wtf is downtime? [Nut]


take out the gunman
Nov 19, 2022


The sun wasn't even cresting the horizon when Ghost awoke, as he did every morning, and rose from his nest to shake the fresh-fallen snow from his back and shoulders. His muscles were stiff from the cold and ached in protest with each movement, but he ignored the minor discomfort as he stretched his legs and rolled his shoulders. A quick glance around would confirm that few other cats were even stirring in their nest, but he was used to this. Leaving the Coalition hadn't done much to alter his daily routine, and he still woke up a the crack of dawn to get a quick workout in before he was sent on a patrol or made to hunt.

Usually, Ghost would do these things alone. Well, more recently, at least. Before the silver fluzzball showed up, Nineteen would have been up and ready to go as well, but the inky tomcat slept in these days. As much as Ghost would call him out for it and scowl at the other tom for getting lazy, they both knew it was just his way of showing his concern. Puff was making Nineteen soft, and it could end up being the death of them both one day.

As his gaze shifted to land on his brother, only partially visible in the tangled mess of cats that was him, Puff, Whiskey, and a few others, he shook his head and made to slip by them toward the camps exit only to pause when he caught a glimpse of lilac fur amongst the pelts.

And there was no particular reason he chose to reach out half-heartedly swat the other tom, but he did it anyways, watching with satisfaction as the gentle smack seemed to wake them. "Up and at 'em, soldier. We've got training this morning."


rogue - male - 25 months - single - a very tall, muscular tabby with dark gray fur and white markings. heavily scarred with dark amber eyes

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❖ The days of the Coalition were over and there was finally down time for the rest he rightly deserved. Nutsprout though couldn't help but admit that he was already half awake when the sun started to rise; old habits died hard. Still, he hoped to get more shut-eye than before as he had been on the later night patrol the previous day, but someone decided that it was enough rest for the day. A grey paw got him right across the left curled ear of the lilac furred cat, and a hiss came from him involuntarily. Sage green eyes glared upwards at a familiar white-coated face and he gave a loud sigh through his nose, "Fine, fine, I'm up," He muttered annoyed but shifted anyway.

The young cat shook snow from his back and stretched with leisure in his nest for a moment. Ghoststrike may have woken him up at the ass crack of dawn, but didn't mean he had to get going right away. This wasn't the Coalition anymore, he was free to do as he pleased even if they had to adhear to Ghosts' rules and whatever else he might think of. ​

With a gruff huff, Nutsprout moved from his nest and after Ghoststrike, "Never heard of sleeping in huh, Ghost?" He questioned the grey tabby tomcat and twitched a curled ear at him. The grey cat would probably come back with 'ill sleep when im dead' or something like that. Something boring and serious, like always.

He truly didn't get it. A cat as strong and powerful as Ghoststrike could easily lighten up or relax a little, they weren't in the same danger than had been in the city, but yet it seemed like he was always tense. Always with a serious look to his face, but Nineteen seemed to adjust rather nicely to the clan life. Sleeping in and breaking habits from the war-infested home they came from. But also, Nineteen had someone softer and warmer to adjust into civillian life; Puffcloud.

Is that what Ghost needed? Someone soft and friendly to get him to be less of a hard-ass? Nutsprout didn't know many cats who could do the job, the grey tabby seemed uninterested in most cats, but he did know someone who could bother him too; Mothmeadow. The she-cat had become fast friends with Nutsprout and she was rather warm and friendly- maybe he could set them up or something? Though that was a thought for another time, right now he had to deal with whatever training Ghoststrike had in mind.


While it wasn't something Ghost would ever admit to, adjusting to life outside of the Coalition was proving more difficult than he'd expected. Something in him craved the structure and rigorous routine he'd once been held to, had taken more solace in the inability to think for himself than he'd first understood. Now? Windclan was so laid back that all he had were his thoughts, and Ghost knew that nothing good would ever come from that. Add on to that the fact that Ghost could only function around strangers in a formal work setting before he became tense and agitated, and and one could see why interacting with the other Windclanners socially wasn't an option. Thus, the Coalition cats were his best option for feeling some semblence of normalcy.

