woven with cloud and glass // michael


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Sep 4, 2023
Warm weather was bringing all sorts of interesting characters into the neighborhood, it seemed. Delilah didn't keep to herself, but she certainly kept herself out of trouble; cats seemed to be either quite friendly or quite hostile, and while most would at least humor a chat with her, there were a few that tried to chase her off of something. Of course, any kind of chase ended real quickly when Delilah threw herself over her fence and into her yard. Her boys knew the sound of her paws quite well, and would come running out of the house barking and snarling at any cat daring to chase behind her. Loyal guard dogs! Delilah would reward them with rubs, dragging herself across bodies much larger than her own and even depositing an occasional mouse for them so they could eat something other than crunchy kibble bits. They didn't know how to hunt! Delilah was self-taught and while more than often not her target slipped between her paws, she certainly had a higher success rate than her dogs.

Delilah didn't feel much like hunting today, though. The sun was shining, the wind was calm, and Delilah was quite enjoying basking in the sun. Staying in the yard was, of course, quite out of the question however when the risk of getting trampled by much larger paws than her own was an ever-looming threat. The pale molly had decided to perch herself up on the slats of her fence, laying across the broad top with a paw draping down off the side facing the woods. A wide yawn has Delilah resting her head on her remaining paw, dozing off in the sunlight.

She had just slipped into sleep when Delilah was nearly thrown off the fence, claws grappling onto the wood and resisting her being tossed from the top completely. Her dogs were barking wildly, broad paws slamming at the wood and rattling the fence. Delilah groused quietly as she hauled herself back up, well-practiced in balancing herself against the fence when she was actually awake for it. Delilah seats herself on the fence, leaning with the swaying as the largest of her dogs continues to bark. She sees now why the dogs had woken her up from her nap; another cat was passing through the area. A tabby with decorations that marked him much the same as her, even if she didn't have anything to show for it. A housecat, or so he seemed to be. "Hello," Delilah greets, her voice hazy with sleep. She pauses to yawn, lifting a striped paw to cover the flash of teeth and tongue. Very unladylike of her. "Please, don't mind their commotion. They're good dogs." Though they certainly loved to try to convince strangers otherwise with their ruckus. "Ah, are you busy? Care to stop for a chat? I don't see many other friendly faces here."
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    she / her, 38 moon old kittypet
    a longhaired silver lynx point & blue chimera with mismatched orange and blue eyes
    lives with 3 dogs she treats as her children, she smells very heavily of them
    full length biography coming soon!
    penned by izanami, contact on discord @nullmoons for plots or threads :)