You’re a dream to me ✶ Crowpaw & Oddpaw


Make me a bird of prey
Feb 11, 2024

Sleep came comfortably to Owlpaw these days, if anything it was harder to fight to stay awake when sharing a nest with Crowpaw and Oddpaw. There was comfort to it, the inherent safety of being pressed against her partners, the shared warmth and the sound of their breathing. She tried to not think about how uncomfortable the warmth may be in the coming warmer weather, instead opting to enjoy it in the present. It was particularly hard to stay awake the previous night, she remembers stirring awake because Oddpaw had woken up. She recalls hearing his yawn and presumably addressing Crowpaw but sleep had found her comfortably for the rest of the night. She actually dreamed too, it was quite sweet really. She dreamed of honeyed words from Oddpaw, nicknames in languages that she could both speak and couldn’t. Then she thought about the nickname bestowed upon her by Crowpaw, the thoughts made her smile to herself.

She stretches from the position that she fell asleep in, the sun from the slowly rising sun finding its way to creep inside the apprentices’ den. A small yawn escapes her as her mind drifts off to recall more from that dream of hers, something in the dream gave her pause. She could have sworn that in it Crowpaw and Oddpaw exchanged ‘I love yous' with each other and then with Owlpaw. The thought caused her face to grow warm, she could have sworn that her fur bristled at the idea, she licked her paw to clean her face, hoping to smooth out the stuck out fur in the process. She didn’t feel disgusted, far from it in fact. The idea made her smile, large and bright. It was sweet, the idea of exchanging feelings like that. She wouldn’t deny that she loved her partners, she was padding after them after all. That being said she was certain that she would die if she said I love you, she didn’t want to surprise them with that after all, you’re supposed to wait for the right moment for that kind of thing right? That sounded right to her anyways, while she was comfortable exchanging I love yous with family she was pretty certain that it's supposed to be a big deal to do that with partners.

Her feelings were confusing, both mortified over the idea of her feelings being known like that and yet desperately wanting them to be known. Wanting to tell them that she loved them while fighting the anxiety of trying to navigate when or how she was supposed to do it. It was just a dream though, she could try and figure out how to say it later. Stretching once more she attempted the start of her new routine, trying to wriggle out of the nest without disturbing her partners if they were still awake. Once out of their grasps she moved around their nest to nuzzle her cheek against their heads, first Oddpaw then Crowpaw. “Good morning” she murmured softly, fighting off the urge to yawn again. She resumed her attempt at taming her long fur before the day ahead of them truly began “I had a dream last night, we were all sleeping- well I was trying to sleep, you two weren’t. It was weird, trying to sleep within a dream.” she commented off handedly with a light laugh as she smoothed out the fur on her front legs.

//ooc: this takes place the morning after this thread ! Come get yalls girlfriend @ODDPAW @CROWPAW!

Curled in his shared nest, squished quite comfortably in between his partners. He was safely being pressed against both Crowpaw and Owlpaw on both sides. Feeling a rustle of movement, and eventually an empty spot. He lets out a mumble at the loss of the cozy warmth. He maneuvers himself onto his other side with a small chuff escaping him. The medium feathered calico relishes the larger body of Crowpaw, he burrows himself into the black smoke’s fur. Warm, cozy… He purrs in pure ecstasy.

Oddpaw rotates a silver-cream splattered ear, towards Owlpaw’s voice. Hearing her murmurs of ”Good morning.” Peeling an eye open, he lets a soft whine escapes him in a daze. Really, not wanting to get up from their nest. Their very comfy nest. He’s being dramatic. He settles down from his whining and feels his partner rub her cheek against his head. The tom leans into the affection, with a soft sounding purr. He cranes his neck up, nuzzling Crowpaw's neck fur briefly before he lays his cheek on the edge of the nest. Eyes half-lidded, as he observes his red partner with a purr. "Good morning, my precious doe." Honeyed words fall from his lips, with a hum. His mouth curling into a soft smile. He leans his body up slowly, to crane his neck up to lick under Owlpaw’s chin. My stunning, pretty doe. He lingers under his pretty sunflowered doe, leaning to rub his cheek on her chest with a purr. He eventually drifts away from his red partner, to lay back down in the warm nest. Letting his pale patched head drop at the edge, tail twitching as he watches Owlpaw groom with a hum.

”I had a dream last night, we were all sleeping- well I was trying to sleep, you two weren't. It was weird, trying to sleep within a dream.”

