// TW for mention of abuse

The two had argued. Fresh blood was now spilling down from his ear after his mother had lashed out at him. It was not the first time it had happend this couple of days. The bad cycle is repeating itself. Leechpaw was beyond tired at this point and his mother just keept on complaining, bickering and telling him he was not doing enough. That he was caring more about the clan than her. He has raised his voice in protest, in anger and she had used violence to put him into place. Know your place!. Sounded similliar. Not that many days ago Sootstar had scolded him too. Everyone just keept on pushing him around it was driving him to his limits.

Prove your loyalty to me.

Leechpaw had his teeth clenched as his walked right towards the twoleg place his eyes a storm of emotions. His mom had wanted him to prove he was loyal to her, that he was not like...his father. A runaway who would flee when things become difficult or complicated. " You have no idea what your father did to me!. He was violent and short tempered just like you!. How can i trust you wont end up becoming like him?. A weak coward!. Leechpaw jumped over the fence arriving at the place. He was stalking in the shadows as he made his way over towards the place his mother had showed just some couple of days ago. " If you want a place in this family you have to kill that tom, prove to me you are not a weak kittypet like your father."

He was there just outside waiting for the kittypet to step outside so he could take their life. Leechpaw had been waiting forever for this to happen, that he one day would confront his father and make him pay for abandoning them all. His reason for hating kittypets so much it was all for the blood that was streaming through his own veins. Half-kittypet. Every single day he had to fight against his own blood so no one would know the truth he had been hiding for so long. Every since he had been a kit his own mother had keept on reminding him how worthless kittypets were, that he would end up becoming just like his father. The hatred he had for his own father might be misplaced, might have been brainwashed into him but today in this very moment it felt so real and he was gonna end the tom's life so he finally could have his family back. If he did this than maybe things would actually become better. Maybe his mom would finally stop seeing him like a leech - to get reminded of who he was sired to. If he did this maybe his mom finally could love him.

He waited, and waited until finally the black older tom stepped out from the house and for a brief moment Leechpaw just stared. It was the first time he had seen his father after all and the two looked so much alike. Same fur, same long legs, same tufts on the ears. Black as the night. Even their eyes where the same only difference was that Leechpaw's eyes was a darker shade of orange. But beside that?. It was like looking at himself and it sickened him. As long this tom was alive no wonder his mother couldn't show him the same kindness and warmth Echolight was giving to him...

Leechpaw followed silently watching his father daily routine as he greeted other kittypets, talked and sunbathed in the snow. Laughed and smiled living a normal life. For each passing second as he watched them Leechpaw grow more and more furious. The hated was eating him up on the inside, blaming them for everything. While he had been suffering this tom was living a perfectly happy and normal life. How could that be fair?. " If you kill him Leech, we can finally become a family for real. None of us need to suffer anymore.

They reached an alley and he followed creeping himself up behind them, and then he lunged attacking them from behind. Leechpaw took them by surprise however he was far too weak to win as easily as that. Starved and tired, the kittypet put up a fight and the two clawed and bit at each other before the kittypet saw an opening to get away and took it. Leechpaw chased after his father through the streets trying to catch up. He saw his chance when the tom tried to get away by jumping a fence but slipped and fell back down. It was enough for him to catch up and Leechpaw lunged at them once more, and as he landed at their back he sank his teeth right into the back of his father neck. The tom struggled underneath them but Leechpaw managed to keep them pinned under them. Blood started to drop down from the neck as he bite deeper and deeper his mind to busy on his task to really think of anything else. The rage was winning once again. " Why....why are you doing...this?."

His fathers confusing words snapt him out of it. Leechpaw would slowly let go of the tom while still keeping them pinned underneath him, his breathing heavy as he stared down at them. He could see the fear in this tom's eyes, and he realised that he was the one who had the power here. Just like back then on the moors with that kittypet. He had felt just the same, powerful and in control, liking the fear he infected into somebody else. " Because you deserve to die." His voice was cold and emotionless but he felt a spark of joy as he lifted the paw up in the air ready to end this.

