private YEAH, IT’S ALRIGHT // thundergleam // WE’RE DOING FINE

Stormywing’s attempt at sleep tonight mostly involves the tossing and turning of her lithe form in her nest, unable to get comfortable. Restlessly, she finally gets to her paws when an annoyed hiss from a neighboring clanmate reaches her ears. Oops. “Sorry,” She hisses softly, ears angling back. With that, the tabby gives up, knowing she’ll be unable to find rest tonight. It’s one of those awful nights filled with apprehension, unable to shake the thought of her unknown kits across the river, the broken code that will never leave her lips. With a rough sigh, she slips out of the warrior’s den and looks around the camp, unable to shake off the anxiety that kept her awake. The moon hangs high, casting silvery light over the ravine, and it does something to calm her if only slightly. Maybe a walk will help. As she makes her way towards the bramble tunnel, she spots a familiar alabaster pelt nearby and glances over. It’s her former apprentice, sitting quietly with her rosy gaze fixed on the stars.

"Thundergleam!" Stormywing shout-whispers, padding over. "Can't sleep either?" The blue tabby settles beside her and looks up at the vast sky. She stares for a moment, confusion beginning to slowly seep into her gaze. Wait, what are we even looking at? "What’re you doing?” She mews incredulously and cranks her head sideways in a cartoonish tilt as she tries to decipher what in StarClan could have the other warrior so transfixed on whatever’s up there.


Unlike Stormywing, Thundergleam had not risen from a restless sleep- she had not yet retired, allowing her prayers to whisper through her thoughts and weave with the wishes of StarClan. The breeze, soft and cooling in greenleaf night, brought the voices of ancestors into her wispy ears. There was another whisper amongst it all, though ... her name. But it wasn't the inner twinkling of StarClan, but instead the rough-and-tumble shout (quiet and spuuressed, in the night) of her former mentor.

Her face brightened at the sight. Moons ago, she could not have forseen- even with the help of the Stars- a future where Stormywing might willingly strike a conversation with her. It cemented within her the glowing idea that she had truly found a home here. And to think, what she must do to save it ... Father's words rang in her head like a death knell, resonating and rumbling. Her ears flicked backward, just for a moment ... but she rid herself of the conflict twisting within her before it took foor on her face.

"Ah, well - not exactly. I have not gone to bed yet," she chucked a little at the notion- yes, out loud it sounded quite silly. Stormywing's bright eyes searched the sky for something too, and for a moment Thundergleam thought she may too enjoy stargazing; but then, the snow-splashed tabby asked her what she was doing.

She giggled a little, a wind-chime sound. "I am only stargazing." A tufted tail twitched thoughtfully, mallow-flower eyes rising from Stormywing's face to find the sequins above easier. "Our ancestors spend a lot of time watching over us. It is only fair that I should watch them back, when I have the time."
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Stormywing blinks at the albino’s response, her whiskers twitching with curiosity. "Stargazing, huh?" She echoes, tilting her head as she tries to grasp the concept. The tabby warrior casts a skeptical glance skyward, where the stars glittered with a cold, distant light. Certainly not as welcoming as Thundergleam seems to think they are. "I guess I never really understood the appeal. I mean, I'm more used to chasing and climbing and action than just...staring." She looks back at Thundergleam and tilts her head as she scans the other’s face. She looks so peaceful doing this. It must really be relaxing for her, huh? "But I guess I can see why you like it,” The she-cat is quick to add, not wanting to make her think she’s ridiculing her. There's something kind of soothing about the stars she supposes, even if they don't exactly fill her with the same sense of wonder they seem to give her former charge.

A soft sigh escapes her as she flops onto her side next to Thundergleam, striped tail flicking thoughtfully. "So, what are you hoping to find up there? Any messages from StarClan or just a bit of peace before you head to bed?" Stormywing trills as she relaxes, muzzle tipping up comedically to watch the stars.


