would it please you to listen | humming

It was easy for Cloudypaw to get overwhelmed. Though she knew that she was too in her own head all the time. It was easy to tell herself that she shouldn't let her own worries get the better of her, but she couldn't help it. As she paced around camp there were too many fears clouding her head to do much of anything at all.

Setting herself down in a patch of sun, Cloudypaw let out a deep breath. All she needed was a few moments of relaxation. After that, she'd be alright, she told herself. She let her eyes drift closed, willing herself to calm down. It was too quiet though, and her thoughts felt louder than ever.

So, she began to softly hum.

It wasn't much, but it helped. Just that little noise drowned out all her worries. Besides, it sounded nice, and that alone made her feel better. Wrapping her tail around herself, she began to feel more comfortable. The world around her faded from her attention.

Slowly, her humming grew in volume. What had begun as a quiet, simple sound evolved into a lovely little melody. With her eyes still closed, Cloudypaw dedicated all her focus to making it sound as nice as she could. It was just the type of task that set her mind at ease. A contented little smile settled onto her face.​

The music of the forest could be loud and scary; the wind whipping through the trees on a stormy day, calls of unknown birds that could either be as small as ants or as large as twolegs, the occasional distant howl that Pebblepaw dared not ponder what it belonged to. Some noises did not get easier to hear as time plodded forwards, but if there was one thing that could provide comfort in the river of unknowns, it was the voices of Pebblepaw's clanmates. The lilac tom seldom had anything to add to conversations, but he could sit through all the sun's phases listening to their gossip and advice whilst he worked on his own projects. Picking the remnants of soil from his worn paws, a gentle noise entered his ears, causing them to twitch in an off-sync melody. Copper eyes flittered upwards and settled upon Cloudypaw, his muzzle parted in pleasant surprise. He stayed as still as stone at first, not even daring to bob his tail up and down for fear it would somehow mess up his sister's tune. Pebblepaw didn't think she'd draw attention to herself without reason, as her song's volume increased, he pondered if she knew how loud she was being.

It was not a problem for him, of course. To hear a sibling happy was worth any interruption, and Cloudypaw deserved any joy she could get - Pebblepaw just hoped ThunderClan's crowds would not embarrass her. He moved closer, paw steps soft as if sneaking up on prey, but instead of making any leap of faith, the older apprentice instead just settled down closer to the blue feline. A smile stretched upon his somber maw from ear to ear, his angled head slowly swaying left and right bullrushes on a summer day. Silent, the lilac tom continued to groom his paws at a much slower rate than before, content to allow himself some harmony with Cloudypaw's humming.


He would not be lying if he said he had been confused to the source of the noise, distracted with trying to fix part of the warriors den that was leaking directly over his and Rabbitnose's nest; the coming of newleaf brought with it the rain and if he woke up damp again in the morning he would be quite cross. Thankfully it seemed an easy fix, nothing a bit of mud and some bracken plastered overhead wouldn't fix, but not tht he had gathered so much more mud and material than he needed he figured he might as well make sure the rest of the den was touched up too. The humming had made him think a bee had gotten into the den and his fear of insects left him searching frantically for it before finally leaning outside to catch the melodic noise rising in a much less buzzing manner than he thought muffled inside the hollow earth. It sounded nice, calming, and apparently the apprentices were enjoying it so who was he to disturb. So rather than say a word the tom smiled and nodded in silent greeting to not distract the two enjoying their peace.
Returning back to his business the red tabby cheerful kneaded his lone forepaw into the mud and began to plaster it around the mouth of the den to hold the bracken in place; once dried it would help keep bits crumbling off when cats bumped too harshly against it.

In the moons since his birth, Shinekit’s mother (as well as most of the clan’s queens) had quickly realized the futility of trying to sing the shaft of sunlight to sleep. Too socially energetic for his own good, talk at nighttime had gradually turned from soft sleep-inducing melodies to snippy remarks about how the flame-tinted tomcat should be weighed down with rocks to stay in his nest.

So when tiny solar pillars caught the sound of humming while wandering camp, sky-blue eyes grew frantic for a moment. It wasn’t time for bed already, was it? After confirming that, yes, the sun was still reasonably high in the sky, Shinekit endeavored to seek out the source of the relaxing rhythm. It didn’t take long, of course, and the shaft of sunlight shot towards Cloudypaw the second he spotted her.

Normally, Shinekit would’ve skidded to a halt and announced his sudden arrival with a shout and a salvo of questions. However, perhaps due to a (finally) developing brain, something told the tiny kit to approach with silence. Slowing his pace and instead trotting up to Pebblepaw, the curious cat sat and stared at the source of the music with inquisitive dinner-plate eyes, wanting to ask how it was possible for someone to produce such a sweet sound but too scared to but a stop to its flow.​