camp WOULD YOU COME BACK FOR ME? [ ✦ ] disappearance


just pretend . 𓆩♡𓆪
Nov 8, 2023

It's the first time in four long moons that Roseblaze has ever dared to set foot out of camp. She was a present mother, always hovering over her kits. Especially Pumpkinkit, with its differences from the other kits that caused her to fret over them more than she had with Springkit. But now, they were apprentices, charged under the care of Orangeblossom and Twitchbolt respectively. An honor, really, for her kits to be mentored by a lead warrior and a deputy respectively, an honor that she was not certain she and Cricketchase were deserving of, but one she would not dare to question the word of her leader.

It is among one of the tortoiseshell queens first day back in her warrior duties and to celebrate, Cricketchase has invited her to go on a hunt with him. "Just like old times" he says, his voice and his eyes filled with warmth. But her eyes flicker up to the sky, where storm clouds have gathered. He follows her gaze, sees the worried look that crosses his mates features and is quick to interject before she can protest. "We'll be back before the storm breaks" he promises, and that's that.

The storm comes when the sky is midway through its journey through the sky. Springpaw watches as clanmates duck for cover, this rain colder than the rain that would be had in a season like new-leaf she hears someone say. It's the kind of rain that drenches you to your very core, inviting the wind to nip at your skin and your bones. An old nursery tale, she's certain but still… Her parents had gone hunting that morning, she remembers, and a frown crosses her features as she stares at the entrance to camp from the mouth of the apprentices den. Maybe they had found somewhere safe and were waiting out the storm together… it's what she tells herself as she waits and waits and waits.

Night is starting to fall and she finds her pelt brushing against the orange and black pelt of Pumpkinpaw, seeking their presence for comfort, for safety and peace. None of those feelings come. She cannot shake the dread that has settled into her very core. The rain had stopped not long after it had began and still her parents were not home. Prior to becoming apprentices, he had brought them prey every night. They had eaten as a family, all four of them. It was a tradition that Cricketchase and Roseblaze had promised would continue well into their adult lives if they wanted it to. She never would have said no to sharing a meal with her family. Never ever. "They gotta come back" she says to Pumpkinpaw, though now she knows they cannot hear her. She had moved to be closer to the entrance of the camp, her eyes burned from how hard she stared, her mind numbed from the strength of her concentration. Perhaps if she blinked she would miss their return, she tells herself that if she turned away and went to go lay in her nest, they would think she had gone to bed and they wouldn't share their prey with her. "They promised. They gotta come back." she says again, her voice firm, as if she can will her wishes into existence. But the quiver of her lips and the tears dotting her eyes suggest fear clouds her heart. what if they never came back?

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Pumpkinpaw had watched the falling rain with round eyes from its place within the apprentice's den. Despite its own half-hearted attempt at a nest beside Springpaw where it'd ben guided to, the patchwork kitten had slowly but surely wriggled its way into the small space its sibling had carved for itself.

Night was threatening to fall, the storm had let up, and Pumpkinpaw was hungry. Cricketchase hadn't come by with their dinner yet, nor had Roseblaze joined them. It was pretty sure it knew why- Roseblaze stayed in the nursery, and Cricketchase brought prey to the nursery. The nursery, the place where they most definitely weren't.

It seemed odd to them that their mother hadn't been hovering nearby as she always did, especially for as close as Springpaw was to the camp's exit. She looked worried, gazing out into the darkening tunnel, and the newly named apprentice didn't know why. Although they didn't leave her side as they seemed loathe to do, Pumpkinpaw kept twisting around to make glances at the nursery.

Once again, an uncertain mismatched gaze flickered back to its sibling. Wasn't she hungry? Didn't she want to go eat? Playing in the new den had been fun, but it was ready to go back to its home nest now. She looked close to crying, and it made discomfort squirm within it.

Not wanting the tears to fall, the chimera leaned forward to bump her with its nose, reaching over to lightly sink teeth in her scruff and tug her in the direction of the nursery. It took a few steps in its direction near pointedly, pausing to look back at her.
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  • // OOC
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  • (( pumpkinpaw )) of skyclan, sibling to springpaw ; npc x npc
    ↳ its/they/any pronouns, doesn't care about gendered terms
    ↳ AGAB undefined ; intersex ; gender unlabeled, it does not yet understand the concept
    currently 4 moons old, ages every 1st
    completely deaf. unlikely to understand anything said with words alone.
    ↳ this is a known fact among skyclanners, but unlikely to be known by strangers
    likely to respond to situations based on the expressions of others.

    a scruffy, shorthair chimera kitten that is a distinct and striking combination of glossy black fur and bold red stripes. it has bright, mismatched yellow and copper eyes. for its age, pumpkinpaw is of average height. it smells of dry leaves and springpaw.
THERE WILL COME A SOLDIER — Blazingpaw had kept himself busy throughout camp or mainly in the apprentices den on his nest trying his best at weaving his materials into his bedding and couldn't help but frown in the slightest, he briefly peeked out only to retreat after a few cold droplets of rain to fall on his head. The newly made apprentice realizes that the spot Springpaw had claimed had been rather empty and he finds himself being concerned instead of relieved that she's gone unable to witness him fail over and over again at his personal task. He glances to the few of the apprentices around only to walk out from the mouth of the den noticing that it was dark out and remembers how Howlfire would usher him and his littermates to the nursery before the night came. How she'd curl around them quieting them down with a story and he finds himself missing it... The simplicity of being just a kitten.

