YAWNING GRAVE // Howlingstar


└─── °∘ ❄ ∘° ───┘
Mar 27, 2023



A day doesn’t go by where he doesn’t think about his daughter. He can still hear her terrified yowling and her petrified gaze staring lifelessly up at him. He still sees her in the children she’s left behind, he sees her in the trees she had once loved to climb and hunt within, sometimes he swears he hears her name in the breeze. Daisy Spring’s death had left him devastated, but the death of his daughter had left him dull and hollow for quite sometime. Even now grief shadowed over him, it’s never left, he’s just learned how to tolerate it, to live with it.

He cannot help but see a lot of himself in Howlingstar. The she-cat and him can relate in many aspects of their life, both their mates were buried and they now have both laid children in the ground. He knows what she feels in this moment, to lose a child so suddenly, so tragically, it was a nightmare no parent ever wished for- he imagines even more so for a queen. Howlingstar had nursed Graystorm, raised him, watched him grow up. To have had to bury him must’ve been beyond gut-wrenching. Yet she continued on, because she must for herself, her clan, and the remainder of her children.

He happens to be sitting with the leader now, the camp is quiet with many out on patrols. Not quite meeting her gaze he meows, ”Graystorm should be here still, he should be out on the sunhigh patrols now, just as my daughter should be.” His words are not meant to bring comfort, nor distress, but instead some sense that Howlingstar was not alone in her suffering. ”Yet no matter how hard you try to protect them, StarClan has it’s own plans for them, and nothing you can do can change that. We just have to hope, that in the end, if our children are to go before us StarClan grants them the honorable passing they deserve.” He now looks to Howlingstar, his blue gaze soft as wisdom reflects back and forth in each others eyes. ”My daughter died to bring new life into ThunderClan. Your son died while providing food to the hungry bellies of our old and young, they died while pulsing life into ThunderClan. I could only be so lucky, to go out as honorable as Graystorm. You raised him well, Howlingstar.”