private WWJD | short lady


gee whizz
Apr 29, 2023

The trek to the sunbathed rocks was never filled with silence between the pair, and it seemed that the only thing that kept them apart had been their apprenticeship and duties within the clan. Ironically considering at times it would seem they could barely stand eachother but- perhaps that was just the tango of friendship.

" Okay- who would win in a fight, between a badger ngh- and uh. UH- " he’s chewing as he speaks but not on food, a few blades of grass are bitter on his tongue but keep him busy. His footfalls are occasionally slipped with the roll of a paw, a natural gangling clumsy gait he had.

" and a Fox. Fox and badger fight- go. What would happen " he challenges her as sunningrocks bleeds into the distance. @{Lilypad}

WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ ————————————

While Frogleg chewed on bitter grasses and other such habits to soothe his anxieties, Lilypad instead allowed herself to get swallowed up by the world around them. Words flowed from her mouth as she chattered usually about things that would sound dumb or useless to most and yet Frogleg always listened. Today, as they made their way towards Sunningrocks, her paws would hop in their usual confidence, the tiny molly inwardly very excited to be spending time with the long-legged black and white tom.

Not that she would say anything about it out loud, of course, she'd sooner bathe in mouse bile than ever say out loud how much she loved being around her friend. Froglegs' question would cause her whiskers to twitch in amusement, lips tugging into a smirk as she hummed in thought, "That's easy! Badgers are bigger, but," She would spot a beetle up ahead and lower into a crouch before darting towards it, catching it before it could fly off and pinning it to the ground, "Foxes are faster, more agile."

Her smirk would grow in childish triumph as she lifted her paw and let the beetle escape, "And clearly smarter than any bumbling badger." Her words were spoken with a slight pointedness to them, and it was clear from the teasing glow in her eyes that she was talking about more than just a badger and fox fight. Lilypad would turn to continue to trot towards sunning rocks, as she meowed, "What about a fox and an owl?" Spotting their destination up ahead, she would wait for Frogleg to catch up and then lightly nudged him with her shoulder, being careful not to push too hard since she was well aware of how clumsy the tom was.

The last thing she needed was to knock him over and then have to drag him all the way back to camp.

[penned by zaeya - ]

Umber eyes blink without sync upon her, dramatically disagreeing in his own silent way that a fox could possibly win. She speeds forward, short limbs seizing a little round bug- Frogleg watches with amusement but snorts as she lets it go. Only coming to reality what she was really saying. " uh huh, badgers are just as smart as foxes. sounds like the fox is just overcompensating in the situation you’re thinking of " he jests, making a mocking face akin to a conceited smirk.

A fox and an owl, she suggests. " that depends. Is there a gorge involved? Because an owl would absolutely drag his ass off it " he counters, faking a disgusted quiver of fur as she nudges him. " ew. don’t touch me you little nasty " Frogleg wiggles his hocks and leaps, landing with an uneven sprawl of limbs like a spider on the first warm rock. His shoulder lightly crashing into the next ledge with a huff.

" duck and a chicken " he spouts at her.

WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ ————————————

She would stick her tongue out at him at his mocking smirk, but the smile that tugged at the corner of her lips was unmistakable. It would flash away for just a moment as he fake shuddered, her brain freezing for a nanosecond that she had messed up and upset him and he was going to stomp away and not be her friend anymore and-

But his words break through to her, the veiled teasing within them, and the smile returned as pure mischief returned to her hazel eyes as she watched him scramble onto the warmed boulder, though she did wince slightly as his shoulder crashed into the rock. Lilypad rolled her eyes and then lowered herself as she prepared to leap, the rock much bigger to her than her long-legged friend.

With a deep breath, she would leap, huffing as she had to scramble up the rest of the way due to her tiny legs not allowing her to leap high enough. Once she was on the rock, however, she would let out a dramatic sigh and ungracefully plop right on top of Frogleg, purring as the sun warmed her back. She would rest her head atop his own and look out into the river as she meowed, "Duck and chicken...Ducks don't mess around, ever heard one hiss?"

Did all ducks hiss? Or was it just the big brown and black one she had seen once that did? Either way, they were freaky to look at and she shuddered just remembering them, "But chickens aren't usually alone either, and they are pretty scary too. I think I'm gonna side with the chicken on this one, those claws they have are way worse than the ducks webbed feet."

[penned by zaeya - ]

A hissing duck? " now you’re just making shit up " he accused wrongly, his nose scrunching up. " Only cats can hiss! " he argues with a subconscious step to the edge to help her- but it seemed she didn’t need it. She scrabbled up to his side, and he settles down like a squatting mantis.

" finally! … a logical answer " Frogleg mocks, and swats at her legs to stumble her onto her side. " we need to find a duck so you can prove that shit cuz’ I don’t buy it " the black and white tom aims a bite at her wrist.

AND I DON'T NEED TO BE HUMBLE, ✧°.☀ ————————————
Lilypad would snort at her friends' words, letting out a soft 'oof' as his swipe aims true and she slips off of him and lands on her side on the rock. "It's not my fault you don't go out enough to know the basics about ducks." She would meow in her usual air of sarcasm and confidence, though she would simply push her paw against his nuzzle gently at his attempts to bite at her wrist.

Looking up at the sky above them as she sank into her own thoughts, her tail tapping the rock before a smirk moved onto her lips and she narrowed her hazel gaze at her friend, "That's not a bad idea there, Froggie." She would move to sit up and look up and down the river bank, "Let's go duck hunting! You'll see, I'm right as per usual." Turning to face Frogleg once again, she would lean in and lightly tap his nose with her own as she cooed, "Unless you're scared, of course." Truthfully she wasn't thrilled at the idea of facing those huge brown and black ducks she had run into before, but like hell was she going to let him think she was losing it.

[penned by zaeya - ]