Crimson pupils stayed fixed on the twinkling lights, failing to falter fromm that expanse- though her wisp-furred ears twitched at Stormywing's response, and Thundergleam's smile settled a little on her face, finding a comfort aglimmer there. A beauty in difference. Father had always said it would be difficult for the Thunderclanners to understand her, but was there not a sweetness in at last finding that understanding? Though she did not relate, Stormywing still found some amusement in discussion. "There are certainly more instantly exciting pastimes," Thundergleam murmured, her voice kissed with humour. Nothing appealed to everyone ... besides eating, she supposed. That was the wonder in a Clan, was it not? That so many worked toward a common goal, and it was so very wonderful that she finally found herself part of it.

A small, twinkling laugh left her again- with the soft shake of her head accompanying. "Peace, yes. The Stars are beautiful, but there is not much there to interpret." Her tone was plain, feather-gentle as it was ... a simple fact stated. Most of StarClan's signs were placed in dreams, or upon the earth itself. "I cannot imagine another way to relax, truly. What is it you do?" Pink eyes severed from the sky and found their way back to Stormywing- those same eyes crescented with a laugh when she saw the position the grey tabby held herself in, head dramatically tipped in rather an amusing fashion.
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Her chin bobs in a small nod, trying her best to understand. She gets it to a degree. Stormywing loves to nap, but that's usually in a tree or on a nice sun-warmed rock. She doesn't stay up late, she doesn't stare at one thing for long amounts of time. She'd be so bored. In fact, the only reason she isn't bored right now is 'cause she's hanging out with Thundergleam. "Me? Well, a nice snooze up on a branch is usually what I do. But I'm more of a 'get up and go' type, y'know?" She trills with a playful flick of her tail. She likes to keep busy, always has. Whether it's plunging through the thickest foliage or helping out with whatever needs doing.

"Lately, though, with everything on my mind, it's been hard to stay still. Maybe that's why I'm having trouble sleeping. I don't usually have time for this sort of thing," The tabby adds thoughtfully, rolling fully onto her back and tucking her paws to her chest as she gazes at the sky. A low purr rumbles in her throat as she takes in the stars a little more appreciatively. Now that she's really looking, they sort of are breathtaking. Yellow eyes soften as she mews, "I guess this is kinda peaceful. Maybe I could get used to it if I tried." A chuff of amusement escapes her as looks back at her friend.

A nap in a tree? Thundergleam herself did not have the balance for it, most certainly ... but it was not difficult to imagine Stormywing, precariously dangling but somehow staying put, even in the throes of dreams. "I suppose you are not worried about falling, fearless Stormywing," Thundergleam murmured, humour veined through her voice. She nodded, though, as she lowered herself to lie down. To find more entertainment in bursting forth out of undergrowth, of he blood-rush that sparring or hunting brought ... yes, she could understand it.

Stormywing's next words silenced her completely for a few moments, lips parting ajar, only a feather of breath between them. Thoughtful, crimson-pupilled pink stayed put upon her face. Everything on her mind? Was it the rising tensions regarding her kittypet roots, or something else? Thundergleam recalled all the suffering that could go unseen, unsaid- Badgerstripe, choking on her tears as she tearfully admitted cats died because of me. Snowy lashes fluttered in a barely-there flinch, a twinge in her stomach.

Maybe I could get used to it if I tried. Thundergleam smiled, her own shoulders moving with the slight breath of a laugh. "I hope so. You deserve very much to have a clear conscience." It was true- Stormywing, despite a blatant unwillingness initially, had helped Thundergleam become the warrior she had always dreamed of being. "I ... I am always here to listen, if there is anything on your mind." Thundergleam looked at pristine paws then, feeling a sense of shame for offering. Was... was she coaxing Stormywing into doom, by offering that...?

