border you and i know we exist / lost kitten


blue and gold.
Dec 9, 2024
The last thing she remembered before being taken from her mother was the softness and warmth of her fur. However, when large, burly, Twoleg paws grasped her, she was lost.

This twoleg had ran with her for quite some ways, before getting rid of her. Why? Reasons unknown to the kitten, for all she remembered. She just remembered being in the air, before crashing into the snow. Snow that was her color. Snow that would have provided hiding. No one would know she was here. Lapis managed to crawl her way out of the snowdrift, which was a lot larger than she was. Only to be sent tumbling down.

From there... Life was difficult. The frigid air bit at her. She still had to move, because if she didn't, well, she believed she had a far worse fate in store. The marshlands seemed to offer some shelter, at the least. The pine needles that cover the ground helped her paws hurt less, even if just a little.

It felt all for naught when she slipped on some mud, crashing onto the ground. Now her coat was muddy, and she didn't even know if her twolegs wanted her like this. The pure white kitten nearly began crying but decided to put on a brave face. She tried to get up, but each time she did, it almost felt as though the mud was freezing over, more and more. It eventually caused her to call out. "H-hey! Can anyone help me, please?"

  • ooc: text
  • Lapis is an abandoned kittypet, sitting at 2 moons. She is of the Khao Manee breed, being pure white with heterochromatic blue and gold eyes. She was left in ShadowClan territory.
A white ear flicks from the sound of a tiny voice. No kits escaped camp, if I recall correctly. As troublesome as her clanmates were, she would say they had some sense. The queens took care of their young, refusing to let them out of their sight. Perhaps that was due to how Shadowclan lived in torrid times as of late. She could remember a time when Ferndance left camp to give birth to her kits. An apprentice had died as a result and from there, Shadowclan was a bit more strict on its queens. They had the former lead warrior to thank for that.

It is out of curiosity that her paw leads her to the tiny voice. Her white pelt blends in with the snow, making it difficult to spot her. This was the time she bore an advantage to a great bulk of her clanmates. After all, most of Shadowclan bore dark pelts. They would stick out like a sore thumb against powdery white. Stormy blue lands on a muddy white kit. Where are your parents? Ever so slowly she towers over the kit. Hmm... You've been through a lot haven't, you?

The longer she gazes at the muddy kit, the more she can see herself. However, she was not alone. This kit was all alone. Whatever tribulations the kitten faced was unknown to her, but even without knowing... It was obvious that they had endured. "Don't squirm or I'll drop you and leave you there." It is the only warning she gives the kit, before carrying them by the scruff. Contrary to what Vulturesong had said earlier, had the kitten squirmed she held on.

Eventually, Shadowclan's entrance to camp comes to view. Certainly her clanmates wouldn't be thrilled about another mouth to feed, but it wasn't like she was bringing a fully grown cat into camp. This was a kit. It had no means of surviving other than sheer luck, especially with how brutal Leaf Bare was at the moment. If the clan knew any better they would remain silent about the matter. After all, it was part of their rules that kittens were allowed to join. It would be up to Ternstar to decide what will happen to the kit next.

Vulturesong simply deposits the kit in camp, uncaring of how overwhelming it could be for them to be surrounded by so many cats. "Here you are." She points with her tail to the medicine cat den. "Go there. The medicine cat will help you." If the kitten expected her to hold their paw the entire time, they would be wrong. All they had asked for was help, and by all means Vulturesong had completed that task. Everything else was in the kittens paws.

Ternstar 24 Moons Female She/Her Leader of Shadowclan

—— Abandoned kits in leaf-bare - Why was it always abadonded kits in leaf-bare?'

Its a question Ternstar finds herself asking more then once over the moons - from stories of her own denmates origins, to bundles found much later. Of course, its not as though Shadowclan doesn't have it's fair share of orphans showing up year-round either, mind tiredly flitting to Moltfaces own bundle of kits. And despite the additional burden such a situation poses, Ternstar has no intention of turning the child away - not yet, anyways.

Eyes narrow as the molly draws herself to her paws, padding over to take a good look at the bundle of fur that Vulturesong has taken it upon herself to bring back to camp. Snow-frosted and mud streaked, the runt. " What happened? " the scent of twolegs is faint, but definitely there, and she can barely keep from wrinkling her muzzle. Surely, they hadn't tossed yet another unfortunate soul into carrionplace without a care?

If they are simply a wayward kittypet grown to adventurous? She will send them home with a warning. But another lost soul, orphaned, abandoned without a home? Shadowclan is full of oddities anyways - what's one more?

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

E V E R Y B O D Y - W A N T S - T O - B E - M Y - E N E M Y

A frown graces her features as Ternstar bounds towards her. And here I thought my task was complete. Vulturesong says nothing as the molly inspects the bundle of fur she brought back to camp. Amusement twinkles in stormy blue as the blue gray she-cat scrunches her nose. Ah, yes, the scent of this kit was quite unpleasant. Carrying the thing all the way to camp had pleasantly burned her nostrils. "The kitten was found alone, asking for help," she answers. Before the leader can ask for an elaboration, she intercepts them.

"No twoleg was nearby looking for her, and it was clear she had traversed some distance through the snow and mud. Who knows how long the kit has been out there." That's enough she'll give on the matter. If Ternstar assumed she would be taking in the kit as her own as a reward for finding her, the leader would be sorely mistaken. Looking after kits was not her specialty. She was not gentle or kind. What the kit would be met with was violence and brutality. Perhaps one of the queens will take this kit in. That is, if this kit was going to stay in Shadowclan.
It only took, what, two minutes before her life was turned essentially upside down? Help she asked for, and help she got, in the form of another pure white cat, like herself. She was about to speak, but then was very quickly picked up by the scruff. In light of the warning, she does her best not to move, most of it coming from her breathing. "Okay," she had responded, calmly, quietly. She glanced around, trying to figure out where they were going. Nowhere near her twoleg's home, that was for sure. When ShadowClan's camp came into view, she was unsure what to think about it. This looked... a little worse for wear, honestly. However, beggars couldn't be choosers. It was better than having no shelter at all. There were so many cats, though. What was she supposed to do?

Thankfully, right after she's dropped off in the camp, Vulturesong answered her question. Flicked her tail, told her to go to the medicine cat. That was it. No tell of where they were. She wanted to ask, but given Vulturesong's demeanor, it was perhaps better to ask this medicine cat. Lapis went and turned, about a couple of steps in when another cat joined them.

Was that another pure-white cat? No, wait, only her face was white. What an oddity. Though, she supposed, in this land, she wasn't much different. Most of the cats that she had seen had dark-colored pelts. She looked at the leader, still caked in mud and some pine needles, but Vulturesong answered. Okay, that was fine, she could add onto it. "Uh yeah, what the kind cat said!" She first started by agreeing, and the "kind cat" meant Vulturesong. She did help, even though she seemed far more blunt than Lapis. "My name is Lapis, and I was being taken care of by twolegs, until one day, another Twoleg came and took me with them. Then, I was tossed out into the snow, and wandering." This felt... awkward. Though she was very deadpan, she didn't want to be able to cut tension in the air with her claws. So, very quickly, she added on. "It's nice to meet all of you."

  • ooc: text
  • Lapis is an abandoned kittypet, sitting at 2 moons. She is of the Khao Manee breed, being pure white with heterochromatic blue and gold eyes. She was left in ShadowClan territory.