He pauses on going back to sleep, he lifts his head up to face Owlpaw blinking in disbelief. Wha- He studies his partner up and down in shock, he speaks with a melodic whine. "Owlpaw, darling. It was real.." Mismatched brows knitted, and cheeks puffed out in a pout. He couldn't believe his sunkissed doe forgot all about it. How he wants to make her remember the time they all shared. Grooming, purring, warm cuddling, saying ‘I love you's’ He internally sighs at the heavenly thoughts. The pastel-splattered calico shakes his head, as he stares at Owlpaw for a moment. He leans towards his partner, getting onto half of his paws to lean close to the molly in front of him. "...Did you forget the pretty nicknames I spoke?" he murmurs out the question, like a dreamy echo.

  • 1a1e4325bc0a9b8c18aa8a0378a5e293e5cfb5cb.pnj
  • ﹒⋆﹒♡﹒⋆﹒( beware of the silliness!! ) ODDPAW.
    HE / THEY, fine with gendered terms. ; 11 MOONS & AGES EVERY 7TH.
    apprentice of skyclan | formerly a rouge
    bi-pan / single? / polyamorous / padding after crowpaw & owlpaw
    pretty, long-legged medium furred sliver-cream calico with copper eyes.
    battle notesthoughts ; "Speech, ac7d88" ; attacks only
    may powerplay minor harm ╱ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    smells like caramel frappe & chilled stone
    — all opinions are ic

    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by calzone
Unfortunately for the black smoke, not only was he a light sleeper but on his days off he would rise from slumber before the sun rose. Suffice to say he'd been up for some now and the events of late night activities of yesterday had been a dent in his sleeping schedule. Not that he regrets losing some shut eye being helpless from the affection of his partners nor does he regret drowning them in his own feelings for them. Fortunately this was his day off, not needing to leave them. The lack of sleep was getting to him alright, finding himself jerking his head up before ultimately giving up and laying his head down against bedding. By the time Owlpaw woke up to start her day, in his half asleep state would grumble as she detangled herself from them. His displeasure is soothed when he feels a smaller frame shift under his arm, closer to him.

Black ears flick and a singular hazel eye opens. "Sun... Warm," he purrs as Oddpaw burrows themselves into his fluffy fur. Ever greedy the black smoke would tighten his grip around the calico and shift their bodies so he would put some weight on the other apprentice. It's not enough to crush the small apprentice. as if remedying the possible discomfort, he would nuzzle their head. As he pulls away, another source of warmth makes it's presence known. Both eyes open sleepily he looks at the red tabby in pure adoration. "Mmmorning star." She moves on before he gets the chance to reciprocate her affection properly, yet watching her do the same to the calico in his embrace melts his heart. His grip on said calico looses and he gives them some space.

A yawn escapes his maw, as he stretches his limbs. Bliss. This is bliss. A genuine sleepy, creepy (depending on who you asked) smile is thrown his partners way. Though Oddpaw's whining causes him to chuff, "Sooo needy." However, let it be known Crowpaw teases poor Oddpaw for this while drawing close to the calico again as if he were a moth drawn to a flame. Purrs rumble from his throat as his neck is nuzzled briefly. Cute. You're so cute. Much like Oddpaw he lowers his head to the rest against their nest, watching the scene unfold before him sleepily.

Unlike Oddpaw however, he was slightly offended from her allegations. So much so he raises his head to look at her with a pout, "You were up too! For a bit. Nooo fair Owl, you went back to sleep before I could kiss you." A frustrated huff leaves his maw. Still recalling the agony of having to hold back his affections. How amusing it must be for her to see her partners pouted over the calling it a dream. Had Crowpaw not been exhausted he would have explained the situation. No fair I wanted to hold you properly!

Oddpaw asks her inquiries he should have been asking himself, yet a spark of mischief ignites. The black smoke lurches forward, slinging an arm around Oddpaw's neck. "Did you for get Odd's cute squeak?" As if this wasn't enough for him to get punted into the sun, he continues, "Owlie he's so cute. They didn't want to let you go at all. Resting his head on you and nuzzling your pretty face. You both are so cute." After throwing his partner under the bus, he removes his arm and rises to his paws. He gazes at the red furred molly with unblinking eyes. How could you think it was a dream?

"It's your fault for saying I love you first Owlpaw. Take responsibility." Frustration laces his words, but before she can even have a chance to retort or even piece together the gravity of that statement the black smoke would leap at her. Attempting to pin her. If successful he would nuzzle against her cheek, "I love you. I love Oddpaw too. We both love you." The calico was not forgotten as he stops his ministrations to gaze lovingly towards his other partner. "Come here. Let's remind her."
  • — crowpaw / skyclan apprentice / masculine pronouns / 11 moons
    — undecided / polyamorous / padding after oddpaw and owlpaw
    — long haired black smoke with hazel eyes and polydactyly
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou

"Owlpaw, darling. It was real.."​
Owlpaw blinked in rapid succession, which was a rarity in itself due to the well known fact that she often forgot to blink until her eyes stung. Face scrunching as she tried to recall the night prior upon Oddpaws prompting, she could vaguely remember waking up because he had woken up. Crowpaw had come back to their shared nest late, she remembered that too. Beyond that things had become foggy, she stared at the calico in disbelief, tilting her head slightly as she attempted to separate what had happened in reality and what was in her ‘dream’. She considered the nicknames that Oddpaw had called her. “I think I remember them? Did you… You called me-” before she could reply properly she found herself distracted. Eyes following the movement of Crowpaw slinging an arm around his neck.

