border WRAITH PINNED TO THE MIST \ visitor


May 30, 2024

God, what's he doing here? It was a right old walk, as well. Took him yonks, and he'd managed to overthink it quite heavily on the journey over. The sun blistered his back, and Edmund wished they were back in the moonlight, or warm and solely indoors again. Distant barking echoed around the neighbourhood, and they kept their mismatched gaze fixed forward and tried not to think about it. He remembered the scent of blood - that monarch-painted molly, the kitten who he'd carried. Hopefully, carried home... those Clan cats, he'd learned a bit more about them in his time away. Murmurings on picket fences, lazy-voiced neighbours telling them to stay away...

So maybe he was being a bit daft, ending up here. But he made sure to pick himself along the border... funnily enough, they remembered quite well that this was where the, uhhh, Skyclanners had dropped them off last time. And- yeah, they knew the scent now. SkyClan, and... and Butterflytuft. Maybe he'd run into her again? Maybe they could even have a proper conversation. Really, they just wanted to know that she was alright.

Edmund blinked through the gaps in the pine trees, careful to halt their walking at the border. They would wait here, then ... for information, for a blink of a pelt, maybe painted like the wings of a butterfly, or maybe someone else.

\ not joining!!! just lingering a little ...
penned by pin ❤

𓆩 ♕ 𓆪 "Halt, stranger!" calls the small and squeaky voice of Hollykit. He bounds towards the border, paws nearly stumbling over themselves in a motion half a march and half a run. Eyes painted in shades odlf treetops narrow, a small head tilting up as he comes to a stop. The scent is surely that of an outsider, but the cat's bi-colored visage... "A familiar face...?" He breathes, leaning in close to peer at the near-intruder. Her paws remain firmly on SkyClan's side of the border.

Yes, she remembers now! Her brother had been there, and she had peered from the nursery with eager eyes. She begins to bounce just a bit upon the tips of her toes. "Oh! The noble wanderer who saved the kit and the queen! Welcome, welcome!" She takes a few paces back and dips smoothly into a bow. A faux-pointed head tilts upwards just enough to peek at him, mischief glinting in her gaze. "Do not cross, I warn you... Not 'til the warriors come, at least!" She gives him a little wink with the words.

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  • HOLLYKIT ⚔︎ she / he, kit of skyclan, six moons.
    a fluffy tom with mottled fur and deep green eyes.
    bobbie x blazestar; littermate to lionpaw & candorpaw, kin to many.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
  • Love
Reactions: ThistleBack

———————daylight apprentice | 6mo | emptypilled——————
Jellypaw gasped as they saw Hollypaw bound off after another scent, one that interrupted the flow of SkyClan's pines and dry bark. As his fellow fierce warrior, the pointed cat followed after without a moments hesitation to see none other than an outsider, patiently sat before them. Another gasp, far more dramatic than the last, as if the sight of this outsider was an insult to Jellypaw!

"Noble...?" But how? He was no SkyClanner, Jellypaw must have been home during this act of bravery and duty. "Wait, Hollynose, we are warriors! But, you still shouldn't cross. There's um... a cat-eater we've been tracking down... You wouldn't happen to know anything, would you?" Chocolate hues narrowed suspiciously, though she had just made this threat up.

mentor tag!! @Florabreeze

[penned by beatae].
  • Love
Reactions: ThistleBack
Squeaked voices, almost like the chirps of little birds. Young, naïve children tend to the border where lurks a lone stranger. Thistleback growls low behind clenched teeth, the threat of the rogues too fresh to keep his hackles still when near the border, especially with a child’s life in his paw of responsibility. " keep close " he instructs Teeveepaw and trots, head low but shoulders shifting smoothly with his quick steps. He halts as he sees the two-toned cat waiting at the border expectantly.

through the wedges of soft feathery fern, a pair of colorless eyes peer at the stranger and hear the tall tale Jellypaw spins where she stands next to Hollypaw too close to the potential of danger, he emerges with a burst off his hocks. With a few long sideways steps he aligns himself defensively adjacent to the space between the apprentices and warrior-aged kittypet. A stern glance is delivered to the apprentices, wordlessly.

