private WOULD YOU STILL LOVE ME IF I WAS A WORM? -- pink-kit

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The earth rumbles, stones clattering at Finchkit's paws as she stares down the darkened tunnel, self-assurance and determination glimmering in her gaze as she stands head-on, ready to face the oncoming danger. All kinds of beasts lurk down here, and as a mighty WindClanner, it falls to her to take care of them, especially when she's the only one brave enough to stand up to them. Everybody else had quailed in fear, some even going so far as to warn her not to go down there, but she would never turn and run from a challenge - or a good mystery, one which is about to be revealed as the very walls begin to vibrate. Whatever it is, she'll drive it back; nothing could ever stand in the way of her might! The light in the conveniently well-lit cavern she finds herself in flickers, as though the very elements are warning her, but she only takes a step forward, crouching slightly to prepare for the legendary battle that is to come. Finally, finally, when it seems the beast can't get any closer without slipping into the light - she catches a glimpse, flashes of whatever it is. Smoothed skin, marred over with dirt - is that a hint of pink...? It releases a horrible screech, one that could be heard all the way down to RiverClan camp, and back, and just as it slithers all the way into the light -

- Finchkit wakes with a start, sleep-addled brain still trapped in the throes of her dream as she flails about, paws extended as though she might still meet the creature haunting her dreams. "Huh - wha-?" she slurs, blinking away visions of giant worms to find that she's been in camp all along, no mighty beasts anywhere in sight. Confusion drips heavily off of her for a moment, before her recollection slowly starts to come back to her - she'd laid down in a sunbeam, relishing the warmth, and even though she swore it would just be for a second, she must have fallen asleep. All this worm talk lately must be getting to her or something like that, what with her incredibly cool and skilled and awesome dream self hunting down some sort of giant worm in the tunnels, and even as she's only just fully waking up, Finchkit makes a note to ask one of the tunnelers if it's really like that down there. For now, though, her curiosity must know bounds, because she'd much rather get rid of all that excess energy she's stored up while napping.

Shaking herself out as if it will speed up the process. tottering paws bear her weight even before she knows where's she's going. It's like magic - with no aim in mind, she's drawn towards something, and so happy as a hare, she trots along, only getting tripped up because the rest of her body is still waking up one time (okay, maybe more than once, but it's not her fault somebody left a perfectly-trippable rock right there in the middle of camp!). There's plenty of things to do around here, always something new to satisfy her curiosity, but lots of them are no fun alone; the sight of a familiar dappled pelt draws a cheeky grin to her face, and silently she thanks her paws for leading her right to her sister. "PINK-KIT!" she hollers, as though the other kitten could possibly miss her even at her normal volume. "Pink-kit! I just had this craaaazy dream where I was fighting a giant worm! You think, the tunnelers ever do that? Anyways, I think we should play explore! Oh, or play run around camp! Oh oh, or we could throw worms at each other!"
  • Untitled358_20230906125307.png
  • EEHinuI.png
    - Finch Finchkit
    - She/her (AFAB)
    - 2 moons
    - Loner Kit of WindClan
    - Hearty & scruffy chocolate lynx point with splashes of white and bright blue eyes
    - Art by Jay & base by googaoo respectively! <33
    - Minor powerplay allowed!
    - Penned by Hijinks​
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Pink-kit is digging holes when her sister finds her. Because now that she knows she has no choice but to become whatever Sootstar tells her to be ( UGH! ) she ought to test all of her skills, so that she'd be ready for anything! She still doesn't really know what moor - runners do ( What? Run? Is that it??? ) but allll the tunnelers came back mucky and icky from dig digging all day. Thing is, Pink-kit got super bored like as soon as she started and now she's moreso just pawing at the ground with her one white paw. Thank goodness Finchkit must have something more fun to do!

" WHAAT? " she yells back to Finchkit, turning her head. She talks really fast. Hmph, Pink-kit would be able to talk just AS fast if talking wasn't so weird and hard? " Worms don't got claws or teeth! How's it gunna fight you, huh? " Finchkit must be the worst fighter in the whole world! " Anyways, we should play explore! " Pink-kit nods enthusiastically. " Oh, or play run around camp! ! " Pink-kit keeps nodding. " Oh oh, or we could throw worms at each other!! " Pink-kit keeps nodding. But then, having a realization, the girl suddenly gasps. " Finchkit! " she exclaims, taking on a scolding tone. " You're worming too much! You – thinking about them all the time, that's a sign that you're turning into one and then we'll have to— we gotta get rid of you! "