But its different now, he has to get accustomed to it now and Blazingpaw finds himself frowning in the slightest when his eyes land on both Springpaw and Pumpkinpaw noticing how the chimera tried to lead its sister to the nursery. He debates whether to approach or not, his littermates could handle this if they wanted to but he didn't want to be a massive jerk especially now that he noticed both Roseblaze and Cricketchase were nowhere to be seen. He mulls it over for a heartbeat soon approaching the pair with a shake of his head in Pumpkinpaw's direction in a silent no before turning his attention to Springpaw "Uh... You guys should head to bed soon..." He starts a little awkwardly then flicks a feathered ear adding an inquiry, "Have you eaten?" Admittedly, he had not eaten either considering he had been so distracted in making his own nest perfect and his stomach growls to announce said hunger. A paw curling towards it as if to silence it.

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    longhaired red tabby tom with green eyes
    4 moons old; ages the 28th every month
    sexuality unknown; too young
    son of coyotecrest and howlfire
    brother to wolfpaw and hawkpaw
    currently being mentored by bobbie
    easy to befriend; kinda quick to anger (especially if you're springpaw)
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
The storm had ravaged the forest, icy rain pelting the camp and driving cats toward their dens to wait it out. It had been brief but savage—and when Blazestar emerges from his den, still shaking cold water from his fur, he spots three small shapes huddled near the entrance of camp. He recognizes the hulking red tabby figure of his grandson and his denmates, Springpaw and Pumpkinpaw. Their eyes are fastened on the entrance, waiting for something to appear, seemingly. As Blazestar steps closer, he hears They gotta come back, from Springpaw’s quivering mouth.

Who?” Blazestar asks, his blue eyes round with alarm. “Cricketchirp and Roseblaze still aren’t back?” He frowns, his ears flattening just slightly. He turns toward @orangeblossom , his tail lifting curtly. “We need to send a patrol to find them,” he says quietly, hoping Blazingpaw can persuade his denmates to eat and rest. “That storm was nasty.

, ”
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Twitchbolt was fond of faraway storms, the mountainous clouds gathering in the distance- but in his reverence, he knew the danger of them two. The moment he heard small utterances, smelled fear on the damp air, he strode over toward the slowly gathering group, casting Pumpkinpaw a look of deep concern.

Deja-vu struck cold, deep, in Twitchbolt's chest. In Leafbare, two lovers going out into the snow to hunt together. The hunt would be their last, and they would be dead in the snow before anyone could find them. It was the tale of his own parents, Tidespin and Ravencall- wherever they walked now, he could only hope they were protecting Cricketchirp and Roseblaze from the same fate that had befallen them.

"Let me go," he asked Blazestar and Orangeblossom, glancing between them and quickly dipping his head. He was a good tracker, he knew storm signs, he... he had to do something, for Pumpkinpaw and Springpaw, and for the mounting fear that was beginning to squeeze his stomach tight.
penned by pin ✧
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    orangeblossom | tags
    — she/her ; deputy of skyclan. mentoring springpaw.
    — scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes.
    "speech" ; thoughts
    — chibi by waluigipinball
    — penned by mercibun. @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots.
A vicious thunderstorm is unusual at this time of leafbare, oft replaced by snowstorms rather than sleet, but there's exceptions to every rule. Orangeblossom had taken shelter with the other warriors, thick pelt fluffed up defensively and a sour glanced passed towards every flash of lightning. Ridiculous. She'd planned to take Springpaw by Rockpile today, but the weather had other plans. So caught up in her grouchy mood, Orangeblossom had not noticed the absence of Roseblaze and Cricketchase, but the sight of her apprentice and her littermate pressed close together close by the camp entrance and Blazingpaw, unusually sombre in his rival's presence, suggests they eat something.

Blazestar calls her over and Orangeblossom responds with a flick of her ear, turning scarred muzzle towards him with a shake of her head. She hadn't even known they were gone, but unease grips her heart with cold claws as their leader orders a patrol. The last time two warriors had gone missing ...

"Of course." She answers, inclining her head minutely. Twitchbolt might be too close to this situation, being Pumpkinpaw's mentor and with his own parents being the last two warriors to disappear in such a way, but he's one of their best trackers. Eyes flicking skyward to where the clouds have broken, revealing dusk and the first warriors of StarClan watching over them, she assesses the weather. With a bit of luck, they wouldn't face any more stormy weather. "Go and get @SILVERSMOKE and @QUILLSTRIKE as well. Be safe, take shelter if it begins to rain again."