( ) since riverclan's loss of sunningrocks, there has been a hunt to find the newest sun-basking area. every few days, an apprentice will come back from training claiming they've found 'the perfect spot!' a warrior will attempt to make their own lounging area, or an elder will pick up frail paws to clamber into a tree to be 'closer to the sun.' riverclan is lacking greatly in one of their most prized activities. it's almost sad to see longing eyes gazing across at their lost territory whenever a patrol passes the rocks. willowroot is no different from her clanmates. she misses sunningrocks with a passion, but she won't fight cicadastar's decision to cede the territory. the man has a plan- this she knows. they'll get the rocks back one day.

for now, willow contents herself with lounging on the pebble strewn shores of her river. the water flows serenely, its gentle current carrying the sounds of various warriors sunbathing and socializing on its banks. the warm sun beats down on the lead warrior's fur, as her tail flicks lazily in the breeze. some clanmates scan the banks for pretty rocks and pebbles, comparing and admiring their finds, while others simply enjoy the peaceful moment. the sound of the water soothes the frazzled mind of the overworked lead. willowroot feels at ease here, amongst her companions. beside her, cindershade basks, her own dark pelt soaking up the sun. lifting her head from her paws, willowroot scans her surroundings, eyes catching the gray tabby fur of an npc, stoneskip as he pads by with a pure white feather in his jaws. the tomcat moves over to a pale brown tabby, settling down beside her and presenting her with the gift. willowroot nudges her fellow lead warrior. "cin, i think we've got a new couple to look out for!" she whispers, flicking her tail towards the two. "stoneskip just gave hazelmist a feather." she wiggles her eyebrows playfully. "it's about time for those two, they've danced about each other for long enough." whiskers twitch with soft laughter.
@Cindershade gossip girls oo

A day to enjoy finally arises, and Cindershade plans to fully succumb herself within the sunlit rays that danced along her pelt, revealing shsded risetted markings and her striped features. She had settled herself beside Willowroot, basking lazily along the pebble-laiden shore with limbs splayed out comfily at her side. A breeze whisps around her and the smoked lead warrior, a tang of chill still biting at the tips of her singed ears but it's a welcome one in contrast with the warm sunlight. One of her paws dips half-hazardly within the lapping shore, it's coolness another welcoming specter. She sighs in content, eyes half-closed and the brimness of sleep pulls at her lids. Patrols had been done and everyone had food back at camp, now was a time of leisure and after all the calamity they had endured—it is well deserved.
She, too, misses the large rocks that never seem to grow cold. Sunningrocks was the usual hang out spot, a place of good fortune and relaxation. The coming warmer seasons were upon them now, and now the lead warrior mosses those great stones now more than ever. Laying upon pebbles felt like thorns in her pelt, but she would endure. It wasn't all too bad. But one day, one day those rocks would supply RiverClan once more. She wouldn't give them up so easily.

A nudge disturbs the lead warrior from her dissociation, bringing her back to the surface and a grunt makes its way over her tongue. Willowroot points out the muscular frame of Stoneskip, a young gray tom that held a white feather clasped gently within his teeth. Peridot eyes slide open more, a twinge of interest gleaming within her irises as he approaches Hazelmist. Cin, I think we have another couple to look out for! Another budding couple in New-Leaf, waiting to bloom and become a fluorescent sweet smelling flower. Dark lips switch into the smallest of smiles and a teeny part of her feels a bit of envy towards them. She wanted to experience that feeling, but Cindershade had too many other things to worry over. She didn't need to fret over a partner on top of it all. Willowroot looks at her mischievously, wiggling her brow and the shaded molly snickers in return with a smirk. "It's about time." She begins, keeping her own voice low so the rippling current and birdsong drowned out any prying ears to hear. "I was beginning to think he had gotten cold paws. The other day I saw him pacing outside of camp, mumbling over and over to himself. Guess he was giving himself a pep talk." She snorts at the last part, velveteen ears flicking in the breeze. "I wish I could hear what they were talking about. I just hope he's not mumbling about like some half wit." The image of fumbling words and stutters enters her psyche, followed by a very confused Hazelmist has her near giggling like a young apprentice.


Poppysong herself had already begun to miss the ever warm rocks, having been looking out for a new spot to sit and gossip with the others, and had followed Willowroot and Cindershade out to where they were now laying. She hadn’t put much thought into her actions as she sprawled out, looking to all the world a tired feline wanting only a nap and some chatter. It didn’t take long for tongues to start snapping, and she found herself enjoying the tidbits she overheard while she groomed her paws. "I saw that as well," she would chuckle, "I didn’t think he would do it so fast, though.. such bravery from the tom!" Poppysong would say, a teasing tone to her voice.
walk "talk." thought
penned by helly
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They were all such bothersome nosy hens weren't they. Pecking about the ground for any meager scrap to sate their endless desire to know things they were not to be privy of. It was tiresome to watch, he almost felt annoyed on Stoneskip's behalf. Had they done this behind his back before as well? He and Cicadastar had had a long and almost exhausting courtship, constantly dancing around the issue and avoiding one another to not deal with it in the moment only to stumble into it later like fools. He was embarrassed by his own inaction, his own idiocy at times. It had taken death itself to shift the tides, to force them together and even then it had taken longer for him to try to formulate how he felt after the fact when the prize was already won and at his paws; it just wasn't enough for him. He needed to say it, hear it. Smokethroat had spent an alarmingly long time dwelling on the matter.