She didn’t register that his question about Oddpaw’s squeak was a question out of mischief and instead considered it with the same heaviness as the other question that the calico had asked her. “Are you sure that was real? I didn’t think he could sound like that” she was pretty certain that she had never heard Oddpaw squeak before, a small smile bloomed on her face as she considered it. He kind of sounded like a mouse, her smile grew a little at the thought and Owlpaw couldn’t help but laugh, it was soft and light, no malice behind it more akin to remembering a funny joke.

"It's your fault for saying I love you first Owlpaw. Take responsibility." Her laughter is cut short by her partner's words, she couldn’t help but return Crowpaw’s stare. They had done this dance before, however, unlike other times where they had found themselves unblinking there was tension from Owlpaw. Not directed towards the smoke, not intentionally anyways. Her mind was drowning in too many thoughts at the fact that she said I love you first. The tabby vaguely recalled mumbling something to the two going to bed, it wouldn’t be impossible to believe that she said it first, the topic of love had been on her mind lately. This was extremely embarrassing if true, it wasn’t like either of them to lie to her though so she was slowly reaching the conclusion of acceptance. She realised with surprise that she was upset, once again not with either of her partners but with herself. Of course she would speak without thinking, she had noticed that when tired her usual self control slipped. She hoped that it hadn't ruined anything, if it did though then they wouldn’t be so upset that she thought it was a dream, right?

Too wrapped up in thought she offered no resistance to Crowpaws attempt to pin her. If anything, the act brought her back to reality, against her better judgement she purred as he nuzzled against her cheek. “I-” she goes to say ‘I’m sorry’ but cuts herself short. She wasn’t sure what she was even apologising for, it just felt like she had to. The urge to apologise grappled with her desire to return their affections. In the end, after quiet deliberation she had decided to let the need for affection win “I love you, my beautiful bird” . It's quiet, quieter than normal for her, barely above a whisper. Her heart pounded, Owlpaw was used to only being formal. Nicknames weren't something that she normally assigned, she couldn't recall when she had ever given one.

This felt right though, Crowpaw, despite the literal connection, was a beautiful bird to her. Birds were safe for the tabby, something just out of reach despite how much she yearned to catch it. He was beautiful too, she wondered if he saw that, at the moment she deemed it appropriate to make her thought of his beauty known. Owlpaw was already out of her depth so it only felt appropriate to push it a little further. She tilted her head so she could catch a glimpse of Oddpaw just barely out of the corner of her eye “I love you too, my daisy.” She recalled the first time she had properly spent time with Oddpaw. The daisy she had given him was pretty, at the time she didn't think that it had suited him but now she did. There was a purity to him, not literally but in the way that he loved, the way he cared, it was pure and vibrant. Of course… It did help that she pictured a literal daisy when she looked at them. She still felt a little strange about her choices, a part of her still wanted to apologise. Perhaps the apology was now twisted for the fact that her confession (even though she had said i love you the night prior) was clunky, not what she wanted to give them nor what she thought they deserved.​

Silver-cream ears flick as he hears Crowpaw rustle behind him, still pouting at Owlpaw's words. "Sooo needy." The pastel splashed calico hears his dark partner chuff. He lets out a small whine at that. He IS needy. He wants his doe to remember the night prior! He twitches his tail behind him, as he fully sits on his haunches with a sleepy yawn splitting his maw. Ear perking up at Owl's words on remembering something. He opens his lips to speak, but is cut short by Crowpaw's hulking figure, which lunges at him and wraps a dark arm around his neck. "Whuh-"

"Did you forget Odd's cute squeak?" Oh, he's so going to punt his dark knight into the sun when he gets the chance. He gapes as he looks over at the black smoke, with wide eyes and a faint dusting of pink. Why?! Feeling his ears grow warm, he angles them near his skull not quite touching it. He looks over at his partner with a pout, with dusting of pink across his face. "Don't tell her that one! Crooow!" He lets out a whine in embarrassment, he buries his burning face against Crowpaw's neck fur. He moves a little to bite gently at the black smoke's neck. You handsome, charming meanie... hmph. He gives up on his poor excuse of biting his dark partner. He lifts his head from the other toms neck, with a huff.

