hound dog.
Jun 20, 2024

notes for my own reference
- Used to be named just " Dog "; gifted to him as part of a litter of foundlings who were adopted into the Marsh Colony. Changed at his request to better fit in with the Clans. Cold for his demeanour, bite for his brutality in battle.
- A big, canine - looking fellow who shirks the usual small, lean WindClan build. He's got a certain brutishness to him, though he was considered quite the looker when he was younger. Black - and - white markings which bear a marked resemblance to a dog, complete with dark gray - blue eyes and a perpetual poker face. Carries a great deal of scars from the harsh pre - Clans world and the Great Battle as well as some from his time as a WindClan warrior.
- A gruff, stoic " patrol guy " type who, not entirely incorrectly, tends to be pigeonholed as an unfeeling grunt. More than a touch closed - off with a hardened exterior that does not conceal any inner softness—this warrior is the same all the way through. A tom of few words, those he deals out are strictly functional. Happy to let his mate do the talking on the rare occasion that they're together.
- Places a great emphasis on strength as the defining point of his worldview and the scale by which he measures his Clanmates' merits and thus their importance. Possesses a quiet appreciation for the mundane things in life. Has no greater aspirations than serving his Clan as a footsoldier and settling into a warrior's life alongside his mate, except perhaps starting a family.
- His two brothers, Hound and Puppy, both perished in bloody fights during the Great Battle. Coldbite isn't the type to linger on his grief and has long accepted that the two died exactly how they would have wanted to. He did, however, miss the comfort of a partnership in survival, at least until he met his mate, Mossthorn.
- While not especially grandiose or passionate, his love for his mate is as steady and unmoving as the ground beneath his paws, and equally as valued. He prefers their relationship to function as something almost like a partnership, working and fighting alongside one another as part of the greater Clan unit. He's a very functional mate, and though the two sleep in separate nests and only occasionally spend time together, she means a great deal to him.
- Best known and named for his brutal efficiency in battle, which his scars are a testament to. His raw and unstructured brawling style can appear unskilled at first glance, but is simply the method he's adopted and prefers. Excels at fatal or near - fatal choking moves, hard hits in quick succession, and tanking hits. His brute ferocity and ruthlessness lends him an unpredictability that gives him an edge. Owing to fighting style and size, he lacks severely in the stealth and agility categories, and would be well - matched by a smaller enemy capable of outmaneuvering him.
- Art by the lovely Jay!

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