Typically, Nineteen would have been the go to. The black tomcat was like a brother to Eighteen after everything they'd been through, their litters born one after another meaning they'd been raised together as well. But Nineteens priorities had changed since joining the rogues- since finding Puff. The other tom was still as eager to work as ever, but he didn't seem as averse to the downtime that was offered to him. Nineteen happily slept in, shared meals with the other cats, joined in with random social gatherings that Ghost had no interest in. It left a growing rift between the tom tomcats, and yet Ghost couldn't bring himself to try and mend it.

Nineteen deserved his happiness, even if it led him away from Ghost.

Hell, if they were being honest with each other, they both knew it was porbably for the best. Nothing good stayed good with Ghost around, and he didn't want to ruin what his friend had managed to find.

And so, in light of all of that, if having Nut around helped to fill that sense of absence in him somewhat, Ghost didn't acknowledge it aloud in his mind. Instead, he let it sit in his chest as some unnamed thing and made a point of never looking at it, just so that he could deny it was ever there in the first place if it came down to it. And if that same thing thrummed in satisfaction at the lack of rejection that came from his command, he'd deny that too.

"Fine, fine, I'm up,"

Ghost didn't rush them as they rose and shook the snow from their pelt, his patience a reward on it's own as he stood and waited for the other to stretch stiff muscles and wake himself up.

"Never hears of sleeping in huh, Ghost?"

"Heard of it, sure. Practiced it? Never." he replied, tone borderline casual.

The dark grey tabby had grown to trust Nut in the weeks they'd been together, especially after their name was cleared and they'd chosen to stick around despite having the freedom to leave. And the more time they spent around one another, the more acustomed to their presence Ghost grew.

"Now come on. We'll warm up with a jog to Fourtrees and then do some sparring." he said, turning toward the exit once he figured the other was awake enough.

rogue - male - 25 months - single - a very tall, muscular tabby with dark gray fur and white markings. heavily scarred with dark amber eyes

❖ There was an eyeroll that came from the pale tabby cat at Ghoststrikes' comment about hearing about it but never practicing it. Nut wish he would practice it just a little bit, not everything had to be so rigorous and ridged. Though it was strange- things did seem more relaxed with the grey tabby cat. Nut had gotten his name for his loyalty to Windclan, earned some what of trust in Ghost and now could leave freely. So why did he stick around?

The lilac cat simply wasn't apt to returning to the harsh life on ones own. The fighting off dogs, being hunted by the Coalition, and overall living alone wasn't appealing to him anymore. He found a placement in Windclan, made a friend in Mothmeadow and others, he just didn't want to throw that all away. Plus what would Ghost do without him? Puff had taken much of Nineteens time lately and the dark tabby seemed to follow him more than anyone else. Well he never seen Ghoststrike interact with the other cats in Windclan, so it was more an assumption. ​

"Oh good, always love over a mile long run," came a rather sarcastic response but there was a little laugh at the end of that. Nut was use to long runs during the winter, it would always make his lungs burn with the cold but also wake him up like an adrenaline shot. The lilac tabby trotted after Ghoststrike and brushed up against him as he avoided an icy patch in the path. He wasn't about to fall on his ass.

"How're you feeling?" He breathed out as they went about their run and seemed to be referring to things going on around camp. Things had grown tense since their arrival and it was questionable as to why. Seemed like cats were just starting fights for no reason or another, but at the same time it showed how strong Windclan was. Or was trying to be. ​


"You'll live." he huffed at the others half-hearted complaint. "Besides, can't have you getting all soft like some of these clan cats." he added, a bit of an afterthought but honest just the same.

He could understand why Sootstar had wanted to bring the Rogues in. He had nothing against the other Windclanners, even the ones who lacked the severity or aggression that seemed prevailant in others, but that didn't mean he wanted his cats losing their edge just because life was a little easier here. Forgetting what the world truly was and what was in it, that was the fastest way to get yourself killed.

