camp yackety sax | squirrel in camp

The last two hunting parties returned to them with empty mouths and rumbling bellies and he sighed as he had to once again tell the kits Sunnyday and Roepaw had brought in as well as his own daughter that they'd have to wait just a little longer for someone fresh, but as kits were won't to do they complained and he could not even blame them for he also felt a gnawing in his stomach recently from their lack of food and he wished he could go out and help but with so many kittens needing to be tended to he realized he was much more useful here than anything else. Even if it did get to him sometimes, even if he did daydream about running through the forest as he watched the little furballs roll about and play.

A shrill kitten voice has him stepping out of the nursery with urgency, green eyes wide and searching for the source of the sound only to realize it was a cry of delighted confusion rather than one of pain or fear; a red squirrel had darted into the center of camp and set the kits off in excitement before darting further to one side in an attempt to find some kind of hiding place. It was relatively plump for a squirrel in leaf-bare, seemingly rotund enough to feed the entire nursery of kits right now with ease and Sunfreckle could not help the anguished gasp that escaped him when it seemed as if it almost made it to a tree before a passing warrior startled it back. Any attempt at stealth or creeping up on it with it being right there in the open was all but gone and so he risked giving a sharp, "Squirrel!" In the hopes that some other cats present in the camp would be able to help herd this critter into a position they could kill it and add it to the pile. Surely with it being right here and so many cats present in camp they'd be able to catch it easily...right?

Ooc: A Squirrel has gotten into camp! Will RNG in a day or two once posts come in to see who will catch it on discord :D So please just chase it around for now!

Patchpaw had been falling asleep against her brother’s back when she heard the shrill call of squirrel echo through camp. Like a dog, Patchpaw jerks her head up at the same time Cherrypaw opens his eyes, both intrigued by this new turn of events.
And oh, did that squirrel look delicious, its plump pale belly and twitching fluffy tail practically begging to be snatched up.

”I got it, I got it!” Within seconds, Patchpaw scrambles to her feet, kicking up snow against her brother and accidentally into his face. While Cherrypaw was busy getting the snow out of his mouth with a grumble, she gives a speedy burst towards the squirrel, practically throwing herself at it with her hind legs awkwardly launching herself forwards and her front claws extended all the way to catch it.
It was all in slow motion: she was so close to catching the little bundle of mouth-watering goodiness with her leaping through the air, its beady eyes staring up at her centered perfectly between her paws to be bitten into and feasted upon. And imagine how everyone would react, how she’d perfectly execute the final blow and the whole clan would cheer her name—
—In the blink of an eye, it disappears. It had jerked out of the way as Patchpaw crashes face-first into the snow, cobweb bandages pulled off her face and her legs askew in multiple directions, in full view of the entire camp.

The squirrel was off!
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Cleaning up rotten, snow covered leaves was boring! Why was he doing this anyway? It wasn't like anyone had even asked him to either, it had been under his own stupid compulsion. Though just as he had a neat little pile together at the edge of the camp clearing something burst through it and scattered his efforts across the ground. "WHAT THE FU-?!"


Wildpaw bore witness to Patchpaw's antics as she gave chase, though the quarry proved to be slippery and he was rewarded with the sight of her failure. A roar of laughter erupted from him, his gloomy mood lifting in an instant. "Pathetic! I'll show you how to catch that damned squirrel!" He grinned wickedly as he launched forward in pursuit of the annoying rodent. Surely he'd bring it down and he'd get to bask in the adoration of his peers.

But of course this squirrel was fast and seemingly quite sharp mentally, considering that it was dodging him at every turn. It was running Wildpaw ragged as he ran after it screeching like a banshee!​


The blur of maple red had an almost dreamy quality as it danced between each set of paws. Poor Patchpaw was sent askew into the snow in pursuit of the squirrel. Sloepaw wasn't sure if Wildpaw was enjoying the chase but it had certainly whipped him into a frenzy. The show froze the goose-pelt apprentice for a second, one a little too long, as he tried to roll his tired mind into action.

When tiny, scratching paws bounced across his own however all lethargy was thrown to the wayside. "Oh- Bollocks!" The squirrel was already a few paces away by the time Sloepaw had gotten to his feet, the insult of it running across his resting form enough to taunt him into a sprint. Shoulders almost ricocheting off of Wildpaw's, he plunged into the wake of the pesky prey.

Cold air was pumped through his small frame in time with the strain of each new stride. The streak of red ahead of them strayed left, towards a weathered hole in the camp perimeter. Oh no you don't-! Desperate to recover from the embarrassment only moments before, the apprentice threw himself into his next few steps. With a yowl, Sloepaw was between the frost-frame ferns and the squirrel. A ribbon-like movement pulled it out of his errant paws and back towards the centre of the clearing. The act shoved him up against the bramble wall with a grunt, which he took readily. It didn't matter- that critter was still within the clan's grasp. "Someone, quick!"

IT WENT FROM A SPARK TO AN OPEN FLAME ⋆⁺₊⋆ Emberstar shot to her paws at Sunfeckle's call, her eyes darting about for a moment before affixing themselves on the squirrel. Her eyes narrowed. This was precious food for her friends in leafbare. She wasn't about to let it slip from between their claws. Wordlessly, she leapt into action.

Weaving between her clanmates, she raced onto the scene Rather than aiming to grab the prey herself though, the leader aimed to cut off its escape, forcing it into the paws of its other pursuers. As the apprentices ran about recklessly, she positioned herself nearer to the camp entrance, ensuring the squirrel would have to go through her in order to get out the way it came in. Her entire body was tensed and ready, able to pounce if it got within her reach. ​