pafp Wouldn't you love to love her? ✧*⋆ Rumour


I'm always in this twilight
Sep 14, 2024

While Twinklepaw wasn’t the biggest gossip in the clan she had to admit that she tried to keep an ear out for what the latest rumours were. It helped her understand social standing, what the climate of the clan was, who was in favour with who and who was fighting right now. They usually did nothing with the information they heard, it was just good to know in her opinion. Rasping her tongue over the fur by her neck she let her mind wander to the rumours currently going around in the clan. Her apprentice duties had a reprieve so really what could be better? Something had caught her attention in the quiet hours in the apprentice den, chatter about a particular pair of apprentices.

Apparently Owlpaw and Sunpaw have been growing close recently, is it any of her business what other apprentices get up to in their social lives? Absolutely not! They decided they were going to ask about it regardless of that fact. “Soooo Sunpaw huh?” She pauses meticulous grooming to glance over at Owlpaw, a mischievous glimmer sparking in her eye. She paused what she was doing to stroll closer to him, making it easier than trying to call out across camp. "The other apprentices have been chatting" they clarify the reasoning as to why they decided to strike up conversation. Yet she wouldn't dare name anyone, she would hate to be seen as untrustworthy to her denmates after all!

After a moment she speaks again, tail halphazardly swaing back and forth as they regained their train of thought. “Annnd that got me wondering, are you… padding after her?” They don’t hide the giggle in their words, it wasn’t that she found the idea of a relationship between them comical. Far from it, besides all the bickering she thought maybe they’d be kinda cute together!

She couldn’t imagine spending all her time thinking about some other cat, the idea of it baffled her. Part of Twinklepaw did wonder if that meant that either one of them would fall behind on their duties if the rumours were true. Real waste of potential if so… Truthfully she wasn’t really sure how even they could help the pair out to not fall behind if that was the case. She’s getting ahead of herself though, reeling herself back into the present she decides to take the time to dissect whatever reaction Owlpaw would be willing to give her.

  • Please wait for @owlpaw. <33
  • 51fSsM0.png
    They/she, RiverClan apprentice, 9 moons

    A sleek yet tufted short haired blue point with blue eyes
    Littermates w/ Eveningpaw, Horizonpaw and Snowflakekit †
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    Speech (#C9BAF3), thoughts
    penned by Juice | ouijeejuice on discord


Owlpaw wasn't much of a gossiper. He did not listen nor really pay attention to others. The most he knew about was, well, his sister Turtlepaw, and now.. Sunpaw. Sunpaw was cool, and she was super... Interesting. She wasn't like the other girls. She was way better in every way than anyone else.

His chocolate head shot towards Twinklepaw, her voice bringing up the name that lingered in his mind a little too much for comfort. "What about Sunpaw?" He asked, mismatched eyes looking off in the distance, trying to not show signs of discomfort or agitation.

The other apprentices have been chatting...

Could Twinklepaw get to the point any slower? And then she did, and the apprentice wished she hadn't. "wh- padding after?" He felt the heat to his ears, and that weird feeling he felt in his stomach that felt kind of ticklish and warm feelings. But that didn't mean he understood what it meant.

"She's uh.. a clanmate? I don't know, I'm pretty sure she hates me," he scoffed, rolling his eyes. "You guys and your drama, always making fantasy stories," he added, not meeting twinklepaws gaze. Because he didn't understand any of it. He didn't understand love, he didn't understand crushes- he barely understood his own emotions.

() owlpaw is a cat pebblepaw looks out for, on his periphery. he's a good friend, a bit younger than him, more-so around his younger siblings' age than his own, but a companion nonetheless. twinklepaw is pebblepaw's sister, a girl he is quite familiar with, and so it is with an easy gait and pleasant smile that the boy trots up to the pair, white tipped ears swiveling to catch their conversation. interest flashes in sunshine eyes as twinklepaw reaches her question, lips turned in a sly smile. "ooh," pebblepaw will murmur, shuffling closer. owlpaw seems to think for a moment, before scoffing, and the blue tom can see awkward embarrassment in his friend's dual-hued gaze.

