private XO XO // ravenstrike

His fellow warriors are tightly knit, and even Skyclaw cannot say that he misses the time where he had friends and family he could turn to. There used to be days where he could seek out Burnstorm or Duskbird, where he could find Chickadeepaw and Palefire and Falconheart but now - they're either dead, despondent, or hopeful he'll make a change. The mottled tom doesn't want to change, however. His distaste feels valid, his frustration is worth it. As in the end, above all... he is doing what he can to keep his Clan afloat. That is all that StarClan would ask of him.

He watches as the mouse he scares rushes straight into Ravenstrike's paws. The tom frowns as his distracted mind almost loses his catch, though he doesn't take too long to lament as it was caught regardless. "Good one," he says, eyes vaguely narrowed towards the she-cat. She mocked him back when they were trespassing, as if his mixed blood made his crimes worse than hers. Maybe it did... Skyclaw sucks on the edge of his teeth, "That was enough work for you, then? Fattening up like the kittypets over the border, you seem to be..." he returns the taunting, goading the other into a fight. No one else was around... maybe it'd even be fun.

Ravenstrike had been stalking along in search for prey until the rustling of a mouse running straight into her paws caught her attention, a heavy paw quickly striking it and curved claws digging into it to kill it. Good one. The remark of Skyclaw makes her ear twitch as she glances up towards the half-blood, a tongue running across her fangs. “Not surprised you couldn't catch it, halfblood.” The scarred feline would respond with a mocking bored yawn, the fresh taint of blood from her recent murder still fresh on her claws and fangs. How luck was she? A downfall of rain swept away any evidence, and regardless- she would be innocent.

That disgusting creature trespassed.

“I'm sure it was for you. It's obvious you need to lighten up on the kittypet slob.” Ravenstrike would respond afterward at the tom-cat's final statement, a glisten of cold amber eyes flicking at the other warrior. If only he wasn't a half-blood, then maybe he wouldn't be so bad to tolerate.
Halfblood. He grimaces as the word slips between her lips. There are worse things to be called, surely, but his lineage being brought into fire directly frustrates him. Skyclaw is not a tom of words - maybe with those he actually cares for, he may take the moment to breathe and re-evaluate. But Ravenstrike is just another warrior. One like him, even...

"I'll show you...!" And he launches, claws half extended as he attempts to land square on her shoulders. If he makes his mark, the most damage he does is by surprise, likely knocking the wind from her lungs. His claws only pose to gnarl into her fur, or to the grass underfoot should he miss. Regardless, a paw lifts to then cuff her ear, though the playful gesture is made with narrowed eyes and a frown.​
”Sure you will.” Ravenstrike scoffs ironically as the tomcat lunges at her, allowing him to collide with her. As she smirks, she attempts to use her hind leg to sweep his leg out from under him. Frigid amber eyes note a paw rising to cuff her ear, but it doesn't take kindly for the scarred female. This half-blood dared to try? An obsidian paw strikes out with the speed of a viper, attempting to slap him roughly across the face. Her tail lashes side-to-side as she bares ivory canines at the tomcat with the usual smug expression gracing her facial features.

” Sighh~ I don't want to have to kill another kittypet for trespassing. ” The midnight-colored feline remarks sarcastically, claws flexing momentarily. Did she care if she got caught for killing that Skyclanner kittypet? No. Starclan had ensured that the rain covered her traces, and she had prepared the perfect excuse in case she was questioned.

Sure you will. Her tone is as snide as it had been before, but it bubbles more frustration and distaste in him. She sweeps a leg towards him - one that, thankfully, he avoids with a well timed hop. Perhaps too proud of his successful dodge, he earns a slap straight to his muzzle. A growl is pulled from his chest in an instant, and he does well to shake his head free of any lasting damage. Thankfully it seems they're both keeping their claws sheathed... for now.

He moves to attack her again when she says something interesting. Their impromptu spar takes a pause. "You? Killed a kittypet?" he questions, however with no malice or distaste. At most, he confronts her with confused interest, and waits for her to answer to his interrogation.​
You? Killed a kittypet? Ravenstrike flicks her gaze as ivory fangs peek in a devious smirk as her voice trips venomously, "Oops, did I do something wrong? She inquires with obviously fake concern as her face crinkles in instant disgust as the 'innocent' behavior she attempted to do. "Of course I did. That disgusting softblood tried to trespass and I killed her." Her words dripped venomously as she talked about the kittypet but it can't help but pull a corner of her lips in a smirk. They believed the world was soft everywhere outside their tiny twoleg nests where they were handfed food and treated like kings and queens, oblivious to how the real world was.

Her long tail flicks as she reaches out a foreleg and flexes obsidian curved claws, remembering as her fangs dug into the neck of the Skyclan kittypet. "Perhaps, I'll take you out hunting them. Unless you're too much of a halfblood to consider hurting your kind." A vicious vibrant amber gaze focuses on their face. Would he extend and accept her offer to extinguish kittypets or turn his back like the inner softblood he had running through his veins from his father?