    A tiny, longhaired calico she - kit with yellow eyes, ringed blue around her pupils (sectoral heterochromia). While you can clearly see her flame markings on her face, the rest of her body is currently covered by a grey fever - coating. Though the whites of her are still very much visible. Pink-kit bounces around WindClan without a care in the world! Her emotions are big, and she makes little effort to regulate them, resulting in both her usually cheerful disposition, as well as making her prone to sudden bouts of extreme anger or sadness. Rarely seen without a smile!
    HEAVY IC OPINIONS! Pink-kit is a very irrational and childish character!​
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In her eyes, the ground her sister scraped at was just as impressive as any of the ones those tunnelers might dig - well, maybe not just as impressive, as she's pretty sure a cat couldn't fit in there, but how about almost as good? Digging holes could be fun, she thinks, though - didn't Pink-kit dislike how dirty the tunnelers always seemed to be after being in the dirt all day? Too late to question it now; Pink-kit's already throwing her dream right back at her, and in a weird way, she's kind of fond of it, so her immediate reaction is to huff at her sister. "Well, I dunno how it was gonna fight me - it was, like really big, so maybe it was gonna squish me in the dirt or somethin'. It was really - really, um, you know. Scary. Except I wasn't actually scared or nothing." It's hard to convey just what it had been like since Pink-kit hadn't been there too - oh, maybe next time she had a dream like that Pink-kit could have it, too, and then she'd see just how big the worm had been!

The sudden gasp from Pink-kit holds her attention rapt, and she very kindly holds back her protests until Pink-kit's finished speaking. "NO WAY! I - I am not turning into a worm, no way!" Still, though, the evidence her sister has brought forth is a little bit damning - she'd had a dream about worms, after all. Before all this turning-into-a-worm talk, she'd never had a dream about a worm or anything like that. Could...could it be true? Was she really gonna turn into a worm?! "Oh nooooo, Pink-kit, what're we gonna do? I don't wanna be a worm!" she wails, throwing her head back in newfound despair. A sudden thought occurs to her, brought on by the imagery of pushing her way through the dirt like a slimy little pink creature. "If - if we can't stop it, are you gonna dig a nice hole for me? I thought you didn't like the tunnelers, but you're digging holes just like them!" Maybe Pink-kit would take pity on her worm-sister, though of course that was more of a failsafe than anything; Finchkit has NO plans of turning into a worm if she can help it, and surely between the two of them they'd be able to figure out a way to reverse this terrible fate.​
  • OOC: --​
  • Untitled358_20230906125307.png
  • EEHinuI.png
    - Finch Finchkit
    - She/her (AFAB)
    - 2 moons
    - Loner Kit of WindClan
    - Hearty & scruffy chocolate lynx point with splashes of white and bright blue eyes
    - Art by Jay & base by googaoo respectively! <33
    - Minor powerplay allowed!
    - Penned by Hijinks​
Pink-kit nods along easily. " You'd totally beat a giant worm soooo easily. And Sootstar would have to make you deputy because it'd be so cool, " It makes perfect sense to her. She bets Featherkit would be scared, or even Rivekit!

Clearly, her sister is in denial, and Pink-kit shakes her head sadly at the sounds of her cries. Slowly...slowly, it seems to dawn on her though. And though Pink-kit should be a responsible and cool sister, she doesn't want Finchkit to be a worm either! And she doesn't know what to do! " I don't knowww! " Pink-kit joins her sister in her wailing. her eyes are sad, like this was the last time she would ever see Finchkit, because it probably WAS. if we can't stop it, are you gonna dig a nice hole for me? Pink-kit nods tearfully. " Even if you are a gross worm, my sister deserves the bestest hole... "

I thought you didn't like the tunnelers, but you're digging holes just like them! Pink-kit gapes at her. What was she implying??? " Tunnelers live in holes! I don't live in holes! And my holes are way better because I'm not a tunneler! And I'm not brown! " Pink-kit tells her very convincingly. " We need to get the brown off you, and then you'll look just like Heathkit! "


    A tiny, longhaired calico she - kit with yellow eyes, ringed blue around her pupils (sectoral heterochromia). While you can clearly see her flame markings on her face, the rest of her body is currently covered by a grey fever - coating. Though the whites of her are still very much visible. Pink-kit bounces around WindClan without a care in the world! Her emotions are big, and she makes little effort to regulate them, resulting in both her usually cheerful disposition, as well as making her prone to sudden bouts of extreme anger or sadness. Rarely seen without a smile!
    HEAVY IC OPINIONS! Pink-kit is a very irrational and childish character!​
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Ooh, deputy? Finchkit, deputy of WindClan - it has a nice ring to it, ignoring that no deputy has ever been a kit. "I'd definitely be the coolest deputy ever, for sure! All the worms will have to tremble before me - especially the little ones!" The pronouncement is delivered with a pleased grin and an inflated ego, and Finchkit even spares a glance down towards the ground, as if there might be worms quivering in fear beneath her paws. Disappointingly, there aren't, but such is the way of life, she supposes.