poor boy, flustered and lost, stumbles out some answer about fantasy stories and how sunpaw is just a clanmate, and pebblepaw can't help it. "suuree she is," he teases, flopping himself down next to his sister, and poking the other tom with his tail. "i don't think she hates you at all, owlie." he'll waggle his eyebrows in an exaggerated fashion before turning to twinklepaw. "leave the poor guy alone, twi, he's embarrassed," the white muzzle crinkles in a grin. "do you have anyone you're, what did you say, padding after, little sister?" turn the tides, lead the spotlight away from owlpaw, who looks like he might explode should someone question his relation to sunpaw a moment longer.

pebblepaw nudges his sister teasingly, kind-spirited despite the teasing. he is truly setting himself up for teasing of his own, the way he prods into his denmates' personal lives, but he hardly cares. certainly no one knows how he feels about splashdance... er, or he thinks so at least.

  • // " #848DAE"
  • 84189003_LZ0oLRva90zRWKW.png

    a large blue tabby with low white and vitiligo. pale blue fur covers the length of pebblepaw's stocky body, sliced through with darker tabby stripes and spots. baleful orange eyes peer out of heavy set sockets, and his muzzle, paws, and tail tip are dashed with white.
Sharppaw have been watching the scene slowly unravel, what is embarrassing for even them to witness from the side with an eaten prey in twitching paws. Although he can't deny it's as amusing to get to see Owlpaw's easy fall into the flustered state once Sunpaw becomes the focus of... his potential interest. He snorts, though, doesn't add anything to the forming giggles and comments with other apprentices; he's giving the poor Owlpaw grace from his own end but rather out of disinterest to avoid getting caught up in the subjects that mean nothing to him. Love, in any form, isn't a thing that he can understand. He's been alone for the most part of his life, and he's content enough about it.

His lips curl when Pebblepaw subjects Twinklepaw to a similar teasing like they had done it with Owlpaw, himself likely bound to become a target as well. He faces away from the trio to continue his meal, partially continuing to listen the conversation simply for the time to pass with entertainment. Crushes, romantic relationships, that kind of love... Sharppaw can't grasp the impacts of them— see themself experiencing any of these that seem to be a norm of life— and they think it's okay that they don't. Though, if anything, they believe that love itself can be one's greatest downfall. At least that is the grim impression it can see the most after what happened to its best friend.

Part of Sharppaw does wonder if it is ever possible, that it can be this loved.
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"Why are you talking about me? Keep my name out of your maw," she just shy of hisses it towards Twinklepaw. She can't help it. Well, for once she doesn't imagine that many other cats would keep their nose out when they heard their name being spoken about. Much less in relation to... this.

She's not sure how she feels about it either, much like many other of the apprentices her age. But to target her and Owlpaw specifically, like she's supposed to feel something specific for someone who's definitely a friend, and really only her first one at that, as something more? Would something be wrong if they were just friends? Or is it because of something about her, of him, that makes it seem impossible that they couldn't be one without the other?

Whatever the case was, her face is sour. And then it's actually her heart that sinks when Owlpaw is saying that she must hate him. That one makes her stop for a couple of seconds, gaze landing on her... well, what she thought was her friend. Maybe he was joking, like he normally does. He doesn't seem comfortable either, but if he's so willing to say that out loud, then why wouldn't he say they're friends? How... embarrassing.

"Cool, Owlpaw," she drawls, her tone dry as she keeps the flicker of heat out of it as best as she can, fur ruffling with embarrassment as her ears flick backwards. Well, now she really is the one opening her mouth again where it doesn't belong. "Thanks for that." She starts to take a couple of steps away. Let the rest of the apprentices chitter and tease each other. Maybe she should be grateful for Pebblepaw actually, getting the focus off of her (Well, mainly Owlpaw probably) so quickly. She makes a mental note to do... something about that later before she scoffs and turns away.

So much for friends.

//out if she isn't stopped! [Sorry I missed the perfect timing so don't mind be wibble wobbling a bit <3]

Late note, this is before nightingales death!//

"I'm not embarrassed! Sunpaw is-"

And then she was there, and his ears perked up his mismatched gaze watching as she approached, distracting him from finishing him comment. There was a soft thumping of his heart, a glint of interest in his gaze, a gentle sense through them that isn't normally there-

And then she was damn near hissing in twinklepaws face, and to him- even his own heart sinks. His ears flatten. "No, Sunpaw-" He tries to say, his tail lowering and his features leaning on the of pain. "Sunpaw, it didnt- it wasn't serious!" Attempting, and trying to follow her, his voice leaning on the side of desperate. "You're my friend, and I'm sorry, I just-"

He didn't understand his emotions. If he had said they were friends, would they jeer and taunt more to him and Sunpaw? He regretting saying they weren't. He would think and rather have dealt with the taunting then this - because this was different. And now, there was a rock in his chest and throat- unfamiliar feelings he's never faced in his body.

