest to make sure his remaining two kits aren't harmed and taken from him like his son had been. So when he sees them cornered, with two rogues far larger than they are looming over them with fangs bared and fur bristled, he does not hesitate. Lightningstone ducks his head with lifeless eyes trained on his enemies, lips pulled back to reveal fangs poised to tear. He pushes towards them with the speed of LeopardClan and collides hard with their bodies, bones clattering and knocking and bruising. He skids across the grass when he lands, now finding their attention on him. And he pauses, his mind growing quieter.

It's okay. This is okay. It always should have been me, not him. Now it will be me instead of them.

Chest heaving with heavy breaths, he lets his eyes fall shut, awaiting the fangs to tear into his throat and mangle him like they had done to his son. Better him than his daughters. He would gladly die so they may live.
Oxbowpaw has known grief—her mother’s loss has been a venom in her veins, raw and burning, something she cannot shake. The fawn-dappled she-cat’s smiles are in spite of the pain she has known, but she cannot bring herself to do so now. Meadowpaw—Meadowheart—is gone. They should have earned a warrior name together; they should have stood shoulder-to-shoulder before Cicadastar before the River Rock, their eyes bright with possibility, long of limb and tooth, ready to start their lives as warriors together. He’d died because of a foolish mistake she’d made—and she pays for it now, again, watching Lightningstone stand alone as rogues draw nearer, tightening the circle around him.

His eyes are bright with pain, with bloodlust. Oxbowpaw’s teeth are revealed to the root as she wrinkles her muzzle and snarls. “LIGHTNINGSTONE! What are you doing!” Her fur begins to bush about her body as she shoves herself into her father, hoping to jostle him into action, into life.Open your eyes! Are you trying to get killed?” She stares at him as the rogues’ breath begins to poison the air around them. “Brookpaw—help me fight! We don’t give up here,” she rages, her outrage puffing her pelt out around her skinny body.

, ”

She still hears him cry for help. Exhaustion weighs her body down and adrenaline fades, and despite the ringing in her ears she hears the gasping, choking of her brother's final words amidst the chaos. Why are they here? She wants to ask. SkyClan is as important as any other Clan, of course, but is it worth fighting to their continued, inevitable demise out here, whilst her brother's body cools? She sees another pelt lying limp on the ground - well groomed despite the tousled nature of their fur. Their leader gifts her a name, too.

Is this all they have left? Dragging fightings with mangy cats? She's unsurprised when she's cornered again, her combat skills at an all time low. Oxbowpaw is with her and she swipes her claws for the other. She would be damned, even though blood and tears, to watch another sibling's life leave their eyes. One of the rogue's dirty claws dig into her cheek on a well timed scratch, however shortly after they tumble away, a familiar grey pelt going with them.

Brookpaw finds despair in her heart as she watches Lightningstone stand, yet prepare for his end. She's frozen, like before, and terrified - her sister's loud, borderline grating voice is what pulls her from her panic. She moves quick, as if she's in water, and digs her claws into the closer rogue's pelt, slamming them down before leaping off of them and joining her father's side. Her family's side.

"We can't lose you, Lightningstone," she pants, shaking out her fur. Her ears twitch back for a moment and she stands a bit straighter, "We have to - to be here for each other. Lest Meadowp- Meadowheart have given his life for nothing."