tell me, muse, of the man of many ways
May 2, 2023

All he had given was an opinion. Honest! All he had said was that he did not think moving their camp so close to where twolegs regularly visisted was a bad idea, and look where being helpful had gotten him. A few words into his (correct) interjection, and Mr. big-shot had butted in and made a huge scene about everything. That he talked too much, or that he was such a malcontent, or that "he thought he would be a better leader than Smokey". And yeah, duh, of course he did. But nobody knew that—he had been trying very hard, on purpose, to not let his true opinions become clear. So even though they were right, they were wrong, still. Because there's no way that they could have known.

At least, that's what Vixen was telling himself.

"Bunch of idiots," he growled to himself, pacing around. All they had given him was a scrap of food and a direction to walk in. Be glad we're giving you even this, Smokey had said—with his stupid, too-big body and his stupid, monotone voice. He must think he's so tough because he thinks he's got a deep voice; what a loser. They'll be dead in a week! That lot! Those losers!

Even though the loser was, very clearly, Vixen. He was now without a home, without a pack, without a friend to his name. While everyone in that group of loners had been an absolute bore or worse, Vixen still knew that he was not a fighter. He could jump and he could run—he was tall and lithe, and whatnot—but that would
only get you so far. Especially against a group: one would tire out much quicker than many.

Having already eaten his meager offerings, Vixen was grumbling as he shook his head and looked from side to side at nothing in particular. Everything looks the same, he groaned. Never having much of a connection to the clans, except for in a passing sense, Vixen was wholly unaware of the territory he had walked onto. Luckily, he picked what was almost certainly the best one for himself. Even if he did know that, Vixen was not quite in the mood to be counting his blessings.

He set his shoulders. "Wish I could see that stupid Smoke-man again; I'd lash him in between the eyes." He spoke, a bit too loudly for someone to normally do when they were just speaking to themselves.