If he ever found out he was gossiped about he would probably be plotting several acts of revenge as he sat there, fortunately he didnt think Stoneskip was as merciless as he was when it came to privacy. Smokethroat rolled his lone orange eye, raised his paw to continue grooming where he sat waiting for the next patrol to return so he could figure out what was going on with the borders and ease his own wariness. Since the attacks his anxiety had been ramped up to the max and there wasn't a single waking moment where he wasn't fretting about the next thing that would happen. RiverClan was strong, but even the most sturdy of willows would bend with enough force.
( ) willowroot will be the first to admit- gossip is one of her less admirable qualities. she’s done it since she was young, growing up on the docks of the sailing ships she once called home. the street cats there loved to partake in a healthy bit of scandal, and this trait was not one ignored by young caraway, as she was called. it’s never mean or insulting when she does it, but there is a bit of fun at speculating behind others’ backs. besides, stoneskip’s been a part of plenty a gossip circle in his time as a warrior. the tomcat wouldn’t be courting his lover in broad daylight if he didn’t expect others to talk. as cinder moves closer and murmurs her predictions, willow grins, tipping her head to quietly watch the new couple. hazelmist giggles at something stoneskip says, and there is affection in her verdant gaze as she swipes a lick across the tomcat’s head. something in the smoke’s chest melts a little. “they’re adorable,” she sighs, nodding in agreement with poppysong as the femme joins in.”a pep talk! oh stars, i remember when i was in that situation.”

moons earlier- stars, only a few moons after the clan’s creation -willowroot remembers the chewing anxiety in the pit of her stomach when talking to her now mate. there had been no need to worry, of course. why, all these moons later, the two’s children dash about in their own little worlds. snapping back to the present, willowroot purrs. “well, if the tom needed a pep talk, it worked!” she meows. “they look happy together. I’m glad for them- i remember how they behaved as apprentices. little hazelpaw begged to be put on training patrols with stonepaw.” whiskers twitch as the smoke reminisces. a few tail lengths away, a grumpy smokethroat washes his paws. willowroot can almost hear the silent judgment coming from his direction. she elects to ignore it.

The calico apprentice listens in on the older cats’ conversation with dismay, dappled nose wrinkling as they realize what the adults around them are talking about. Stoneskip and Hazelwhatever are talking to one another—about what, they cannot tell—and Willowroot, Cindershade, and Poppysong seem to believe that such interaction means that they are in love. They do not care whether the older warriors gossip, so long as they leave Crappiepaw out of it, but the idea still makes their pelt bristle.

Romance. What a gross concept. Being in love? Showing vulnerability, on purpose? An unimaginable situation. They mock gag, eyes narrowing as they stare at the two cats who are the topic of conversation. Willowroot talks of how one has followed the other around as apprentices, and their stomach turns uncomfortably, mind wandering to Koispots without permission. "Ew." They could not care any less about the romantic affairs of others, unless those others are their friends—they are the only ones allowed to be in love. They are the only ones who are not gross about it, anyway.
[ my my, cold hearted child ]
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She glanced at the smoke cleaning his paws, deciding to promptly ignore his presence before turning her attention to the rest of them. The apprentice's childlike view on the romantic gestures was so incorrect that she couldn't stop herself from responding in her strong southern drawl. "Honey you don't even know the half of what you're seein' over there," She nods for emphasis towards the soon-to-be couple, "you'll find someone someday, don't worry."

Poppysong smiles cheerfully, but an ear twitches slightly at the still-baneful gaze of Smokethroat. "You remember, huh? I had to deal with the lovebirds!" It was a silly, lighthearted jab at them, with no intention of malice behind it. Still, her chuckle was a bit strained.
write my name in the sand

In a stunning turn of events, Ravenpaw found that he agreed with Crappiepaw's utterance in reaction to the budding romance Willowroot and Cindershde were gossiping about. He flicked an ear uninterestedly in the direction of the two victims. This was pointless gossip—projecting about the romantic affairs of Clanmates was a sure way to get ears clawed off... if one was talking to the wrong cat.

Finishing the fish he had laid at his paws, Ravenpaw decided he had better things to do than listen to lovesick gossip. However, he could not resist imparting a piece of his own wisdom to the group of cats, feeling the sudden need to defend himself against Poppysong, even if she had not been addressing him.

"Apprentices follow each other around all the time." He scoffed. "And usually there's nothing deeper to it." After all, he and Dovepaw had stuck close to each other thicker than ticks to a cat's pelt. But nobody saw him falling head over heels for the ticked tabby. In fact, they were painfully estranged because of a private argument. The words left a bitter taste in Ravenpaw's mouth and he flicked his tail uncomfortably.

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