"Stop walking away, Sunpaw- please."

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Sepia eyes blink open from sleep, ears twitching as the chatter in the den turns a notch higher on the volume scale. Merlinpaw doesn't catch the actual topic of conversation, just Sunpaw seemingly mad at Owlpaw, and then the latter calling after her. It's drama they have no part in - and that they want no part in either, for the record. There's hardly any point in butting into this conversation, even if they ask, it's hardly likely their Clanmates would explain the intricacies of the situation. So, Merlinpaw simply yawns and sits up to start grooming.

This whole... padding after nonsense doesn't... it doesn't make any sense to them. They know what it means, of course, but that doesn't really equate to the same thing as truly getting it. It's something of a sore point for them, the whole... not quite getting the emotional reactions and reasonings of their Clanmates. On one level, they do understand, intellectually at least, but they just... can't translate that intellectual comprehension into actual, real understanding. So Merlinpaw exists during this chatter a little awkwardly, unsure where they might fit into it all, and refrains from commenting.

  • #6360c4

  • (img) Merlinpaw * they/him* 8 moons
    short furred blue classic tabby w/ low white; brown eyes
    Peaceful & healing powerplay allowed || underline for attack
    penned by Neptune. || Neptune on disc, dm me for plots

"I'm sure she doesn't hate you" she laughs, loud and unabashed as they nudge his shoulder with their own. If she wasn't convinced before overhearing the other apprentices rumours and gossip then she sure was now! Taking the fact that he didn't say no and running with it they gasp dramatically "you do! Awwww" their tone is high pitched and teasing but there's no malice in their tone. Truthfully she was excited for him, if the rumours were right anyways. While she does think that any kind of relationship seems to be distracting they also have to admit there must be something sweet in the idea of love.

Pebblepaw seems to agree too, of course Sunpaw didn't hate him. If she really did then no one would be gossiping about them, well no that's a lie but she can store some kind of wishful thinking. Before her teasing can hope to continue Sunpaw appears from the sidelines. It was clear that she wasn't happy with this development, even if she hadn't practically hissed at them it would have been easy to tell. Ears pin back and she can't help but shrink in on herself, confrontation was not something she relished in, preferring to be a jokester compared to a soldier.

"It's nothing serious Sunpaw!" she calls out in defense of themself, stubbornly refusing to let themself really feel bad about it. Twinklepaw unfortunately doesn't really understand how it could be upsetting to be spoken about if the subject wasn't necessarily bad. There's a curiosity to her as they watch the apprentice walk away with Owlpaw hot on her paws, while they don't feel bad about it she does wince in sympathy, guilt tracing them at the thought of making whatever their relationship was even worse.

She glances to Sharppaw and Merlinpaw, trying to figure out what they were thinking, if judgement was being cast their way as an instigator for this whole debacle. The idea made her feel worse than how they did for Owlpaw's plight, thankfully her brother seems to save the situation. The question thrown their way makes their ears burn and all they can do is stare bewildered at their older sibling.

The goal to turn the conversation away from Owlpaw is successful as she scrambles to defend herself against the insuination that she was padding after someone. "What? No way! I got apprentice stuff to focus on or whatever" it wasn't the most wittiest comeback and would only serve to fuel the fires. It's enough to stop that sinking feeling and to focus about the lighthearted subject at paw, turning her attention solely onto her older sibling. "What about you Pebblepaw? I bet you're padding after someone!" She giggles and squints at him, prodding at his side in a typical annoying younger sibling fashion.

  • 51fSsM0.png
    They/she, RiverClan apprentice, 9 moons

    A sleek yet tufted short haired blue point with blue eyes
    Littermates w/ Eveningpaw, Horizonpaw and Snowflakekit †
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    Speech (#C9BAF3), thoughts
    penned by Juice | ouijeejuice on discord