wrens handy dandy lil naming resource

Nov 28, 2022
this isn't the official one!! I'll link blitz's guide here when it's up. in the meantime I don't mind if you use these names but if you aren't sure please check with staff that it's trad legal some of these are probably going to be questionable
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* these are all canon fun fact i'm not thinking too hard outside of this today

  • adder, badger, bunny, cow, deer, doe, eel, fawn, ferret, fin, fox, frog, hare, hop, hound, leopard, lion, lizard, lynx, minnow, mole, mouse, newt, otter, perch, pike, rabbit, rat, sheep, shrew, snake, squirrel, stag, stoat, tiger, toad, trout, turtle, vixen, vole, weasel, wolf,
    birds: bird, buzzard, crest, crow, dove, down, duck, eagle, egg, falcon, feather, finch, goose, gull, hatch, hawk, heron, hoot, jackdaw, jay, kestrel, kite, larch, lark, owl, pigeon, raven, robin, rook, sparrow, starling, stork, swallow, swan, talon, thrush, wren,
  • please note that a kitten will not be named initially for the colour of their eyes.

    colour: amber, black, blue, brindle, brown, copper, dappled, golden, gray / grey, milk, pale, patch, red, russet, silver, speckle, spot, spotted, stripe, tawny, white, yellow,
    size: big, heavy, little, long, slight, small, tall, tiny,
    fur: curl, curly, fleck, freckle, fringe, fuzz, fuzzy, kink, mottle, sleek, soft, spike, whorl, wooly,
    notable features: bone, broken, claw, crooked, fang, jagged, mouth, ragged, torn, whisker,
  • fire / water / earth / air themed names that don't fit in other categories
    ash, blaze, boulder, breeze, brook, bubbling, cinder, coal, creek, drift, dust, ember, fallow, fire, flame, flash, flint, gravel, green, hill, lake, marsh, meadow, mud, pebble, pool, puddle, ridge, ripple, rock, rubble, sand, scorch, shell, shimmer, shining, slate, soot, spark, splash, stone, stream, swamp, wave, wet,
  • ant, bee, beetle, bug, bumble, cobweb, cricket, fly, honey, maggot, midge, moth, snail, spider, wasp, web,
  • bounce, brave, chasing, chirp, crouch, dancing, dead, echo, fall, fallen, falling, fidget, fleet, flight, flip, flutter, half, hollow, hope, jump, loud, low, mumble, odd, one, pounce, rising, running, rush, sharp, shy, smoke, snap, sneeze, song, strike, swift, tumble, wander, whisper, whistle, wild, wish,
  • trees: acorn, alder, apple, bark, beech, birch, cedar, chestnut, cypress, ebony, elder, fir, hickory, holly, leaf, log, maple, needle, nut, oak, pine, rowan, timber, twig, willow, wood, yew,
    herbs: parsley, chive, cinnamon, coriander, fennel, mint, yarrow,
    fruits: apple, berry, cherry, juniper, pear, sloe, sweet,
    flowers: blossom, bluebell, buttercup, daffodil, daisy, dandelion, flower, lavender, lily, mallow, marigold, nectar, petal, plum, poppy, primrose, rose, tansy, thrift, tulip, violet,
    hazel, bramble, bracken, briar, bristle, brush, burr, clover, cone, fern, flax, frond, furze, gorse, grass, hay, ivy, lichen, moss, myrtle, nettle, oat, olive, pod, prickle, reed, root, rye, sage, sedge, seed, sorrel, stem, tangle, thistle, thorn, vine,
  • blizzard, bright, cloud, cloudy, dark, dawn, day, dew, dusk, flurry, fog, frost, gale, hail, ice, light, lightning, mist, misty, moon, morning, night, rain, shade, sky, snow, storm, sun, sunny, weed,