private y lloro .. marblekit, sycamorekit

This isn't a discussion she had planned to have. This wasn't a moment she planned to defend from, either. In fact, this entire ordeal is something Lilacfur had never planned at all! But fate had a different path for her to follow than what she had wanted, and she must face it the only way she knew. Confronting it with the confidence her mother instilled, and with the wisdom she would have wanted at their age.

Chilledstar had allowed her a quiet space in their den for this. A request that was more like a demand, considering the weight of what they would be told but it wasn't like there was much else of a choice. Nowhere in camp was as private as the leader's den, protected with gnarled roots and dark shadows. Lilacfur respected the space she occupied, though, keeping the kittens away from Chilledstar's nest. She tapped a paw on some stones for them to sit on and curled her tail neatly around her paws.

"I don't blame you if you want to leave here." The lead began, her gaze lingering at the pale flicker of light from the entrance. Her heart still pounded in her chest just thinking of Betonyfrost. Preying upon her kits like a fox would a hare. She knew the circumstances of their birth, their heritage, where not ideal but to cruel... so cold. It was not something she expected from any mother.

"I would like you to maybe understand, though. I'm not any less upset with Betonyfrost as you are. There are some in ShadowClan that I certainly don't love the company of, but they do not make the whole of this Clan. And they are meager outliers to those that will protect you just as I will." A hard swallow uncomfortably slid down her throat. She had no clue what she was doing- as a parent, as a lead warrior. But she had to at least try.

"However, Betonyfrost was not lying to you. About your mother, at least. Siltcloud and I both kept the truth from you because we thought you might not be ready to understand until you're older but... We should have known it was unavoidable. I can't raise you or treat you as though you were born from that nursery, so I won't. You can ask me anything you would like and I'll answer truthfully."

@marblekit @Sycamorekit!
[ i need the clouds to cover me ]
Marblekit toddles after Lilacfur, her fur still puffed out, her limbs still shaking with anger and fear. The words Betonyfrost had spoken to her and Sycamorekit had been venomous—the acid still burns her skin. She had never seen such fury on her other mother’s face when she’d slid into the nursery to protect them, had never heard the force of fire in her voice. GET OUT, Lilacfur had roared, lionesslike, and then she’d drawn the kits close, bundling them away toward Chilledstar’s den. It’s lonely in here—and it’s dark. Marblekit would normally be tempted to investigate every corner, but she is still too upset to think about doing such a thing.

Had Betonyfrost been right? Were they foxes, beasts in cat’s pelts? And Siltcloud—what she’d said about Siltcloud—well, that had to be a lie, too, didn’t it?

But Lilacfur’s expression is grave as she turns to regard her children. Marblekit’s ears flick. “So we can leave? Can Siltcloud come get us?” Her words are blunt. She likes Lilacfur well enough, but she doesn’t really know Lilacfur like she knows Siltcloud, and it’s clear ShadowClan does not want her here. Not really.

And then… then Lilacfur says the unthinkable. That Betonyfrost hadn’t been lying. That what she’d said was true. Marblekit’s face screws up. “It’s true?” Tears gather in the corners of her eyes and shimmer there, in-place. “Is she… what’s a traitor, Lilacfur?

  • ooc:
  • pcAn1D5.jpeg
  • Marblekit, she/they w/ feminine and non-gendered terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 2 moons old, ages realistically on the 1st.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a
    — shadowclan kit, formerly a rogue. siltcloud x lilacfur, gen 3.
    — currently mated to n/a.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh fawn tabby with dull green eyes. bossy, brazen, outgoing, conniving, mischievous, skeptical, spiteful.


[ ༻ 𐃉 ༺ ] The way Betonyfrost had stuck like an adder at prey had left a feeling of anger and resentment. Mostly towards that of their own mother who had left them here, and now the two were facing whatever poison some clanmates had held towards their mother. Lilacfur had swooped in instantly and quickly kicked the angry molly out yet, her words had made him feel like he was some sort of monster, he never asked to have been born to a "traitor" nor did he had any say and yet here he and Marblekit were facing the words of bitterness from others.