But unfortunately, the other tom continues speaking. Throwing him under the bus, he lets out grumbles. "Owlie he's so cute. They didn't want to let you go at all. Resting his head on you and nuzzling your pretty face. You both are so cute." Being called cute, Of course makes him preen. He turns his head towards the red molly with a soft smile, one full of warmth and adoration swimming in his copper eyes. Hearing her voice was a joy in itself, but her laugh he wanted to melt. He flicks an ear, hearing Crowpaw speak that all this was Owlpaw's fault. Oh dear.. He looks back and forth between the two with knitted brows, gnawing the inside of his cheek.

Though it surprises him, he watches as his dark partner leap at the red tabby and pin her. With his ears forward, he hears Crowpaw say, "I love you. I love Oddpaw too. We both love you." Watching as the black smoke, nuzzle their partner's cheek. Oh, how he wants to join them, he wants to nuzzle his pretty doe too!

And he gets to, as soon as Crowpaw utters the words, he leaps out of their shared nest. Long limbs taking him straight to his two most enthralling treasures. Starry-eyed copper hues that were glimmering with pure adoration, he lets out soft purrs. "My pretty, elegant doe. I love you." He leans down, to rub his cheek against hers. His tail swept along the ground behind him. The tom pauses his ministrations as he hears her say his new nickname. “I love you too, my daisy.” Daisy, daisy, daisy. He replays the word in his head. He rubs his cheek against hers more, with his gentle purrs joining hers and Crowpaw. Speaking of the black smoke, he hasn't forgotten him either. "I love you too, my darling knight." He lifts his head slightly, to rub his cheek against the black smoke's.

  • 1a1e4325bc0a9b8c18aa8a0378a5e293e5cfb5cb.pnj
  • ﹒⋆﹒♡﹒⋆﹒( beware of the silliness!! ) ODDPAW.
    HE / THEY, fine with gendered terms. ; 11 MOONS & AGES EVERY 7TH.
    apprentice of skyclan | formerly a rouge
    bi-pan / single? / polyamorous / padding after crowpaw & owlpaw
    pretty, long-legged medium furred sliver-cream calico with copper eyes.
    battle notesthoughts ; "Speech, ac7d88" ; attacks only
    may powerplay minor harm ╱ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    smells like caramel frappe & chilled stone
    — all opinions are ic

    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by calzone
"Why not?" The black smoke whines as he feels his partner bury themselves into his neck. "It was adorable. I want to hear more," he grumbles. Owlpaw would agree too! His distraction proves to be his undoing when he feels something sharp pinch his neck. Instinctively he jolts, fur bristling from the sudden sensation, "Oddpaw!" And then the criminal in question has the gall to look at him and huff, as if he was the one who bit the calico. "We don't bite! you can't just bite me!" They've never bitten each other, it had never occurred to him to bite his partners at all. However, the temporary confusion and exasperation fades into revenge. Without thinking about it he quickly turns and bites Oddpaw's neck. There is an issue with this. All reason was clouded with revenge that he forwent controlling his strength. A pleased purr rumbles from his throat as he held onto Oddpaw's neck, before letting go and turning to Owlpaw once more.

Thrilled he is to have her in his grasp. All is right with the world and last nights grief of not being able to properly shower her with his affection. He is proven right when she calls him her beautiful bird, the black smoke freezes for a moment. Beautiful? He never considered himself beautiful. Beautiful was reserved for the likes of Oddpaw and Owlpaw. Unlike them, he had a scar on his lip which exposed bits of his teeth. That was not beautiful. No, you're wr-... Copper eyes look show nothing but pure adoration. His breath hitches. He can see it. He is her world just as she is for him. Both Owlpaw and Oddpaw are his world and too see that within her gaze is enough. Maybe he is beautiful. Just a little. Misty eyed at her words he buries himself into her neck to hide for a moment to recollect himself. "I'm yours," he mumbles against into her fur before shifting to allow Oddpaw better access to their beloved.

As he gazes lovingly at his partners cooing, purrs resound from him. Daisy that is what Owlpaw called Oddpaw and he can't help but think it suits them. They're as beautiful as daisies. In truth, he doesn't mind if Oddpaw and Owlpaw continue to express affection towards one another. However he won't say no to any of them speaking words of love nor gentle embraces. Night? You two are going to be the death of me huh? A small smile spreads across his maw, nuzzling against Oddpaw. A black paw is placed atop a white paw, "I'm sorry for being so mean, my beautiful sun. I'll make it up to you, anything you want is yours." Said paw moves to caress his partners cheek expressing remorse for the trouble he's caused. He tilts his head towards to Owlpaw seconds later while continuing to caress Oddpaw. "That goes for you too, my shining star. You were trying to sleep but I couldn't help it. You were too cute. Anything you ask is yours."
  • — crowsight / skyclan warrior / masculine pronouns / 12 moons
    — undecided / polyamorous / padding after oddpaw and owlheart
    — long haired black smoke with hazel eyes and polydactyly
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou