would I run off the world someday? ☁️ willow

Sep 23, 2022
It'd been windy that day, the breeze a collective creaking in the trees. Gloompaw shot the beginning stack of rocks a glare, as if she'd attack it for knocking over in the gusts (she would).

It wasn't often she would seek out spending time with one cat only. But it had been on her mind to do something with Willowroot besides being on the same patrols or talking in groups with them. Although the exact details of her joining were becoming blurry as time went onwards, the memories before the clan becoming ever distant, she would always remember who found her first. Willowroot could've easily pried her off her pelt, and sent her on her way. Instead, they'd been kind, forgiving. The first real friendliness she'd experienced.

Afraid of clinging to them, or anyone, an untrusting child, she was awestruck from afar. She could never be as patient as Willowroot when she grew up, but she was hoping that some cats would say they shared some qualities by the end of it.

"Look, we can make it have a face!" The stone stack was beginning to look much like both of them, as she held one up to represent a cat's ear. It was near the temporary camp, within sight of the dens, and thankfully away from any threat of being washed away. But with the strong breezes, it may as well be disappearing slowly before their eyes. "And give it fur," she gestured to the dried moss beside them. Hopefully whoever's nest it had came from was ready to believe it had simply disappeared into the wind.

A moment's pause, and then curiously she burst out, "Will we ever move back to the other camp?" Maybe Willowroot had secret, insider information.
