private YOU’RE ALL I TALK ABOUT [slateheart]

➴➴ Not too long ago, Gravelsnap had attempted to ask for their brother’s advice. It feels rather stupid, looking back on it now, but their worries had felt so real. So tangible. Periwinklebreeze had brought back three random black-and-white kits to camp, claiming that he’d simply stumbled across them. What cat in their right mind wouldn’t assume that the lead warrior had sired a litter and brought his kits back with him? Gravelsnap is grateful that Slateheart had suggested simply talking to Periwinklebreeze about it—without that accusation spoken aloud, without the misunderstanding driving a wedge between them both, without the two of them clearing the air… none of this would have ever happened.

Now, they relax beside their littermate with much less weight upon their shoulders. Their brother was once so distant from them, and sometimes he still feels faraway. So high above them, a lead warrior alongside Peri while Gravelsnap remains stuck in place. They don’t mind, not truly—they have grown used to looking up at their loved ones. They make idle conversation as they eat, occasionally glancing over at Slateheart. "I can’t wait for the grass to regrow. When flowers start to grow back, I want to gather some for Peri. He loves flowers, you know… I feel bad that he had to watch them burn." They consider for a moment that they may be talking a bit too much about their mate, but they can’t stop now. Their chest feels full, nearly bursting with emotion, and a smile settles upon their muzzle.

  • ooc: @slateheart
  • 58921334_LvhpdhRxLH7s4eM.png
    GRAVELSNAP ❯❯ they/he, moor runner of windclan
    average-sized black and white warrior who seems smaller than he is. speaks rarely and quietly.
    mate to periwinklebreeze ; sibling to slateheart
    mentoring sheeppaw ; formerly mentored thriftfeather
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore
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It is nice to see Gravelsnap with a smile for once. Slateheart remembers his littermate being bright and ambitious as an apprentice, but a whole grump ever since warriorhood. It always made things awkward between them - already bad with his words, he couldn't ever manage to bring a reasonable conversation topic to the table.

Love must have done wonders for them, though. After all the distance between them, Gravelsnap rests next to him now while Slateheart grooms himself, currently picking at the dirty fur between his paw pads. He listens in to his littermate's chatter peacefully, albeit surprised that they are doing most of the talking this time around. All the while, he can't help but smile too.

" Hmm.. " he hums thoughtfully. He remembers vising the sun-warmed pool a while ago, and coming across Shiverspirit with a bundle of freshly grown flowers. " Shiverspirit found some by the sun-warmed pool not too long ago. Perhaps you may still find some there. " He would help, of course, if asked. It would be nice to have an excuse to dip his paws in and get out of this sufferable heat.

He falls quiet again as Gravelsnap continues talking, content to just listen. " I'm happy that you're happy, " he muses at some point while he finishes with his paw and lazily lays back to lean against his sibling. Perhaps I will find that happy one day, too.

SLATEHEART ( he/him )​

( ooc ) text