pafp wuthering heights // short walk

Apr 21, 2023
"... I heard you fell over in camp the other day..."

Brookstorm has taken Robinheart out - a short walk to stretch her legs as surely, surely, the kittens are due soon and such ventures will be slim to none for a moon or two. At least, that's what the warrior's perceived of the nursery. Maybe some of the other queens will gift the tortie some grace early on - if she wants it at all, that is. Maybe Robinheart will be completely contented in her new role as a mother, dedicating every second of every day to her kittens... Brookstorm will try to support her regardless.

"I wish I was there to see it," she almost laughs, offering the other a sideways glance, quirking a small smile. She tastes the scent of a patrol on the wind and flicks her tail, offering a quiet, "Must be the sunhigh patrol. We can tag along with them on the way back, if you're getting tired?" Brookstorm again looks towards the other, a brow raised inquisitively.

[ pls wait for @robinheart !! otherwise feel free to be a part of the returning patrol. cutie casual thread yippee !! ]


She is grateful for the opportunity to take a walk, the imminence of kitting making the tortoiseshell feel restless. Tiny limbs constantly poke and jab her all hours of the day, little bodies flipping and rolling as they prepare for their arrival. Robinheart is nervous but beneath the trepidation of newness lies an excitement for motherhood. Having Brookstorm by her side once again makes everything feel lighter. The stone hued molly may not claim motherhood herself, but at least she’ll take care of them.

An embarrassed smile fits itself on multicolored features as Brookstorm brings up Robinheart’s fall from the other day. “I’m sure it was quite a sight,” she replies, imagining how she must have looked from the others’ perspectives. “Too bad you missed it. Y’could’ve helped me up,” the queen adds as she aims to teasingly flick her tail against Brookstorm’s flank. “Just another reason I’m ready for these kits to arrive. It’ll be nice to do something as simple as grooming once again.”

The scent of the approaching patrol captures Brookstorm’s attention and she poses a question that gives Robinheart pause. She’s perpetually tired these days, but is she tired enough to head back to camp? “We can tag along with them. It would probably be wise to not overexert myself,” she decides as she meets the other’s gaze and offers a soft smile. As much as she’d love to spend all day walking with Brookstorm, she knows she’s too close to kitting to have that kind of stamina.
[ penned by kerms ]
The murmuring of familiar voices catch her attention as the blue coat of Brookstorm and the mixed colored coat of Robinheart. Her dark ears twitch as they came closer in sight, and she flicks her tail in greeting to the pair of mates. "Brookstorm, Robinheart. How was your walk?" Troutsnout would greet them firstly before inquiring on their walk, offering a smile towards the two she-cats. Her chambray blue gaze flicks towards her patrol members for a moment before asking, "would you two like to join us back on the way to camp?" She wasn't sure how long they've been on a walk but it was always better to travel together especially with Robinheart carrying and the influx of predators recently.

The thought of imagining something happening to the two of them made her stomach churn and physically recoil.

Her dark nose scrunches for a moment as she allows her gaze to roam the surroundings of the patrol before finally meeting the pair once more. "How is you two's day going so far?" Hopefully, the stars treated the couple well and they were having a lovely day. It was great seeing Brookstorm not avoiding Robinheart anymore, and the seeing the two brought a smile to her lips. It must be great being in love? Perhaps, she felt like that for Reedstrike but it felt difficult when her feelings were meaningless. It wasn't her piece of cake, maybe she would eventually admit she's loved him for moons ever since she was an apprentice then move on with her life.

There was no point in dragging on emotions, especially when she had enough to love for her family and friends.
She loved the fresh scents of new-leaf and the babbling life of water free from its icy traps. Her pelt no longer shivered with the clutch of snow but glimmered in warm sun rays. Akin to the darkest pebbles nestled in the bottom of the river the shimmered and gleamed. Bounding beside her patrol mates the bright-eyed apprentice spotted two cats off to the side. It seemed Troutsnout filed from their formed patrol to greet them and the molly followed suit.

Tufted ears raised high and tail waving in a polite greeting. She wasn't overly-familiar with the warriors but a part of her felt excited when Included. Clearing her throat the ebony she-cat piped in with a bright grin. "Hello!" Bumblepaw didn't want to step on any toes so she kept it brief. Eyes lingering on the couple and straying to the obvious roundness in Robinheart's belly. News of life was always an amazing thing to her.

Something she believed every cat should feel excited for when more adorable little balls of fur were expected to be racing around camp. Maybe I'll get to mentor one of the kits! The thought makes her whiskers twitch with awe and elation. It wasn't long now until her own warrior ceremony would be taking place.