" I appreciate the respect for Skyclan’s border " he speaks firmly, eyes traveling down to Edmund’s feet where they plant appropriately. " you are the kittypet who helped Butterflytuft? " he asks, recalling vaguely while aided by the apprentice’s vocal recollection. He had returned from a hunt, having caught up on the event through camp gossip. The smell of the stranger had lingered in camp, but it didn’t help with faces.

  • — apprentice tag @Teeveepaw.

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    forty-eight mns. EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Former Lead warrior of Skyclan 12.22.22 - 06.2023
    Father of Coyotecrest, Eveningpaw, Briarpaw, Damsel, Sunflowerpaw, and Rosepaw.
    — mentoring Teeveepaw formerly Snowpath & Quillstrike
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
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"For StarClan's sake. You two!" His pointed vision settled upon Jellypaw and Hollypaw as he slowed to a halt nearby, his mouth parted from the exertion on a blistering day. With Emberpaw likely at his side, the Lead Warrior moved to try and block the two's vision from Edmund, his ears pulled back towards his skull. While Thistleback is silent, the spotted tabby's frustration is vocal, believing it to be the only way to get the point across to two insolent young apprentices. "Run off from the main patrol again and you'll be cleaning ticks until your next moon. Do you have any idea how dangerous that was?!" Thoughts of the rogues patrolling their borders and making meals of the innocent left an uncomfortable twisting in his gut that only grew the longer he stared. Silversmoke could picture a world where their confidence grew in the presence of a SkyClan friend, yet despite Lionpaw's injury and recent murders on his mind, he could not figure out a way to properly word his concerns. His feathery tail lashed left and right, refusing to settle even as he whipped his head around towards Edmund.

It does not completely calm him, seeing a saviour of one of SkyClan's Queens, but an inherent calmness grew in the heterochromatic gaze of the tom the longer it lingered above the Kittypet's head. He shook his head and closed his maw as he began to cool down, revealing a solemn resting expression. "SkyClan thanks you for your help earlier." Because Silversmoke did not get the chance to say it earlier, and owing a favour to someone outside the clan felt... off. Gratitude would not repay an owed debt for Edmund's sacrifice, however without knowing the other, he had no possible clue what the other would want in return (or, rather, what would satisfy the Lead Warrior's idea of karma). His paws shifted in the earth, almost uncomfortably at the consideration. "But what are you doing here?"

[ apprentice tag: @Emberpaw . ]


"Hate to agree with Silversmoke, but he's right. Don't wander off on your own." Came the smoky grumble of the chimaeric tomcat, surfacing from the shadows that draped over him like ocean's waves, though it still griped at the angular features upon his face. Distractions like fuzz-brained apprentices wandering off into the wilds was not one that he often entertained, not that he had been the one leading the patrol. And yet, there lie a surprise to the half-toned tomcat. A rust-and-snow feline, straddling just along the border as though it were a livewire to never cross, stood before them. Heterochromatic gaze stared long upon Edmund's fleecen form, loitering around as though he willed for something to happen at the border, cessation of his own life to drink from that of the wildcats. A sort of unkindness trickled onto Chrysaliswing's features, like rainwater crawling down a soaked body, all along the curvature and the bends. "Do you want a prize or...?" Falcon-like gaze narrowed at the kittypet, the deleterious light within them never faltering, a venom coursing even through his sclera. He had been glad that the kittypet held some principle, at least enough to save Butterflytuft. Of course, the warrior's first thought was that a housecat now wished to mooch off of his success and gain something from Skyclan.

  • i am so sorry about bro 😭
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  • —— CHRYSALISWING / He/They / 27 Moons
    —— Warrior of Skyclan / Mentoring n/a
    —— A long-haired tomcat with chimaeric patterning. His left side is fully black and his right side is black splotched with sunset-orange. He has complete heterochromia, with his right eye being a bright green and his left eye being a glowering yellow.
    —— Abrasive, temperamental, and critical. Approach at your own risk and engage at your own cost. Despite this, he is a hard worker and quick to call out what he finds wrong.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.


