
continue to love ♡ 10/25/2023
Feb 20, 2023
Hello! Welcome to Wrenflutter sibling adopts!
So Wrenflutter is a young thunderclan queen who came from the pine group and is currently still residing in Thunderclan!
There's going to be 4 slots, and any gender is welcome!
You're also open to having them in any clan but thunderclan is preferred for sibling bonds!
So below is notes and genetics!
Names; The naming theme is birds! They would've been born with bird names, but if they got their name changed later in life that's okay too! But ideally sticking with the bird theme is preferred
Age; 19 moons, aging the 19th
Genetics; Kits can be black, seal sepia, seal mink, blue, blue sepia, or blue mink
- kits will be longhaired
- kits will have low white or no white
- sepia kits without white will have gold eyes, sepia kits with white may have blue or golden eyes; mink kits will have aqua eyes; non-pointed kits without white may have any realistic eye color barring blue, non-pointed kits with white may have any realistic eye color
- non-pointed kits will carry point OR burmese restriction; non-dilute kits will carry dilute
Slots; Three!
1. Crowflower penned by @luvcrow
2. Hawkshiver penned by @beatles
3. Killdeercry penned by @beatae
4. Open

Any Form is allowed! Depending on how many results this gets, it'll probably go from fcfs to me picking and choosing!
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Name: Crowkit -- Crowpaw -- Crowflower
Gender: Nonbinary (she/they)
Sexuality: Undefined

Appearance: Named for their dense ashen fur, Crow was little more than a fluffy smudge of soot as a kit. As an adult, Crowflower is longer than she is tall. Though Crow is a lean cat, her plush coat gives the illusion of broad, athletic bone structure. Her face is rather square, with large triangular ears and mossy green eyes. There is a charming blossom-shaped marking on her chest for which Crow is named, as well as four white paws, but she is otherwise a dark, smoky black. There is usually a distant level of grime covering Crowflower's pelt due to her love of exploration; an errant leaf or bramble is usually caught in the snarls of her coat regardless of how often she grooms it.

Personality: Crow can be described as...odd, depending on perspective. She can be shy around strangers, preferring to observe quietly and let others take the lead in social situations. But around friends and family, Crow is a bright, inquisitive creature with a strong curiosity toward just about anything. She is kind and polite, but her body language is hard to read at times. Her thoughtfulness is easily mistaken for judgement. There is also a distinct lack of killer instinct within Crow which made apprenticeship difficult for her. A passable hunter and a poor fighter, Crow never seemed interested in the more serious part of her duties. Despite this, she enjoys helping out with random tasks and is a skilled scout and tracker. Much of Crow's day is spent exploring thickets and groves, searching for interesting rocks or beautiful feathers to add to her collection. ​
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Name: Hawk Hawkshiver
Gender: Cisgender Male (He/Him)
Sexuality: Undecided, possibly bisexual

Appearance: A sleek and muscular blue mink-colored tom with piercing blue eyes that seem to reflect the coldness of the winter sky. He has a pair of long scars that snake along his flank and lower back, earned during a battle with a rival clan, which only adds to his tough and no-nonsense appearance. He has a handsome and neat appearance, with fur that shines like the surface of ice in the light.

Personality: Hawkshiver is a no-nonsense warrior-"cold as ice"-who is very disciplined and focused on training and sharpening his skills. He has a strong sense of duty, takes his place in the clan seriously, and is judgmental of those who fool around or treat serious matters like a joke. Because he expects so much from not only himself but his clanmates, he can be sharp-tongued and quick to find flaws and faults in the actions of others. He is not a mean-spirited person but can quickly grow arrogant and competitive in his pursuit of best one of ThunderClan's finest warriors. Hawkshiver is dependable and loyal at the end of the day, but may fail to express more tender emotions such as affection or closeness.

As far as dynamics with the other sibs go, I think he's deemed himself their protector in a way ^^ Like tough older brother vibes even though they're the same age
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See? God hates me.

↳ ;killdeer was given by her parents, ;cry for her abrasiveness
— warrior of thunderclan
— transwoman, she/her ; lesbian
NPC x NPC, sibling to wrenflutter, hawkshiver, crowflower

longhaired seal sepia with a white tail-tip and paws, and golden eyes expand
↳ add carried traits later


( + ) strong-willed, supportive, friendly ( / ) adventurous, dry, sarcastic ( - ) defiant, combative, boastful killdeercry has a very hard head on her shoulders that drives her to be on top. creating minor rivalries with her peers keeps her upbeat and skills sharp, as she is very focused on keeping herself in shape and up to par with her warriorhood status. she loves to be sociable and make others laugh, and it comes to no surprise that having a big family has made her well balanced between handling kits, apprentices and adults (though she may tell you they're really all the same).

her drive to be one of the best warriors and create a legacy has made her appear fearless. she is the loudest in the room whether it comes to her beliefs, scathing humor, or announcing her heroics. while she is typically friendly her tendency to be quick and dry for advice or keeping the mood light put her off as a bit too brazen for some cats taste.

where killdeercry's strong will comes it often leads her into trouble. she never knows when to back down and won't stop until she can no longer move. she is shameless in her opinions and when they are not shared she takes personal offense. though she doesn't hold grudges her perception can become easily warped by others' response to her.
mannerisms: killdeercry tends to swing her head when she walks. when she gets angry or embarrassed she digs her claws into whatever is underneath her.
will start fights | will end fights | will not flee | will show mercy
excels at fighting + hunting


— falls in love easily, horrible trail of one-sided crushes?
— has a lot of confrontations that puts her reputation at risk, creates bad blood with howlingstar
— poor habits cause irreparable to relationships close to her, even if theres forgiveness
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