And Ghost was tired of his cats dying on his watch.

They left camp, settling into a jog that allowed them to keep pace with each other easily enough- this wasn't a race after all, just a warm up to stretch out their muscles and wake them up a bit. The real work would come after, and tiring out too early wouldn't help them any.

"How're you feelin?"

A side glance toward the other as he considered the question, wondering just how deeply Nut meant to pry with it.

"Fine." he replied, gaze shifting forward again. "There's not as much to do here, but Duskfire finds me work when I ask him for it."

Which was basically always, but it was hardly Ghosts fault that there was so much downtime on the moors. As for the other cats, as could be expected, few approached him outside of work to simple socialize, so he hadn't had to deal with any of the more snarky cats trying to get in his face over any of the drama that had been lingering. If they had, Nut certainly would have heard about the unwise windclanner who'd ended up in the medics den after trying to fuck with the masked tabby.

"How about you? Enjoying your new freedom?"

Because even if Ghost was waking him up at the asscrack of dawn to train, life here was still worlds different from what they were used to with the Coalition and even the rogues, the community here for more lax and inviting. Ghost was almost certain that the bobtail would have made a few friends by now even with the tension that lived so freely in the clan right now.

rogue - male - 25 months - single - a very tall, muscular tabby with dark gray fur and white markings. heavily scarred with dark amber eyes

❖ Nutsprout have a little chuckle at Ghoststrikes response to him going soft on him or something. Could he really ever go physically soft? Cause he had been emotionally soft for as long as he had breathed air. Though suppose Ghost had a point in that some of the Windclanners weren't as physically fit as them, but they were also smaller and lithe unlike Nutsprout and Ghoststrike. Even though Nut was much shorter than Ghost he was still broad-shouldered and strong unlike many Windclans cats who were small and sprightly. So this run was probably good for his health, and he really didn't have a reason to complain.

Then the young cat looked up at Ghoststrike when he answered his question to how he was feeling. Nutsprout felt the same honestly, he too had been asking Duskfire often about what to do around the camp or territory but even the deputy seemed to be running out of ideas. The lilac tabby cat was so use to doing something at all times, whether it be training, fighting or what have you, so for there to suddenly be nothing it was- an adjustment.

He didn't have the same space between the Coalition and Windclan that Nineteen and Ghost had. Nutsprout had only been there a couple of weeks ago now, but at the time of joining the clan it was a lot to take in. Breaking habits that weren't useful to a clan setting and trying to become a normal cat was one of the hardest missions Nutsprout has ever been on. ​

The pale tabby gave a small shrug of his shoulders, "I'm alright I suppose," He answered back vaguely, choosing now to not really be open about his feelings. There was somethings that Nutsprout just didn't want to talk about, which is rare, and that was his feelings towards the Coalition versus the clan and so forth.

Everything was so different now, and he wasn't sure some days if that was a good or bad thing. Windclan had less issues than the Coalition, not as many dogs, but there was also less to defends. Less to do and see. Part of Nutsprout missed the military-like place, he had been born there after all but it a mixed feeling. He missed the Coalition but welcomed the new freedom of the moorland. He wanted more to do but there was less risk of dying out here than in the city. The Coalition was were he was born but they still went too young for soldiers. Kittens honestly, no less than two moons old and barely able to walk at that point.

The lilac tabby shook his head quickly to dislodge the memory of seeing those fluffy babies try to fend of massive warriors. "Could say its rather difficult being here, mixed feelings about it," He muttered after a moment of silence and felt a little bit better voicing some of what weighed on his shoulders. Nutsprout slowed down his pace for a moment to take a few breaths as the cold burned his lungs, then trotted onwards. ​


"I'm alright I suppose,"

He knew the tom was lying the second there was no cheerful follow up to the statement, just a silence that hung thick in the air between them. Selfish, perhaps, but Ghost had never considered that Nut wasn't doing well. The bobtail seemed like they'd thrive in a social setting like Windclan, and it had certainly seemed that way with how eager they were to relax and play games with the other cats.