She had looked away for what felt like a second, in that second Jellypaw had managed to slip out and on ahead of the patrol, chasing after Hollypaw. Okay, she's slippery and pretty fast, this is good to know for the future. Both in terms of knowing what to work on with her and so that Florabreeze knew how close of an eye she needed to keep on her in the future. "You two could have been hurt, it's important for patrols to stick together for everyone's safety. Especially apprentices." She looked between the two apprentices, masking the disappointment she felt over their actions with the concern that she also held for their wellbeing. Moving to her apprentices side she ducked her head down so she could be at ear level "how come you're not this speedy when we're training then?" she asked in a hushed tease, trying to lighten the tension that clung to the air.

Her gaze shifted from her apprentice to the other cats gathered on this patrol, Thistleback didn't weigh in on these future warriors actions and had diverted his attention to Edmund. Chrysaliswing and Silversmoke follow suit, no one seemed overtly hostile. Which was a welcomed sight considering the known displeasure that was held for kittypets as they put it. She would wager that was because of his aid for SkyClan, if that good deed wasn't under his history then she was sure she would have heard venom spill at least from Chrysaliswing's maw. Citirine green eyes alight in recognition, this was the mysterious stranger that she was bothering Butterflytuft about! Immediately she stores away a reminder to bound after the queen later to update her on his surprise appearance if no one else does first.

"Oh! Butterflytuft's mysterious stranger!" She grins wide and unabashed, tail flicking in amusement. "Edmund, right?" She was pretty sure that was the name that the queen assigned him, she guessed he looked like an Edmund but then again what was an Edmund supposed to be? Another twoleg creation probably, if her own would listen to her she would ask about it. "Are you here to check on Budkit?" The lack of a greeting from him turned this interaction into a guessing game between the patrol but she rather enjoyed it, letting her imagination run wild for just a moment. She deemed him harmless, even if he wasn't she liked their odds against him so was there really in harm in mentioning the kit that he had helped?

  • FLORABREEZE 𖧧 She/her, Daylight Warrior of SkyClan, 34 moons (ages on the 12th)
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    Mentored by Sorrelsong /Mentoring Jellypaw
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}

Bunch of hawks, they were, but he supposed they should be- quick to swoop dowon on any disturbance. None of the faces rang a bell, really- he reckoned he'd probably recognise Firefly Paws, but the rest of them? Well. Still, this little one seemed to know him, and Edmund gave a gentle, cautious smile- as earnest as he could make it, really. "Noble's a bit, um ... much," they murmured, feeling the prickle of embarrassment find root beneath their fur. Another young cat approached soon after, spouting ... something about being warriors. What, uh, made a warrior, then? Was Butterflytuft one? She'd said Firefly Paws had been a different sort of thing, a medicine cat. God, and they realised then that they didn't know much of anything at all.

The kittypet that helped Butterflytuft. Right, yeah- they'd learned that there was a name these forest-ones used for housecats like them. Kittypet ... it sounded insulting, the way it ended, like you had to spit it right out of your mouth... oh, maybe it'd been a mistake coming here. What was the likelihood Butterflytuft was gonna be walking these borders, then? None at all, probably. Sheepishly, Edmund nodded in response to the spine-backed tom's question. They equally watched on confused as, um, Holly-something and... the other one were told to mind their trouncing pawsteps.

"Um- oh, it wasn't anything. You, um- don't need to thank me." His silken tail flicked uncomfortably. Mismatched eyes grew all the more wary at the approach of a chimeric character, scrutiny acidic in his narrowed eyes. "Oh- no, mate, not at all. I, um..." he swallowed. Instinctively, they took a step back. To sour the favour he apparently had himself in would be a rubbish idea, really.

Vaguely familiar, the last cat to arrive read their mind- relief washed subtly through an amber-and-blue gaze. "Yeah, Edmund. I, um- I am, actually. And- and the kit. Was hoping I could catch her walking ..." he swallowed. "Just to have a natter, you know? Is she, um... around?" Made them look a bit desperate, didn't it? But god, it'd just been so long ... a long life without much going on, really.

penned by pin ❤
"They're both fine." Comes a flat remark from the impatient lead warrior as he regards the cinnamon and white-colored tom through a half-lidded stare. Slate had not expected Butterflytuft's savior to come back looking for her; it had been a freak incident, that attack, and through sheer luck the kittypet had been there at the right time. He had saved the queen's life, true, but his tom wasn't Butterflytuft's mate nor was he the kit's father. As far as Slate was concerned, Edmund's act of selflessness did not earn him any sort of right to visit camp, if that was what he was thinking. "I say someone fetches Butterflytuft and escorts her back here." Slate suggests to the rest of his patrolmates with a flick of his tail and a glance over his shoulder.