He hated it, distaste the way he looks close to his own mom who had abandoned them. His fluffy tail swished as his sister asked her own questions while his green gaze looked around the dark clearing, they were alone. No ones eyes were on them making his fur flicked uncomfortably. A soft sigh pressed from their lips. "What did momma do to make everyone look at us like we're monsters?" his voice piped slowly, cold and frustrated. He wished she would come back, take them back but the rest had made it clear that there was no option of leaving.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Sycamorekit 𐃉 He,She, They, Shadowclan kit, 2 moons.
    LH Rosetted Cinnamon Tabby with low white and green eyes, has an extra set of toes
    Lilacfur x Siltcloud
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


A single ear twitched as Marblekit leapt for the thought that Siltcloud would come collect them again. It doesn't hurt as much as she thought it would, that her kittens do not feel as comfortable here in the warmth of a nursery compared to starvation. She wondered if, at the very least, there were no strangers unkind to them out there. A simple shake of her head answers her daughter though.

Tears appear that once mirrored her own when she learned the same of Siltcloud. A traitor- a label most vile that a cat could wear. It summarized the list of their mother's crimes well, accomplice to her brothers murder and conspirator against their home's livelihood.

"It is." They both ask their first round of questions and the Lead paused as she tried to figure a way to articulate it best.

"A traitor is a cat that is dishonest, but hides it well. You've seen my sister, Starlingheart. Her mate was Granitepelt, Siltcloud's brother." Lilacfur went on to explain. "The both of them... haunted this Clan for many moons without any of us knowing a thing. They murdered my brother. The Clans leader at the time."

The story had been told so many times now, she's lost the tremble in her voice as she described it. No longer shed tears over lives that could not come back.

"Granitepelt killed more after that, apprentices, dressed them up as accidents. Your mother claimed to not know all of them but she's lied to the Clan for so long we're still unsure if that's true. What truly, finally exposed them though..." Lilacfur paused, tail-tip thudding against the earth. "They conspired with WindClan to steal kittens from the nursery. Stole them from their queens and marched them to the moors; Smogmaw's kits. Who knows who else's might have disappeared after, had they not been returned. And even after all of that, I guess not long before you two were born she... killed Betonyfrost's daughter. Comfreypaw. That is why she told you."

Lilacfur's shoulders sagged low as she finished. Such a twisted spirit loved so dearly in innocent eyes. She knows Siltcloud didn't deserve it, to have their love and maybe even after all this their forgiveness but a cloud of guilt still weighed on her.

"Neither of you are monsters, Sycamorekit." Her words were edged with a blade-sharp tone. "Siltcloud did horribly evil things to our home. To me. But she loved you both, enough to know that if she kept you to herself you would have died." Lilacfur could see the cinnamon tabby so clearly in them, through round eyes of agate and sand-toned fur. She wondered if maybe Flintpaw could be of any help.

"You don't have to love me the same way you loved her, but you're my kittens, too. I'll do everything in my power to take care of you." No more going to sleep hungry, or worrying when their next meal would be- hopefully newleaf would allow it.
[ i need the clouds to cover me ]
Lilacfur stares at her after she requests for Siltcloud to come get the two of them, and then—gently—she shakes her head. The tears spill onto her cheeks, but she does not cry. The weight of her mother’s words, the gravity of her tone, has startled Marblekit into relative silence. The pale molly weaves a tale of treachery so bad, it has to be false—Siltcloud is a thief of kits, an accomplice to murder, had even wet her own claws with Betonyfrost’s daughter’s blood. Marblekit trembles, unsure if she can continue to listen to this blasphemy—how can she, when all she remembers is the caress of her mother’s feathery tail against her body, the warmth of her cheek as she nuzzled her in their shared nest?

Lilacfur tells Sycamorekit that they aren’t monsters. Marblekit’s tears begin to dry up, but they glisten on her cheekbones, lingering. “She’s never coming back,” she whispers. The words sound dull to her own ears, and it feels like claws raking over her heart. If she did come back, would that make her a monster, a real one?

Marblekit sniffles, blinking green-tinted eyes up at Lilacfur. Her mother promises them she’ll take care of them indefinitely, ensure they won’t go hungry again. Still feeling half-in a dream world, the she-kit nods, her face glossed with sorrow. “Okay, Lilacfur,” she murmurs. She wants this to end—she wants to be away from here—but she’s quickly learning that wishes are no more tangible than the mother who abandoned them at ShadowClan’s border.

  • ooc:
  • pcAn1D5.jpeg
  • Marblekit, she/they w/ feminine and non-gendered terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 3 moons old, ages realistically on the 1st.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a
    — shadowclan kit, formerly a rogue. siltcloud x lilacfur, gen 3.
    — currently mated to n/a.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh fawn tabby with dull green eyes. bossy, brazen, outgoing, conniving, mischievous, skeptical, spiteful.