When Pink-kit doesn't know what to do about her imminent transformation, either, she wants to slip to the ground, maybe flop around a little bit, all dramatic-like, and - wait, NO! That must be the worm-brain talking - flopping around on the ground is what a WORM would do, not a perfectly normal, completely-feline cat would do! "I - I think I'm having worm thoughts!" she cries out, one paw covering her eyes as if it's too much to bear. WAIT, NO, the worm-brain! Worms don't have eyes, so they can't see, so she'd better keep her eyes open all the time from now on! Maybe she really would need the hole her sister had promised...

"...the bestest hole, ever," she parrots, and that raises her spirits a little bit - if anybody could dig an amazing hole, it would be Pink-kit, surely! Or maaaybe Downykit, or Heathkit, but if either of them have been practicing or anything, Finchkit doesn't know about it. When Pink-kit says that tunnelers live in holes, that doesn't exactly sound right, since she sees the tunnelers in camp all the time, but then again, it's not like she actually knows enough about it to dispute it. Maybe they do live in their holes; maybe they just come to visit camp sometimes, instead of the other way around. "Do tunnelers really live in holes? Do you think it's like the nursery, but dirt-ier?" How much secret tunneler knowledge does Pink-kit have, anyways? Who told her this stuff - a tunneler?

Right, time to get back on track. "Hey, I didn't choose to be brown! I just, am." It's not her fault mama and Heavy Snow decided to make her that way! The next proposal really captures Finchkit's interest, though - get all the brown off of her? "How're we supposed to do that? It doesn't just come off - well, it hasn't done that, ever, so I guess it doesn't just do that. I'm very clean," she assures, casting a dubious glance down at her brown-toned fur. "You think Heathkit looked like me, and somebody took all her brown away?" An interesting idea...too bad Heathkit couldn't just tell them how she got rid of all that brown.​
  • OOC: UR SOOOO GOOD dw about it <333​
  • Untitled358_20230906125307.png
  • EEHinuI.png
    - Finch Finchkit
    - She/her (AFAB)
    - 3 moons
    - Loner Kit of WindClan
    - Hearty & scruffy chocolate lynx point with splashes of white and bright blue eyes
    - Art by Jay & base by googaoo respectively! <33
    - Minor powerplay allowed!
    - Penned by Hijinks​
No... She was losing her sister and there was NOTHING she could do about it! Pink-kit cries alongside her, voice held in a mournful shriek. The world was ending... It was all crashing down around them...

So um, like this is not the time for Finchkit to be fact - checking her! Do tunnelers really live in holes? Umm, where else would they live? Do you think it's like the nursery, but dirt-ier? " Yeah, " she agrees, nodding. " Like... like the nursery, but instead of walls they just got dirt walls. And when their mom tries to groom them... They can never get clean! " Pink-kit iterates this fact as if it were a scary story, and it BASICALLY was! They'd get in soo much trouble if they were dirty all the time!!

ANYWAYS, allegedly, Finchkit didn't choose to be brown. Pink-kit loves her sister, but she gives her her best stink eye anyways. " Likely story! " And she would CONTINUE to give her the evil eye, until she realizes, the only way for her story to be right would mean that Brightshine is very bad at cleaning them, and that isn't true at all! The evidence, overwhelming as it is, causes Pink-kit to relent with a contemplative hmmm. ou think Heathkit looked like me, and somebody took all her brown away? Finchkit is seriously so smart. " Yeah! Or, or... You looked like Heathkit, and someone added all your brown! " She gasps. " That someone... They cursed you! We need to find them and beat them up, and then you'll stop thinking worm thoughts!"

  • EZIRq0S.png

    A tiny, longhaired calico she - kit with yellow eyes, ringed blue around her pupils (sectoral heterochromia). While you can clearly see her flame markings on her face, the rest of her body is currently covered by a grey fever - coating. Though the whites of her are still very much visible. Pink-kit bounces around WindClan without a care in the world! Her emotions are big, and she makes little effort to regulate them, resulting in both her usually cheerful disposition, as well as making her prone to sudden bouts of extreme anger or sadness. Rarely seen without a smile!
    HEAVY IC OPINIONS! Pink-kit is a very irrational and childish character!​