" Leechpaw!." A voice, a deja-vu snapping him out from his murderious trance...and suddenly his eyes went wide as his paw freeze right in the air. Echolight?!. His gaze tore itself away from the cat underneath him instead searching for his former mentor and right in front of him she stood there, only her ghost of course, a hallucination. But she stood there looking at him with disappointment. " I know you can be better than this. " Her words ringed into his ears, and it was only then he realised what he actually was doing. What he was about to do. Leechpaw blinked and suddenly Dandelionwish stood there as well, and Bumblebreeze. All three of them staring at him.

Leechpaw no longer know where he was losing himself completely as he just stared at the ghosts of his friends who wouldn't approve of this, and all he could think about was them how they would react if they saw him right now. They would not want this...for him to do this. Suddenly he was hesitant, scared and the tom underneath him saw their chance and got back their will to fight. All of the suddenly the tom picked themself back up on their paws and stood straight up making Leechpaw stumble himself backwards and as the kittypet spin around coming for him Leechpaw was left defenceless and got knocked down to the ground now being the one who laid underneath them.

Panic was quick to rise inside of his eyes and as he stared up at his attacker his face shifted and changed into his mothers. Leechpaw started to found it difficult to breath as he felt pressure down on his throat. Choking. His mother was choking him!. A supressed memory from his childhood, one he not had wanted to remember. The day when his mother had tried to kill him. Leechpaw saw nothing but fear and he needed to get away, to free himself. With a cry of fear and panic he became like a feral cat underneath them and used his back legs to kick the cat off him. Instantly he started to gasp for air once he was free but it took severely a couple of minutes before he had calmned himself down enough for him to be able to breath somewhat normally again. Unsteadily he got back up on his paws and started to search around for the cat,tom, his father and when he found them his blood grow cold. A bit away the lifeless body of the black tom lay, blood running out from the back of their head as they had cracked thier head by the fall when they had hit their head to hard on the asphalt.

Leechpaw was left standing there for a long moment simply staring as the process was slow for him to grasp everything that just had happend. He had...killed them hadn't he?. In the end he had become a murderer anyway. Shaking. He was shaking and he collapsed on the ground, by his fathers body. Just staring, saying nothing to shooked and overwhelmed to have any reaction.


Hours had past by before Leechpaw had returned back to the burrow, to his mothers side once more. He stepped inside but he was awfully quiet not saying a word just staring as his let his shadow reveal he was back. Rain had been sleeping but woke up when she noticed his presence. She slowly opened her eyes and looked up at him.
" Did you do it?." Was her instant question. " Yes." He answerd with a hollowish voice, something was off with his eyes. He looked distant and cold. His mother did not seem to notice or maybe she didn't care. " Good. But where is the food?. You could have at least brought food back with you." Leechpaw mouth parted slightly, his mother loveless words lacking any warmth just like always. Cold and unreachable. He had just killed someone for her but all she did was keep on demanding things from him. Would she ever be satisfied?.

It was then it came to him. The truth he had been to blind to want to see. She would never change. No matter what he did she would never change, never look at him like Echolight did with her kits, or Sootstar did with hers. That warm look, this loving words. What he craved and wanted so much, so badly. He would never get that from them. His mother was as cold and heartless as a cat could be. All she had ever done was hurt him, use him. She was the cause of everything, the rot to all of his suffering not his father. It was all her.

And now he had become a murderer because of her.

Leechpaw said nothing, he did nothing. All he did was turn his back on her to walk away even ignoring as she yelled his name. Empty. He felt empty and numb inside. For the first time in his life Leechpaw felt nothing at all. It was like something had broke inside of him. Tears streamed down from his face but Leechpaw was to numb to notice.

He had killed himself to become what his mother wanted him to be....and for what?.

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