pafp YOU’RE ELECTRIC, BABY ࿏ being followed

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The sun was hot this afternoon, golden rays set ablaze by something too complex for the tortoiseshell child to comprehend. Mama wouldn’t let her take a dip in the river on her own, not without a set of a grown ups watchful eyes on her, and Pinekit couldn’t be bothered to pester anyone to supervise her today, or convince Iciclefang to join her.
Still, alabaster-dipped paws had found themselves running along the rocky shore anyhow- though their mission had taken a drastic change. Ever since she had been specially chosen by her uncle to help sort through his strangely large collection of pebbles, Pinekit had been trying to keep a closer eye out for her own… collectible niche. She wouldn’t want to be accused of copying the lead warrior.
Freckled forelimbs stop at seemingly a randomized place on the shore, where frosty river water laps feebly at her toes. In less than a heartbeat, she begins to dig, throwing clumps of silt, muddied rock, and sand in every direction until her treasure was unearthed. A shell, nothing miraculous or large, it was small, black with patches of white encroaching through its edges, and it was now hers.
The reed stalks nearby tremble unnaturally, the sifting noise they make as they rub together quick to catch Pinekit’s attention. Yet, there’s no one there. The brindled kitten brushes it off and turns away, put one foot in front of the other, she takes a step.
She hears the reed stalks sing their hushed song. Another step, another rustle.
“I know you’re there!” Confidently, abrasively, Pinekit whirls around with her brows furrowed- hoping to the stars that someone was actually following her.

  • PAFP — @Shimmerkit.

  • PINEKIT she/her, kit of riverclan, 2 moons.
    plush-furred tortoiseshell she-kit with white dipped forepaws, tail tip, and muzzle and round, honey hued optics.
    daughter of Iciclefang && Stormywing ࿏ sister to Cragkit && Crabkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Shimmerkit had thought she had silently following Pinekit pretty well. She, unfortunately, did not pay much notice to herself unintentionally making the reeds tremble, thus giving her away. When Pinekit whirls around, yelling out that she knew someone was there, Shimmerkit stumbles forward in surprise.

When she righted herself, she looked at Pinekit sheepishly. "Hiiiii Pinekit," She said, putting on a sweet voice. Her blue eyes dropped down to the shell Pinekit had dug up, eyeing it eagerly. "That's a cool shell! It's really pretty. I wish I had one like that." Although she isn't expecting Pinekit to hand it over, Shimmerkit can't help but think back to her encounter with offering to help Cascadepaw and Ferngill to help find purple shells. "I might have had one too if not for Midnightpaw..." Shimmerkit grumbled. The blue tabby looks away briefly before perking back up, "Maybe we can help each other? I can help you find more shells, or whatever it is you're looking for, and you can help me!"
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bio ₊˚✧ ゚. Shells? Now that's something that makes his ears twitch with forgotten curiosity. He's been careful to keep his items, even with the moons ago shift to the apprentices den, shiny things, that glint and surround his nest. His temperament is especially nasty, it looms over him, but the sight of kitten duo, and more importantly to him, the topic of discussion.

Bitepaw has to bite back the instinctive 'you both suck', he's ready offer to anyone other than kits, and in a shocking display of self control settles for the tamer: "You're going to have to try harder then that." He's eager to hop on his high-horse about collecting, always primed to be snide about it. In his early years he'd been eager to submerge himself and get hot in the face over being unable to find anything seemed to have been a chunk of his kithood.

Joining Pinekit and Shimmerkit by the shore, keeping his belly low to peer at the water, sand shifting under him. "If you look at the bottom you can find sometimes find shiny things." He can't help himself, curious about the duo's endeavor.
"What are you looking for Pinekit?" Bitepaw's eyes remain on the nothingness he's seeing, shuffling to see further down the shoreline. "And what are you after, Shimmerkit?"

-ˋˏ ༻ ❆༺ ˎˊ- Thankfully, Pinekit’s instincts had been right. Critical features pinch together as it is Shimmerkit that emerges from the reeds, her sheepish greeting relaxing the she-kits wariness only slightly. “What’re you doing, Shimmerkit?” Pinekit prompts, a brow bone quirking softly. Her denmates eyes fall to her unearthed treasure, and subconsciously the kitten pulls it closer to her protectively. Pinekit’s head tilts as Shimmerkit goes on, feeling a pang of empathy when the other reminisces on her own stolen treasure, stars knew her brothers had gotten their grubby paws on plenty of her things before. So, her offer to help each other is taken in serious consideration, and finally Pinekit shrugs. “ ‘Kay, but you don’t gotta follow me all sneaky like that… it’s weird.” While her tone isn’t exactly malicious, there is a certain judgment added a pointed edge to her words. She gestures her peer forward with a dappled tail, “I was gonna look further down here…” Bitepaw’s sudden presence is quick to earn Pinekit’s attention, wide honey hues watching as the apprentice crouches into the water. Shiny things.. his words echo in her mind, and she looks to Shimmerkit, as though silently gauging her reaction to his advice.
Bitepaws question draws forth a shrug that the apprentice wouldn’t see, “I dunno… interesting things.” Her answer is vague, but it was the truth.

  • PINEKIT she/her, kit of riverclan, 4 moons.
    plush-furred tortoiseshell she-kit with white dipped forepaws, tail tip, and muzzle and round, honey hued optics.
    daughter of Iciclefang && Stormywing ࿏ sister to Cragkit && Crabkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Shimmerkit waits with bated breath for Pinekit to respond, for some reason assuming the other kit was going to immediately shoo her away. She sets herself up for disappointment and is pleasantly surprised when Pinekit agreed to her terms and let her stay. "Yay! Thank you!" She responded enthusiastically, purring in excitement. Shimmerkit considered bumping heads with the other but thinks that might have been a bit too forward so holds off.

When Pinekit mentions looking further ahead, Shimmerkit nods and moves forward, pale blue eyes scanning for anything of interest. Like her peer, her attention is caught by Bitepaw's sudden appearance and her focus flickers to him as he mentions finding shiny things at the bottom of the water. "What sort of shiny things?" Shimmerkit asks, her eyes boring into him intently. There is a brief before she adds, "I'm looking for shells! Have you seen any interesting ones?" Though what could be considered interesting in Shimmerkit's eyes remained to be seen.
Shell hunting, aren't we?” The tall warrior would inquire with a tilt of her head as she smiles softly at the kits and apprentice. The subtle increase of twolegs around along with roaming dogs, she happened to be more alert and didn't want anything happen to the younger population of Riverclan. Her ears swivel slightly as she ponders on about where some interesting shells could be at without leaving the vicinity of camp, and it was usually along the shallow waters surrounding camp. Nothing could happen as along as she was aware to them and their surroundings, she could search for shells or anything shiny that interested Pinekit.

We can go look by the water. Just point at anything you want and I'll get it for you, okay?” Troutsnout would respond as blinks at Shimmerkit's statement about Midnightpaw. How miserable did you have to be to steal from a kit? Wasn't it enough that almost the entirety of Riverclan disliked you for your actions and behavior? An sigh leaves her lips as she attempts to gentle pat Shimmerkit's crown with an white paw, leaning down some. “Next time if you want or need something, come get me. Okay?” The spotted warrior would respond with an comforting smile as she glances over her shoulder and watches around for a moment.