No, no, it was not doom... it was peace, wasn't it? A life in the stars... even if it would hurt to do so. If the pain was severe enough to warrant it, and only if. Thundergleam rolled herself over too, lying supine. "Or perhaps you can rope me into one of your methods instead." Her tail tip flicked gently against Stormywing's.
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Stormywing flashes the other she-cat a playful grin. She quite likes the sound of fearless, especially coming from her. Golden eyes light up with warmth, amusement twinkling within them. "Nope! I never fall!" Except for that one time. And that other. And that other...Oh well, falling is just part of the fun! She shifts slightly to better face Thundergleam, her expression softening slightly as she notices the concern beneath her friend's lightheartedness. Her jaws part just a bit, speechless for a moment. She really thinks I'm that good, huh? It only makes her feel more guilty for the secret she hides, and once more she shoves the thought of her kits to the back of her mind.

A tail flicks against hers then and she swallows harshly, so unused to the slightest blush that touches her cheek. It is a warmth she once felt so often, one once so familiar. Jaws part again, fangs flashing as if she wants to say something back to her, but she can't. A cough is forced, and finally she can talk. "Thanks for the offer. It, uh, I mean it- it means a lot," She opts to say with a stammer, gaze flicking once to Thundergleam, then back at the sky. She swallows again and dares to flick her tail back against the albino warrior's. For a moment, as brief as it is, she feels like she is back in the caves, her tail twined with a tortoiseshell one, her heart pounding in her chest. But she blinks, and she is only beneath the stars in her own camp, a friend at her side. "I promise not to make you dangle from a tree," Stormywing manages a laugh. "But I bet I can get you onto a branch yet."

She had thought the quietness was what she enjoyed about stargazing- the peace in prayer, but in truth Stormywing's company had been a natural and easy thing that had made tonight even more exciting. Talking about dreams, about inner thoughts... perhaps that was the beauty that the Stars coaxed out from within when they watched so closely. Pink-aurad pupils traced the lines of Stormywing's face, where pale moonlight skated along the clean edges of her features.

Thank you. And those words, to know she had truly done something- touched a heart, in a way no matter how small- it brought more joy to Thundergleam than she could ever describe. To see a glimmer of comfort in Stormywing's golden gaze- and, oh, she hoped she was not imagining it. There was a small prickle beneath her pelt, along the spine-strung bones of her tail, where Stormywing's had flicked against her, returning the playful touch; in the lull of conversation, it brought to Thundergleam a strange, foreign feeling. Not unlike the accomplishment, the happiness she felt when helping another, but ... distinctly different, the strong, fleeting warmth of daylight when she slipped out of the shade for a moment.

Stormywing brought liveliness in from a lull, though ... Thundergleam's gaze flickered with a whispering light, thankful for that softness. It took her a moment to accept that the moment had moved on. "I shall hold you to that bet," she declared, a starlight confidence flitting through her voice.

A yawn overtook her then, eyelids fluttering at butterfly-pace. She let silence settle for a few moment, before soft words split the tranquil waves. "I think I am going to attempt to sleep, now..." She rolled over to her side, ready to haul herself to her feet and settl within the warriors' den. Sleeping here might be nice... but it would not be very welcome in the morning. "Can I persuade you to try, too?"
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The tabby watches Thundergleam with a soft smile, one she doesn’t realize is still on her face as she notes the gentle shift in her friend’s demeanor. The stars do wonders weaving their calming influence, she supposes. "I guess it would be a good idea," She replies almost reluctantly, her voice almost a whisper now, blending with the tranquility of the night. Despite the sleepiness now finding her, she wishes she could just stay here a little longer hanging out. Stormywing rolls to her side and then to her paws, shaking off the last of her restless energy along with the bits of grass and dirt that cling to her.

"Alright, I'll give it a shot," The warrior says with faux exasperation, her tone carrying a hint of humor. "But I prefer the branches." Her gaze meets Thundergleam's with a warm amusement before she follows the other to the warrior’s den. "Thanks for the company tonight. I’m glad you were awake," She admits with a chuff, glancing the albino’s way for a moment before she looks one last time to the stars above. With that, she slips into the den, her thoughts more at ease than they had been earlier in the night. She hopes that sleep will find her soon tonight amidst the comfort of the other she-cat’s presence. She does feel calmer now, after all.