Lower, to the others, he would rumble, "We shouldn't be invitin' strangers into camp." "Noble savior" or not, friendly-faced kittypet or not, he was still a stranger. SkyClan had to be vigilant, now more than ever, as rogues circled their borders like bloodhounds and slaughtered their warriors. This cat was no rogue—he was a pampered kibble-eater through and through—but Slate would be foolish to rule out any ties or deals with those murderous foxhearts. If they wanted SkyClan to hurt so badly, then they'd find ways to gain their trust and slither into their camp from underneath their noses. That was how they got to the queens and kits, to Orangestar. No, Slate did not like the idea of inviting this cat back at all. Surely a meeting here at the border could be arranged.


  • ooc.
  • SLATE — lead warrior of skyclan , mentoring coffeepaw ✦ penned by beatles
    cismale / he/him pronouns / 40 moons & ages every 1st
    single / bisexual & monogamous / closed to romance
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    hard combat difficulty & weak to agile, quick fighters / will start fights, will kill if necessary

    "speech", thoughts, all opinions are ic
    biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
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    a scarred longhaired maine coon with amber eyes. a large, 20lb tom with thick locks of fur. his chest and underbelly is ruddy from sun exposure. notable scars decorate his face and his ears are both torn with one being folded over.

Oh, he was a big fella, and - and said words that struck undeniable panic into Edmund's heart. An escort? Bringing Butterflytuft here, especially?! No, no, no, no- that was an awful idea, just horrific, and Edmund could not hide the flash of shock and embarrassment that flared all across their face at the notion. God, he didn't want- didn't want any of that. He'd just been hanging around sort of, to see if he could catch her- that, destined, their paths might cross again once more. But oh, it wasn't in the cards! Or the paw-reading, or anything like that- he felt like he was going to throw up from the shame.

"Er- no! No, no... don't." Hurriedly, and clearly completely mortified, he sputtered it all out. "Just- nevermind. It was a passing thought, nothing more. Um..."

They backed away, tail tip twitching nervously, so-incredibly-intimidated that they thought their ears might shoot right off their head and into outserspace from how much they were burning. "Wasn't- wasn't trying to be a bother, I promise. It doesn't matter, just, er... tell her I... said hi ...?"

He swallowed. God, god, it was awful. Just terrible. They were never ever ever showing their face here again- they'd ruined that nice first impression from helping Butterflytuft out, surely. "Alright, bye then," he called out, facing only the floor as he turned away and began to shift in the direction of his owner's nest. His face was infernal, and they felt like they were going to melt. This ... this was probably why he'd never been let outside until now ...

\ out !!!
penned by pin ❤

———————daylight apprentice | 7mo | emptypilled——————
How quickly her play with 'Hollynose' had turned as they fearlessly faced this outsider. In all her posturing, the molly was not yet ready to face the wrath of anything real, least of all Silversmoke's.

Chocolate-dipped ears pinned back as by reflex the back of her throat released a tiny spit at the lead warriors muzzle. His anger surprised her, a reaction she never anticipated before. Her mother had never yelled at her, not even the other queens when she would steal their warm nests to nap when they went out on walks.

The heat of his gaze finally left her and Hollypaw, focusing instead on this supposedly lethal stranger and she is only slightly comforted by Florabreeze. Her mentor who's disappointment and lecturing matched more alike to her mothers.

"Why can't I be Jellyclaw when there's strangers around? They won't pick on me if they don't think I'm an apprentice." Jellypaw huffed as she leaned against her mentor dramatically, the chatter between Silversmoke, Edmund and Slate turning into muddled sounds while she tried hard listening to Florabreeze.

"SSh! You don't know what you're talking about." She urged impatiently, turning her head away from all this grownup talk. Now it had gotten boring, and she would much rather go back to counting all the pine trees they passed.

[penned by beatae].