
'CAUSE SOMEWHERE DOWN THE BANK — The stilled body of Little Wolf's kit makes his stomach curl with unease and a sadness squeezes at his heart, he remembers when the young warrior had fallen ill with yellowcough and it was later that they would go on the journey for the cure. His late mate had been so determined to get the lungwort for her kit and family back at home so no more would die to the illness that spread throughout the clans like a plague. Now the very same kit lay lifeless before him as he placed petals and bits of rosemary onto the stilled body of Duskbird, he closes his eyes to hide his grief but they reopen after a heartbeat. "You are truly your mother's son. I hope she was the first to welcome you..." Gentlestorm mumbles under his breath and allowed his helm to dip in a moment of silence before lifting it to look to his clanmates that had gathered for this, he clears his throat to speak "Starclan will welcome many of our bravest cats and we are fortunate to have Duskbird with us tonight so that we may share tongues with him for the last time." He rises to his paws slowly to take a step back casting his eyes to the starlit skies above him and both of his ears pricked forward.

"Your bravery and sacrifice will never be forgotten. May you have peace and endless hunting... And that Starclan will allow you to shine the brightest tonight." Gentlestorm touches his nose to Duskbird's ear briefly then steps back completely to allow his family to have their final moments with their fallen relative, Howlingstar's family had lost so much and it makes the medicine cat wonder how much more would depart the earth they walk upon to join those that rest amongst the stars. A soft breath leaves his jaws as he dips his head in silent respect for all of those that had died from the wolves. Acornwish, Jackdawflight, Sunfreckle, and... He wishes not to think of him just yet, he would organize a search patrol later.


    ✿✿✿✿✿ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✿✿✿✿❀ INFECTIONS
    ✿✿✿✿❀ ACHES & PAINS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ILLNESS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ BROKEN BONES
    ✿✿✿❀❀ KITTING
    ❀❀❀❀❀ POISONS
  • 2t95GvC.png
    a longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    gentlestorm is a very warm individual and friendly to those who he meets, he's very social and willing to lend anyone a paw if they need it. he's very patient, caring, and it's usually rare to earn his ire.
    53 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    widowed mate of little wolf
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset ; peaceful powerplay allowed
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
It was a solemn time in the aftermath of the wolf attack. There were vigils to be held, like Sunfreckle's had, and Softpaw was sure that the grief would permeate the Clan for moons to come. She wondered what StarCLan was like once more, a thought that had come to her once as a child, but now returned with all the loss that had occurred. StarClan welcomed these brave and selfless warriors, surely, but their meetings had to have been bittersweet considering the circumstances.

She hadn't known Duskbird well, but he had been a respected warrior and that was all she really needed to know. Not being close to him just meant she wouldn't spend as much time with his body as his kin and friends might, but she stopped by to give her regards with a quick thank you from where she stood off to the side, before taking her leave.

ooc: in & out​
Tabby fur emerged from the warriors' den as Cormorantswoop found herself making her way into the clearing. Things had been dark. Grim, even. Wolves had invaded the Clan. Killed her Clanmates. Batwing and Duskbird had sacrificed their lives to lead the wolves out of the territory. Huge paws carried Cormorantswoop across the clearing towards Duskbird's body. The dark brown tabby was lain as if he was sleeping.

Poor Duskbird. Duskbird hadn't deserved to lose his life, yet he had sacrificed himself for the Clan. Cormorantswoop shared a glance with Gentlestorm before dipping her head to touch her nose to her dead Clanmate's head. This isn't just Duskbird's vigil. It's Batwing's, too. And a vigil for the life Howlingstar lost.

''You were wonderful to be around, Duskbird,''
The gray-black she-cat mewed softly, her green eyes glistening with grief. ''You didn't deserve death. Neither did Batwing, and Howlingstar didn't deserve to lose the life she lost, but all three of you did it for the Clan. Sacrificed your lives. I can never thank any of you enough.''

The ThunderClanner was plenty aware that Duskbird couldn't hear her. Neither could Batwing. The one cat who could was Howlingstar - the only one out of the three to survive - since she had multiple lives, being ThunderClan's leader. Cormorantswoop would most likely be in Duskbird's place if they hadn't done what they did. In the future, Cormorantswoop would do what it would take to keep her Clan safe, just as Duskbird, Batwing, and Howlingstar had.

His brother was gone. It still didn't feel real. Every time Burnstorm laid eyes upon the body laid in the middle of camp he would will his flanks to rise and fall, would imagine what it would be like if he just stood up and continued living. StarClan in all their power could grant him just one more life, right? They could, he's certain of it. But they don't. What makes cats like his father more deserving? His grandmother was, for that he is certain. But Blazestar in all his selfishness? Sootstar in her desperate hunger for power? Cicadastar in his mad ramblings? What made all of them more worthy than his brother. "It's not fair!" he cries out, a snarl rippling through his pelt. In his anger he could lash out, could strike something, someone. But he is a lead warrior, and soon he would be a father. What kind of example did he want to set to his clan, to his kits? A pained cry escapes him, all the anger flooding from his bones and leaving him weak as he crumples next to the body of gray and black, his nose pressing into the fur that reminded his mother of the sky just before night broke. He remembers her telling him, but he knows the real reason. Even in the wake of loss and grief his mother had loved his father and it had been enough for her.

"Little Wolf, Morningpaw, watch over him" he says quietly, a prayer to his mother and his sister alike. "You were so brave, so brave and so strong and it's not fair, it's not fair your gone but.. but I'll see you again someday" he's certain of it. They would meet again in the stars.

  • 73593410_oSE7LuZcU8tOnrY.png
    A large, sharp tongued, tom with long black fur and golden, oval shaped, eyes.
    Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + fights honorably
Skyclaw almost didn't attend his own brother's vigil. Duskbird's body is not one he can so easily ignore, especially after moons of curling up next to him at night. However he feels if he doesn't acknowledge his sibling's heroic death, then the other will simply right himself once more and walk am amongst them. Gentlestorm does well with capturing the grieving littermate, unintentionally no doubt, as the pale furred feline beckons family and friends to say their final goodbyes.

His brother cries and Cormorantswoop thanks Duskbird for his bravery and courage - and for a stretch of time, Skyclaw is terribly silent. They share more than blood and a birthday. They share a secret, several, and yet none that he's certain his deceased brother would so willingly share with another. Would Duskbird want Burnstorm or Moonwhisper to know the truth? Would he want either of them - or anyone, for that matter - to know that his own fangs bore into the throat of their father?

He looks at Gentlestorm too briefly. He wonders if life would've been easier should his mother have found the tom sooner, should he have been their father instead. No, he decides, the instant after. They were fine fatherless. The concept of a sire has torn him in two and now he must bare the knowledge on his own. Perhaps, then, he is jealous of Duskbird's silent escape from reality.

"You better sharpen your skills," he murmurs, brushing a windswept lock of fur back into place, "When we see each other again, I'll be smarter. Faster, even. Our spar in the stars will be one to behold, just you wait, Duskbird..." After all, the end is inevitable.​
  • Crying
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