Perhaps the most recent Gathering did have a single positive facet. Blazestar now understands with or without Coyotepaw, WindClan would have attacked SkyClan in their homes. Would they have been successful, with the hard-falling snow, the frostbitten gales? Doubtful. Still, Blazestar summons the pale, spotted tom to his den, and when he speaks, he has no malice in his tone.

"We won't be terribly long. I only wanted to discuss some things," he meows to the young feline. Blazestar remembers the terror in Coyotepaw's eyes during what had essentially been his trial by fire. Fear, perhaps, that Blazestar would morph into Sootstar before his eyes and strike him down. Dandelionwish's account of how things had been in their former Clans has left no doubts in Blazestar's mind that all of its refugees are traumatized deeply.

The Ragdoll settles into his nest and nods for Coyotepaw to sit before him. "How are you adjusting, being back in SkyClan?" His eyes glint with curiosity. "How are the other SkyClanners treating you?"

He knows Coyotepaw's return has had a divisive reception. He now gives the young apprentice a chance to verbalize this, and more importantly, to show Blazestar where his heart lies even through that hardship.

// @Coyotepaw

Angry at all the things I can't change
Blazestar's invitation into the den strikes Coyotepaw's curiosity, laced with a very hefty amount of fear. Warily he pauses his grooming, salmon pink tongue pulling behind its ivory cage before moving to stand to his own paws. Quietly, carefully, he follows behind the pine forest king. Gingerly he steps into the den, green eyes observing the space. No one else seemed to be here, no additional council members to further set his nerves ablaze. That would make things easier, slightly easier than a situation like this could be. He was unsure of what Blazestar wanted with him and that alone made his skin crawl. His mind raced, flipping through a mental checklist of any possible wrongdoings that might have gotten him reported for any reason. He did his chores everyday, he remained in camp, he stayed far away from Dawnglare and Fireflypaw's den, he stayed painfully cordial when he could. Was he missing something?

A lump forms within the boy's throat, thickening as skyclan's leader speaks, questioning him. Was this some sort of trick question? What would happen if he answered honestly? If he could even bring himself to answer honestly and not lie to save face. Perhaps he could give the ragdoll something he wanted to hear, just enough to keep Blazestar happy. His paws shuffle, breath hitching as he looks over his shoulder, longing for the comforting presence of Thistleback. "'s..ah" But the urchin furred lead could not help him here, he had to face this situation on his own. Looking back at Blazestar the air remains pregnant with another heavy pause as he contemplates his options. "He's not Sootstar...maybe I could be honest...maybe."

His gaze falls to the ground below as he makes himself take a seat, posture rigid as he carefully formulates his words. "I-I've always loved skyclan and the pines...adjusting back wasn't hard." He speaks softly. He could never settle within the moors and had many bouts of homesickness. Windclan might have coveted their golden hills and he could not deny that he loved a good run. But there was nothing like the beautiful view from a tall tree. In regard to treatment he visibley frowns before catching himself, hoping to right his expression before Blazestar could notice. Although the attempt may have proven unsuccessful. "There are a few that are nice to me, but its strained at best with anyone else...I just, try to stay out of way. I don't want to cause anymore problems." He murmurs, finally meeting the leader's gaze.
when you're lost in the universe don't lose faith
Coyotepaw is wary, his newleaf eyes flicking to every shadow of Blazestar's den, as if to spot the sterner members of his council. The Ragdoll shakes his head, a small smile on his muzzle. "You aren't in trouble." He begins to wet a forepaw, scrub it against the fluff of his cheeks, and he listens carefully to what Coyotepaw tells him.

The pale apprentice falters, as though he's afraid the truth will land him in a deeper hole. Blazestar cannot say that it wouldn't, not for certain, but he encourages the spotted tom to continue with a nod of his head.

Coyotepaw tells him he's adjusted fairly easily, despite the harsh, unforgiving attitudes of many of his Clanmates. Blazestar flicks the tip of his tail. "It will take time before all of your Clanmates trust you again. Time, and repeated demonstrations of loyalty." He pauses his grooming, meeting the younger cat's gaze. "I've been told you've kept to your duties and have obeyed the guards as required. You've done well."

Blazestar had not spoken to any of his council members about this decision, knowing many of them would disapprove. However, as much as he valued their input, he is still the leader of SkyClan, StarClan-blessed. The Ragdoll meows, "How would you like to be a real SkyClan apprentice again?" Before he allows Coyotepaw to answer, he follows this with, "Training under me."

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Angry at all the things I can't change
A soft smile and gentle words coax him into genuinely believing he is not in some form of trouble. Because of this he is allowed to breathe a little easier now, to relax a little. A wordless nod of his head is offered as his paws cease their restless shuffling, tail coming to rest upon them instead. The ragdoll explains that it will take time and unwavering loyalty to win back the trust of his clanmates. To this he gifts his leader with another nod of understanding. Thistleback said something similar back some time ago. He knew what wa required of him, but the process was far from easy. Praise is the next thing to fall from Blazestar's maw, something that makes his ears perk ever so slightly.

He knew others were keeping tabs on him should he fall into any form of insubordination. But he did not think they would relay any good he might have done around camp. "I'm trying my best." He confesses softly, relieved that all of his effort thus far was not in vain. While things would never be the same, all he could hope for was redemption along with his fresh start. A proposition is offered immediately, causing the boy to blink and marvel at the opportunity presented to him. "I-It would be an honor to train under you Blazestar." Honestly he never would have imagined he would be a normal apprentice after everything that had happened.

He fully believed he would bounce from guard to guard until he was eventually dubbed a warrior at some point. Yet here his leader was, offering some form of normalcy. "Thank you. I'll make you proud, I promise." A small rare smile paints itself across his lips. He was gaining ground, and was one step closer to being considered a true skyclanner again.
when you're lost in the universe don't lose faith
Blazestar nods, pleased Coyotepaw has accepted his proposal with grace. Perhaps his time on probation, flanked by suspicious guards, has given him the chance to reflect on his choices. The spotted tom tells him, "It would be an honor to train under you, Blazestar." He stands, giving his pelt a gentle shake to discourage bits of moss that may cling.

"At the next meeting, I will make the announcement, and you will begin your training again." He flicks a sunkissed ear. "I'll still pair you with other warriors from time to time who specialize in fighting, hunting, or climbing. But you will accompany me everywhere I go."

Blazestar approaches Coyotepaw and presses his nose to the young tom's forehead briefly. "I'm sure you will. But it's SkyClan you must make proud, not me." He pulls his nose away from Coyotepaw.