"Could say its rather difficult being here, mixed feelings about it,"

The words irked something in him, a small stone of regret that clattered about in the emptiness of his chest. Ghost himself had no feelings about about having joined Windclan. Sure, there was the general frustration at having been forced to join another group, but that was more of a gernalization than it was anything to do with Windclan personally. To Ghost, it was just another superior to take orders from, another group to tend the needs of. He didn't like it. He didn't hate it. There were pros and there were cons, but he had nothing invested in it, hadn't viewed it as a means to find happiness like Nut had. Happiness was beyond Ghost at this point, and he didn't need to go looking for it anymore. Maybe that's why it was easier for him, his only complaints being a lack of serious work.

He didn't have to worry about things like fitting in, making friends, or following his moral compass.

"You remember your second month of training?" he asked after a moment, the words almost thoughtful on his tongue. "The higher ups took you all down to that lake and tossed you in, told you to sink or swim."

Ghost and Nut hadn't undergone trianing at the same time due to their age difference, but all soldiers of the coalition were trained in the same way and on the same timeline. All Ghost had to do was think back to what they'd done to him and his generation of soldiers to know what they'd done to Nut as well. And in the Coalition, they taught all cats to swim the same way.

"That was pretty damn difficult too, I imagine. But you can swim now, can't you? Even if you've got mixed feelings about it."

Ghost wasn't good with things like comfort. He could encourage and praise a soldier easily enough, but when it came to things like reassurance he wasn't so well versed. This was the best he had, his only way of saying ' it'll be okay'.

"Just give it some time." if he did, he was sure Nut would figure out how to navigate the waters that were Windclan as well.

Noticing the other slow for a moment, chest rising and falling with quick breaths, Ghost took the oppurtunity to try and lighten the mood.

"Tired already?" he asked, his tone almost teasing as he glanced back at the lilac tom. "I thought even a Peanut like you would have more stamina than that."

rogue - male - 25 months - single - a very tall, muscular tabby with dark gray fur and white markings. heavily scarred with dark amber eyes

❖ A curled ear flicked back against a triangle shaped head for a moment as Ghoststrike reminded him of that month. Nut had just been no more than four months old at that time and felt so scared and confused during that time. He had just been with his mother when suddenly he had been transported to the main Coalition building for training soldiers. Now they had seperate places for young ones to go cause of there being so many now, but back there it was all done in one building itself. The lake was dark and cold from what he remembered, and being the smallest of the litter there wasn't much expected of him.

Still, he refused to sink and had been one of the first cats to swim to the surface and get out of the lake. From then on Nut, or well Thirty-two, had spent the better part of his training being underestimated and nearly killed because of his smaller stature. Yet, now he was one of the most prize soliders the coaliton had. That and one of the older members too which was a surprise to everyone that he had outlive most of his squad and generation.

Though part of him wasn't sure about that. Throwing kits in to see if they'd drown or not was rather brutal and he remembered not everyone came home that day. Ghoststrike, though, had a point in his words. Nut did have mixed feelings about the training, but he did know how to swim now and it has come in handy at some points. ​

The lilac tabby gave a small shrug of his shoulder as he rejoined beside the grey tabby cat, "I don't know, I think there is just something going on with me and change or something," Nut dismissed his own feelings with a twitch of an ear. While Nut missed the busy world of the Coalition, he did like Windclan. They made things easier without the rigorous routine and constant underlying fear of death, but yet it was too relaxed. There wasn't enough to do with so many cats and the cold was only getting worse.

Ghoststrike then teased Nutsprout with calling him peanut and asking if he was tired already. The lilac tabby lifted his chin defiantly at the other and picked up the pace a bit into a trot, "Nah, you're just getting old, Ghosty," He mused back to him with a smirk across his maw as he looked back to the grey tabby.​